Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 16, 1974, Image 6

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—-Lancaster Farmlni, Saturday, Nov. 16, 1974
NOV. 18-24, 1974
Yet one smile more, departing, distant Sun.
You cun transplant some hardy trees still . , . Joseph
Kennedy, Sr. died Nov, 18, 1909 .., Alowives back in sea .. .
First (juartcr of the Moon Nov. 21 . . . Lincoln’s Gettysburg
Address Nov. 19, 1803 , . . Average length of days for week,
9 hours, 30 minutes .. . Battle of Tarawa this week 1943 .. .
Coast of Chile rose 3 feet Nov. 19, 1822 . . . Sadie Hawkins
Day Nov. 18 ... Robin Hood died Nov, 24,1247 ... Fear not
the day you have not seen.
Old Fanner's Riddle: What’s the latest thing in dresses? (An*
swer below.)
gency, shot the
ship’s gun to hasten the event along. Hence, “son of a gun.’’
Do you believe this? G. 8., Brooklyn,
Yes, this is true. Descriptions of such events map be found
among the traditions of the whaling days and mo chant ser
vice, and even more often in those of the old English Navy
when married men were allowed to have their wives visit
them on board ship.
H«m* Hint*. Every once in a whik. loosen the soil of house plants with an
old table fork . Riddle antiier Niirht dresses
New England: Early week partly cloudy with seasonable tem
peratures; end of week overcast with scattered showers.
Greater New York-New Jersey: Partly cloudy and cool most of
week; clearing and warm by Sunday.
Middle Atlantic Coastal: Mostly clear and mild with chance of
scattered showers all week.
Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: First part of week pleasant and
sunny inland and rainy along coast; end of week clear and
very warm everywhere.
Florida: Most of week rainy and cool; partly sunny in north
by week’s end.
Upstate Sc Western N.Y.-Toronlo Sc Montreal: Ram for most of
week; mostly sunny and warm by end of w eek.
Greater Ohio Valley: First part of week clear and mild in east
and pleasant but cloudy in west; end of w-eek clear and \ery
Deep South: Generally clear and warm all week.
Chicago and Southern Great Lakes; Clear and cool to start,
then cloudy with possible showers in east, end of week clear
ing up and very warm. *
Northern Great Plains-Creat Lakes: Week begins showery in
west and sunny m east, then clear and unseasonably warm
to end of week.
Central Great Plains: Clear and cold at fiist, then gradually
warming; clear and unseasonably warm by week’s end.
Texas-Oklahoma: Partly cloudy to start, then clearing; end
of week mostly clear and warm.
Rocky Mountain Region: Clear and warm all week in central
and south; partly cloudy and mild in north.
Southwest Desert: Some clouds at first, but clearing and very
warm by end of week.
Pacific Northwest: Partly sunny to start, then light rain, rain
continuing to end of week.
California: Early week rainy and mild in north and cloudy
and cool in south; end Of week rainy and cool throughout
(All Rights Reserved. Yankee, Inc. Dublin, N H 03444)
Prtncep turns
Spraying Princep™ 80-W on alfalfa this fall, can give
you better quality, high-yielding alfalfa next year. It
can lengthen the life of your alfalfa stand, and make
your hay worth more. If you’ve got a weedy alfalfa
stand spray Princep and you’ll cut cleaner hay next
CATTLE 355. Compared
with last Wednesday’s
market, slaughter steers
uneven. Slaughter cows 25
cents to |1 higher. Supply
included 139 head feeder
cattle. Choice slaughter
steers 40.25-44.85, individual
at 46.60, Good 35.25-41.10,
Standard 30.00-37.10, few
Utility 25.00-30.00. Few
Choice slaughter heifers
37.00- few Good 31.10-
36.00, one Standard at 27.25,
one Utility at 22.25. Utility
and High Dressing Cutter
slaughter cows 21.10-23.35,
individual at 23.85, Cutters
20.00- Canners 17.85-
20.35, Shells down to 15.85.
Couple Choice slaughter
bullocks 33.00 and 37.85, few
Good 31.25-33.25, Standard
26.00- Utility 19.25-
25.00. No. 1, 1240-1480 lbs.
slaughter bulls 27.00-32.25.
No. 2, 1310-1975 lbs. 18.50-
25.85. Few Choice 335-520 lbs.
feeder steers 35.00-36.50,
Good and Choice 300-900 lbs.
28.00- Good 26.10-31.00,
Medium 300-900 lbs. 21.25-
26.85. Few Good 490440 lbs.
feeder heifers 22.00-24.25,
few Common and Medium
Ask the Old Farm
er: Someone told
me the origin of
‘‘son of a gun,”
but it sounds
fishy. In the old
sailing days when
the captain’s wife
was “expecting,”
the sailors, in
times of emer-
Leesport, Penna.
