45-hp 1530 Diesel... Whether you want a No. 1 or No. 2 Tractor the 1530 should be your first choice If you can do all your farming with a 40- to" 50-hp tractor, you’ll really tike the 1530 with its high-torque, variable-speed diesel engine that’ll put a lot of snap in all your equipment Or if you’re looking for a loader tractor, you'll appreciate the 1530's 8-speed transmission with built-in shuttle shift And its power steering and hydraulic brakes Stop in soon and get the details on this HLgaaSS tractor that can fit into any farming operation Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 A. B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 354-4191 I•••••••••• FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING ore not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands -r- and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with qur weekly newspaper. We II be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (you'll be doing both them and us a favor!) Street Address & R.D, City, State and Zip Code City, State and Zip Code (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE. Name Address City □ Enclosed is $2 for 1 yr. [52 issues] jiff subscription. □ Enclosed is $3 for 2 yr. (104 issues] gift subscription. □ Send a gift card frith my name on itto the above. Sign the card: PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO: LANCASTER FARMING Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnton, RD2, Pa. 19540 piw?2»]Sh»i. Shotzberger's Elm 665-2141 P.O. BOX 266. lITITZ, PA, 17563 M. S. Yeorsley & Sons Westchester 696-2990 Street Address & R.D. Nome Address City C Enclosed is $2 for 1 yr. |52 issues] □ Enclosed is S 3 for 2 yrs. (104 issues] I first saw Lancaster Farming: □ In a friend’s home □ In a Agribusiness office □ In a County Agent or other government office □ Other [Where] SEW WHAT? THIS WISH • PATTERN S ■ V AUORKT LANK fAaka fba trimming hands #f this (wmp#r match tha hhutt end yau II hava m striking outfit No 3304 comas m sizti ?2Vi fa 22Vj fn sir* M f /j fbu*f 37J fiimptr fair#* 2% yards af 44 inch fabric; b/ousa and trimming hands, 2 yards of 44 inch fabric T ho crocheted huf mo fight sweat er m«y fro worn ofono or with • fe/ouio Crochof m your fmvnto color or color to metch a skirt* Send fmr Pattern No* 1026 Stnrf SOi for oath dross pattern, 30< for ooch noodftwork potforn (add Is| for each dross pattom, TOf for •«efi needlework poffom for mailing and handling! to AUD9EY LANE tU 9EAU, Morris Heins, New Jerseyo79so Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports FACTORY CLEARANCE 40' x 100' MULTI-PURPOSE FARM LARGE DOORS TO THE LARGEST FA&JjS MWKNTW mffttjj ™ E POSSIBILITIES OF DESIGN ARE PRACTIALLY m&m HURRY THIS SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES WHEN CURRENT INVENTORIES RUN OUT. WRITE OR CALL COLLECT. J ADDRESS I Sli IF BUILDING PLANNED-WIDTH J I L» 2/7/74 ■ THE STEEL DEAL ALL STEEL £ g M Afe BUILDING Mm. MM M M WITH URGE i|J|ll door and a ENDWAULS. m W Discounts also available on all other sizes of buildings. rLTS"i hnnr. p~or Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Dec. 7,1974—1 [F.0.6. Chicago) INDUSTRY all 22 GAUGE STEEL BUILDING AND DOORS TELEPHONE X LENGTH 9