Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 16, 1974, Image 53
Public Sales R SAT. NOV. 10-10 a.m. Public Sale of Valuable Farm ament and Household things situated in Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pa. Along The Myerstown-Frystown Road. Three miles North of Myerstown in the Village of Jacksonville. Conditions by Stanley H. Shuev, owner; Earl S. Buftenmeyer, Auctioneer. SAT. NOV. 16 - 12:30 P.M. William Hewitt Dispersal at Public Auction, Livestock, Equipment and small tools located 3 miles west of Covington, Penna., just off the Copp Hollow Road. NOTICE AUCTIONEERS! We print sale bills. Call 394-3047 for price. PUBLIC SALE AT WALTZ-LEA FARMS Full Line Farm Equipment, Jugging Equip ment, Harvestore Silos, Automatic Bunk Feeder, Trucks, Etc. SATURDAY, NOV. 23,1974 Along Rt. 100 between Exton & West Chester, 3 miles south of Rt. 30, near Rt. 202, 7 miles south of Pa. Turnpike. 7 TRACTORS include: Oliver “1855” Diesel W.F.E. 604 hrs. 18-speeds; Oliver 1850 Diesel W.F.E.; John Deere “A”; Farmall “H”; (2) Fords (1-highway gear); Massy Harris (Colt) No. 3-Pt; Oliver No. 575 auto, reset 16 inch 5-bottom plow; (3) Badger Self- Unloading 8-ton Wagons with Tandem axles; N.H. 469 Haybine (used 100 acres); N.H. No. 27 Blower Whirl-A- Feed (new); 40-ft. Little Giant Elevator P.T.0.; Oliver No. 540 4-row corn planter (good); Massy- Harris 3 pt. 7 ft. Mower; Badger Blower; 12-ft. Cultimulcher; Int. 36 Transport Disc; J.D. Spring 8’ Harrow; N.I. 207 P.T.O. Spreader; Int. 2-R Mounted Com Picker (fits on “M”); Cultivator for “C” Far mall; Ford 2-Bottom 14” 3-pt. plow; 2-Badger P.T.O. 7- Ton Liquid Tank Spreaders, Tandem axles; Badger (P.T.0.) Liquid Manure Pump No. BN-101; Trailer 3 pt. field Sprayer; Oliver 13 Disc Drill; Myers ST-90 Sno-Plow; Stalk Snapper; V-Plow; N.H. pull-type Rake. 3 HARVESTORE SILOS 25’x65’w-GoliathUnloader; 17’x40’; 14’x30’; Unloaders; Augers. Badger (Trolly) Distribution Feeder System 90’x s'; Glassline Bunk 100’ with Mineral Section; 75’ Auger; 120 Free Stalls to be taken out; (3) Stock Automatic Waterers. Surge Double—B Milking Parlor; Clay Parlor Pushbutton & Dnbble Feeder System; Surge 8 units pipeline Milking Equipment; Electro-Brain; Automa tic washer; 2-Alamo Milker Pumps with Wi HP Mo tors. 850 Gal. Girton Tank, 5-Hp. Comp.; 400 gal. Gir ton Tank; 150 gal. Majonnier Tank; Taylor short time pasturizer compressor, with control system; King Zero Ice Maker; Girton Bottle Washer; Con tinental Auto. Steam Boiler; Specialty Filler and Capper (V 2 gal. & Gallons, glass or plastics; V 2 gal lon & gallon Bottles): Ice Cream Maker; Dairy Case; 4 Ref. Compressors; Butcher Boy Meat Saw (good). 1969 Chev. C-50 14 ft. Dump Grain Steel body (low mileage) Truck; 1959 Chev. 4-Wheel drive Vi ton Truck 1962 Cadillac, 42,000 miles House Trailer 45’x8’ (good Hunting Cabin) 8 ft. S.S. Triple Sink; Gallon Milk Crates; 8’ Store Display Case; Super Market Carts; Meat Grinder; Sausage Stuffer; Farmers Furnace with Butcher Iron Kettle; Several bath tubs; (20) Utility, 2-wheel Skids; Fox Chopper Spout (new); Tractor Tires; Wagon Tires; (4) Baler Twine; Atrazine; Las so Herbicide; Tools; Tractor Chains; Farm Gates; Tongue Groove Trench Silo Creosote Boards; Iron Pile. Lots Not Mentioned. Small Items selling at 9:45 a.m.; Harvestores at 1 p.m.; 25'/r down payment sale day, balance in 30 days. No sale on this farm for many years. Terms: Cash or Good Check Aucts.: Carl Diller 717-464-2233 J. Everett Krelder 717-284-4517 Lunch Watch for Auction Arrows. Sale by William Hewitt, owner; Ronald D. West, Sale Manager; Robert M. Shaylor, Auctioneer. SAT. NOV.IB-10 a.m. Public Sale of Real Estate Household Goods, Tools, and Antiques located along Manheim and Mt. Joy Road, 3 miles East of Mt. Joy, 1 mile west of Erismans Church. Sale by Samuel E. Merkey, Sr. C. H. Wolgemuth and M. Merkey, Auctioneers. SAT. NOV. 16 - 12 Noon Public Auction of Household Goods located at Ronks, on North Ronk Road, between 340 and by-pass. Sale by