November 13,1974
Strong©* * ran [ v
improved be'
The Internatioi _
Manure SP'f , he , machines «j" beate r design
are years ahead e' °' n 3er , more e« “era hv tch to the
- and heavv
spreader box, ~ w ,ste6 apart beatet design of
the box 9®*® P _ s have been mad© re indented,
A raft of dhandf ™ -Bearaan." paddW w> es -^e
me 500 Senes The MW than conventions TOP t sbaft
,hev spread mamre
the “BearCI law der path nrt ta m to one of our
£ll?. IIINCER *SL JH* FARM whip. cope» weaver co
22-26 Henry Ave., New Berlinvilie, Pa
I Mile North of Boyertown
Pa. Auction Summary
Weekly Summary
17 Livestock Markets
Week Ending
November 8,1874
CATTLE 5187. Compared
with 5870 head last week and
5777 head a year ago.
Compared with last week’s
market, slaughter steers 25c
to (2 lower. Slaughter cows
335-605 lbs. 17.00-20.00.
Medium and Good 330-600
lbs. feeder bulls 23.50-28.00.
CALVES 109. Vealers
steady to $2 higher. Few
Choice vealers 50.00-55.00,
Good 45.00-55.00, Standard
32.0042.00, Utility 90-120 lbs.
22.50-30.00, 70-85 lbs. 18.50-
23.50. Farm Calves: Holstein
bulls 90-120 lbs. 24.50-39.00.
Beef cross bulls and heifers
26.00-36.50, individual at
HOGS 159. Barrows and
gilts steady to 25 cents lower.
US No. 1-3 190-240 lbs.
barrows and gilts 40.75-41.10,
lot (2 head) at 42.00, No. 2-3
180-245 lbs. 39.60-40.60, few
No. 24 250-285 lbs. 37.75-
39.35. US No. 1-3 300450 lbs.
sows 32.00-35.75, few Utility
245-300 lbs. 30.00-34.00. Boars
25.00-28.25, individual at
Sales and Service
mostly steady to 81 lower.
Slaughter bulls 75c to $1.50
STEERS: Few High
Choice and Prime 43.00-
45.25, Choice 40.00-44.00,
Good 34.50-41.25, Standard
30.00- Utility 22.10-
28.85. HEIFERS: Few
Choice 38.2541.10, few Good
29.00- few Standard
25.10-31.00. COWS: Utility
and High Dressing Cutter
20.00- Cutters 18.50-
21.50, Canners 16.75-19.50,
Shells down to 13.00.
BULLOCKS: Choice 33.75-
38.75, Good 31.25-36.75, few
Standard 25.10-28,75, few
Utility 23.00-25.60.
BULLS: 1, 1100-2100 lbs.
26.50-31.50, No. 2 845-1700 lbs.
22.85-27.50. FEEDER
CATTLE: Few Choice 385-
650 lbs. steers 35.00-41.50,
Good 250-8001bs. 25.25-32.50,
Medium Good
and Choice 200-500 lbs.
feeder heifers 23.00-30.00,
Medium 300-550 lbs. 19.50-
24.50. Few Good 300-500 lbs.
feeder bulls 29.00-33.00,
Medium 300-600 lbs. 24.00-
c CALVES 3997. Compared
with 4239 bead last week and
4210 head a year ago.
Vealers about steady. Few
Prime vealers 62.00-79.00,
international harvester
cross bulla and heifers 70-m
lbs. 26.00-43.00. 130
HOGS 6113. Comparer!
6477 head a year aRO
Barrows and gilts 50c to Si
lower. BARROWS & GII Tc.
US No. 1-2 210-135 lbs. irk
42.00. No. 1-3 190-245 lbs
39.75-41.00, NoA 2-3 185-260
lbs. 38.50-40.30, No. 2-4 250-
300 lbs. 35.00-37.70. SOW?
US No. 1-3 270-600 lbs. 32.05
37.00. No. 2-3 300-650 lbs
28.00-32.50. BOARS 20 00-
Compared with 1432 head
last week and 1166 head a
year ago. US No. 1-3 20-35
lbs. 7.00-15.50 per head, No
1-3 35-50 lbs. 11.00-22.00 No
1-3 50-85 lbs. 17.00-26.00 per
SHEEP 717. Compared
with 1029 head last week and
1051 head a year ago. Wooled
slaughter lambs $1.50 to $3
higher. Choice 70-110 lbs.
35.00- Good 60-100 lbs.
26.5033.75, Utility 50-90 lbs!
17.00- Slaughter ewes
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