-ITT Z-i - r uL 7^ee H'llrlP _ fcfl ■ ':■ V:■ ' '.V- - ■ .- ’ 1 *** a(\ check these prices & \MW SEE FOR YOURSELF PFIZERS COMBIOTIC - - $ 4 on SAVE $ l.ll AtOf MONEY BACK GUARANTEE fmgr CALF W SCOUR WEDIC BOLUSES PURCHASE JAR OF 50 BOLUSES Reg. $15.95 - *12.95 RECEIVE 10 FREE BOLUSES $3.49 value Use Free Boluses First, If Not Satisfied Return Jar of 50 for Full Refund. Very effective treatment and/or prevention of colds, pneumonia and stubborn scours. PFIZERS NEO-TERRAMYCIN WITH VITAMINS 6.4 02. PACKET Reg. $2.95 each 40 OR MORE SALE $ 1.99 EA. SULFANILAMIDE BOLUSES . FOR ORAL MASTITIS R'W TREATMENT er X °* in air- SALE *9.95 TRIPLE SULFA BOLUSES WITH ELECTROLYTES Per Box of 50 Reg. $13.95 sale $ 10.45 SAVE $ 3.50 "ANIMAL MAGIC AT ANIMAt MEDIC" WOULD YOU LIKE A CAREER WITH ANIMAL MEDIC??? CALL US!! Know what’s happening on the farming scene? Read Lancaster Farming for all the news! ANIMAL MEDIC, Inc. HELPS FIGHT INFLATION WITH A BIG NOVEMBER SALE PER lOOcc BOTTLE LIMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER SAVE $ 3.00 P I " *■ * •• r * ♦ * 7 » **•'* i >"' { ANIMAL M«Aie,[* (CYNAMID) CRUMBLES Regular per 50 lb. Bag $13.95 2OR MORE SA A A PER 50 LB. BAG # (SAVE *3.96 PER BACI AUREO PLUS CRUMBLES DOUBLETHE STRENGTH OF REGULAR CRUMBLES Each pound contains: 4 gms. of chlor tetracycline plus vitamin A and vitamin D 3. BEEF CATTLE Upon arrival and for 10 days add 17.5 pounds per ton of feed (to prevent shipping fever) if feed consumption is 10 pounds per head. After 10 days feed Aureo Plus Crumbles continuously at low level to promote growth and feed ef ficiency. DAIRY CATTLE POULTRY SWINE REGULAR per 50 lb. bag $19.95 ea. 2 OR MORE PER 50 LB. BAG *13.95 (SAVE $ 6.00 PER BAG I SPECIAL TERMS THIS SALE Quantities limited. Offers expire 11- 30-74. Prices NET. Please send check with order less 2 percent, minimum order $lO.OO sent prepaid or delivered on our truck. ANIMAL MEDIC, INC. P.O. BOX 575 MANCHESTER, PA. 17345. CALL COLLECT (717) 266-5611 ASK FOR LARRY SALE Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 16.1974 Consumer Booklet Helpful “Got a Consumer Gripe?” That’s the title of a new pamphlet put out by the state Bureau of Consumer Protection which tells you what to do and where to go with your gripes. “Hopefully, this pamphlet on complaining will be of special help to consumers during the holiday season when more buying is done than at any other time of the year,” said Bureau Director Joel Weisberg. “It is very important tb-* consumers complain whsn they fell they have been cheated or are dissatisfied with a product or service,” Weisberg added. “Legitimate manufacturers and businesses want to know when and in what way their products have failed to please. And consumer complaints make it more difficult for the disreputable retailer to do business.” First, notify the business where you made the pur chase. If you don’t receive satisfaction, then contact the Bureau of Consumer Protection or a county or private consumer agency. The pamphlet also suggests using a District Justice Court of a private attorney to help resolve disputes with businesses. Holiday shoppers will also be interested in a second pamphlet, entitled “Door to Door Sales” just published by the Bureau. “We want Pennsylvanians to leam to recognize and protect themselves from door-to door salesmen who use deception to get into con sumers’ homes, who use Conservation Activities in Lebanon Co. Contour strip cropping is a popular conservation practice according to Richard Aherne, of the Lebanon County Soil Con- Knipco brings the Sun Inside... • to keep you toasty warm on those cold winter days inside and out • to heat your equipment for fast untroubled starts • to keep livestock happy and warm •to thaw frozen pipes, and a hundred other reasons How’ With Kmpco reliable portable heater Call us today, or better yet, stop in and see how "Kmpco onngs the SUN inside ” Ask about our newest vented Kmpco heater model FVI2SS L H. BRUBAKER 350 Slrasburg Avenue Lancaster. PA 17602 Fast parts and service' high-pressure sales tactics and who misrepresent their product and charge high prices for low-quality merchandise," Weisberg said. Both pamphlets are available free by sending a self-addressed stamped business-sized envelope to the Bureau of Consumer Protection, 23 A South Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17101. Consumers may also obtain the pamphlets by calling any of the Bureau’s branch offices in Erie, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Allentown and Philadelphia. The Bureau recently inaugurated a special evening telephone service to aid consumers who find it impossible or inconvenient to call during regular working hours. Phone calls made between 5 and 9 p.m. to any branch office (except the office in Wilkes-Barre) will automatically be transferred to a central number at no extra charge. Trained personnel will an swer questions and mail out complaint forms and con sumer education materials to callers. The pamphlets on com plaining and door-to-door sales are part of a continuing series of information materials published by the Bureau. Previous booklets still available free to the public are “Stretch Your Dollar,” “Signing a Con tract,” “Renting an Apart ment,” “Dealing with Contractors,” and “How to Sue in District Justice Court.” servation Service. During 1974 to date about 900 acres of strips have been installed in the county to reduce soil erosion. This fall the following Soil Conservation District cooperators have installed strip cropping: Leon Zim merman, 26 acres, Annville; Maurice Bennetch, 133 acres, Newmanstown, Rl; Mark Deaven, 30 acres, Fredericksburg, Rl; Jesse Copenhaver, 16 acres, Lebanon, R 4; David Erd man, 30 acres, Annville, R 2; Henry Weaver, 15 acres, Myerstown, R 2. In addition sub-surface drainage was installed by: Ray Berger, 3265’, Fredericksburg; Stanley Smith, 2585’, (combined with 1100’ of grassed waterway) Lebanon, Rl; Victor Bomgardner, 1060’, (com bined with 300’ grassed waterway) Annville Rl; Richard Donmoyer, 1750’, Annville R 2; George Wolff, 2610’, Myerstown R 3; Galen Bollinger, 3090’, Fredericksburg. Farm ponds were con- structed by: C. V. Henry 111, Lebanon, R 5; Clair Ger » berich, Jonestown, Rl; Fred Otte, Heidelberg Township. Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, which received the 1973 Good Year Award for conservation completed construction of Griffith Lake 37
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