Paul D.Kreider; Wilbur H. Hosier and Jay M. Witman, Auc tioneers. SAT. NOV. 16 - 10 A.M. Public Sale at Linville Hill Christian Day School, 15 Owner, HENRY N. WALTZ 215-696-3807 miles East of Lancaster, 2 miles South of Kinzer on Kinzer Hoad. All Items Donated and proceeds will So for Christian Education at le School. Livestock, Quilts, Needlework, Home Made Food, etc., etc. Auctioneer ■ Leroy Zook. For information caU Elvin BeUer, 717-442-8126 SAT. NOV. 16- 12:30 p.m. Public Sale of Seasoned Walnut and Other Lumber on the Schlough Farm located between AJleghynville and Maple Grove Park between Camp Road and Schlough Road, 3 miles south of 625 at Knauers, Brecknock Township, Berks Co., Pa Terms by Schlough Farms; H. H. Leid Auction Service.» SAT. NOV. 16- 1 p.m. Real Estate Auction 102 Acres Valuable Multi-Purpose Farmland, Location-Three Valley Hunt Club, Hublev Township, RD, Schuylkill County, Pa. off 181, exit 34, IV* miles west on 25 to Sacramento, Pa. (Follow the sale arrows) Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt; John Autotore, Auctioneer. SAT. NOV. 16-12 Noon Public Auction of the heirs of the Jennie W. Gustafson Estate, on Quaker Neck Road, Route 289 (just past Chester River Country Club) 2 miles south of Chestertown, Md. Sale by Jennie Gustafson, Estate, Chestertown, Md.; Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc., Sales Managers and Auctioneers. lAT., NOV. 16-1:30 p.m. J ublic Auction of 300-350 - BIG COW SALE /gjjfr DAY TIME THURSDAY, VJ5* NOVEMBER 21 ' 12:00 Sale held at: My Maryland farm l h mile NW at Woodsboro on Route 550 FredenCr County, Maryland. 100 HEAD OF TOP QUALITY COWS AND HEIFERS which consists of 50 Extreme Top Quality Pure Bred Cows up to 5 years of age, some classified with records and sired by some of the best proven bulls in the United States and Canada. Some of the top cows for this sale are sired by: Romandale Reflection Marquis Paclamar Astronaut Milk & Honey Ivanhoe Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe Penstate Ivanhoe Star Selling Rockman Lassie Leader There are also 50 head of Grade Cows and Heifers and there will be several Pure Bred Heifer Calves to be sold. We would like to give Special Mention to 1 Pure Bred Service Age Bull: Bonus Mike Seawood Complete Sire by; Paclamar Triune Complete 1658970 Dam: Seawood Bonus Designs 7827490 DHlARecords: 3-7 365 d 19193 4.0 773 2-6 363 d 19176 3.6 709 We will also have a lot of real good fresh First Calf Heifers. We are trying our very best to select good young cows with good udders, the type you can take home and do you a lot of good. MELVIN KOLB, INC. MELVIN KOLB, Sale Manager MARVIN A. ESHLEMAN, Pedigrees Lancaster Farm: 717-393-7459 Maryland Farm: 301-898-7663 JAMES G. TROUT . .. ROBERT MULLENDORE Auctioneers MEHRLE N. WACHTER, Clerk Free transportation - phone 393-7459 egister Feeder Pigs. Located bet ween Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg take Scharff Road South 1 mile, third farm on left, Vz mile North of Sheridan Furnaces; Marion Twp. Berks County, Penna. Terms by Walter Horst. Auctioneers: John E. and Paul E. Martin. MON. NOV. 18-11 a.m. Public Auction of 80 Grade Holstein Cows, Milk and Feed Equipment located on the farm on Ell Downes Road, just off Route 313, 2 miles south of Ingleside, Md. (Signs posted from Sudlersville and Ingleside to Farm). Sale by George H. Leager, Owner, Henderson (Ineleside) Md.; Harry Rudnick and Sons, Inc., Sales Managers and Auc tioneers. TUBS. NOV. 19 - 7:00 P.M. Special Feeder Calf Sale, 100 Head of Steers, Heifers, Bulls. Featuring Angus, Hereford, Charolais, and various beef type cross calves. Other consignments. Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc., Auctioneers. Held at Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc. Sales Bam, Galena, Md. TUES. NOV. 19- 2 p.m. Public Sale of Real Estate 52 Acre Farm, located 3 miles northeast of Elizabethtown, Pa., along Mount Gretna Road, Route 241, at Bellaire, Pa. Sale by Robert and Mary Brubaker; Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auct. TUES. NOV. 19 - 1 P.M. Special Graded Feeder Pig Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 16,1974 Sale at the Lancaster Md-Clover Brook Farm Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Milking Herd and Close Bred Penna. Heifer Dispersal to be held at I Continued on Page 54) IURS. NOV. 21-11 a.m. PUBLIC AUCTION PLUMBING - HEATING - AIR COND. EQUIPMENT LOCATION: Rudnick’s Barns, Rt. 213, Galena, Md. DATE: SATURDAY, NOVEMDER 23, 1974 AT 11 :OOA.M. Copper pipe & fittings, Black Sc Galv. pipe fit tings ... Heating Controls ... Heating Boilers ... Dented Sc scratched Warm air fur naces ... Dented & scratched air condition units ... Vanities ... Kitchen Cabinets ... Window Air Conditioners (new) .. . Garbage Disposers (new)... Counter Tops... 3 TRUCK LOADS OF MATERIAL. .. featuring name brands such as American-Standard, Rheem, Bryant, etc.... The material is unused mostly in cartons and sells as surplus items... INSPECTION: Friday afternoon and Sat. Mor ning— TERMS: Cash or approved check . . removal within 3 days. HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Sales Managers & Auctioneers at Galena, Md.. phone (301) 648-5100 PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1974 LOCATION: 1685 West Main St., Ephrata. Penna. JOHN DEERE 4020 DIESEL With Turbo-Charger and Power Shift. Excellent Condition. JOHN DEERE 1010 WITH QUICK CHANGE WHEELS John Deere No. .45 10-Foot Self-propelled Combine; John Deere 36A Manure Loader with Hydraulic Dump and Snow Bucket; Oliver No. 562 6-Bottom 18-Inch Semi-mounted Cushion Trip Plow, like new; John Deere BWA Heavy Duty 12-Foot Transport Disc, used one season; Brady 12-Foot 3-Point Field Cultivator; 3- Section Rotary Hoe; Hasten 14-Foot Tooth Harrow, new; Oliver 540 4-Row Corn Planter with Fertilizer Attachments and Insecticide Applicators; Massey Ferguson No. 33 Grain Drill; RG2 3-Point John Deere 2-Row Cultivator; John Deere No. 237 Multilube 2-Row Mounted Compicker; Three McCurdy Gravity Flow Bins on Running Gear; New Holland No. 450 3-Point Mower; New Holland Super 77PTO Baler; Two 16-Foot Flatbed Wagons; New Holland 30-Foot Elevator with Vk Horse Motor; Oliver Side Rake; New Idea No. 210 Single Beater Webb Spreadjr; Rear Self-unloading Wagon; Unloading Unit; Brady Multi-crop Pulverizer; Seeder; Water Tank; 16-Foot Grain Auger Elevator; Dual Wheel Farm Trailer; Walsh 3-Pomt 200-Gallon Fiber Glass Tank Sprayer; John Deere 38-Inch Rims to fit 34-inch wheels and Tires to fit the rims; 2 John Deere Starter Weights and 4 Extra Weights; 6-Ft. Extension for New Holland Elevator; John Deere Heat Houser; Gandy Applicator; John Deere Walking Plow. 160 Ton Corn Silage 60 Ton Ear Corn 10 Ton Straw —lO Ton Hay Agway Twentieth Century Welder With Rods and Hood; 2 Shenandoah 12-Hole Hog Feeders; Model 300 Midget High Pressure Cleaner; Platform Scales; Wheelbarrow; 2 John Deere Cylin ders; Oliver Cylinder; Air Compressors; 4 Feed Carts; 30-Gallon Drum Schaeffer No. 30 Oil; John Deere Special Purpose Oil; Hydraulic Jacks; Handyman Jack; Good Line of Tools; 1-Horse GE Motor; Stepladder; Knapsack Sprayer; Bale Box; Brooder Stove; Baler Twine; Young’s two-to-one “C” Sup plement; 70-lb. Thimet 10-G Insecticide; Cattle Oilers; Milk Cans; Grease Guns; Fire Extinguishers; Por table Air Tank; Oil Measures; Battery Charger; Case of Grease Cartridges; Vise; Wheel Pullers; John Deere Tool Box; Half-inch Drill and Drill Press; Log Chains; Clevis; Grindstone with Motor; Bush-whacker Charger; Silage Forks; Shovels; Forks; Brooms, and many other items too numerous to mention. Sale Time: 11:30 A.M. Sale by order of: NANCY J. EBY Executrix of the Clyde S. Eby Estate John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 733-3305 NOTE; Plan now to attend this Auction. Above tonnage is estimated. This is a very good line of Farm Equipment. For information on any of the above items call 717-733-7256 or 215-267-6659. AT 11:30 A.M, 53