Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 16, 1974, Image 36
36—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Nov. 16. 1974 Soil Survey (Continued Fro* Pit* 1| trailers, low building without basements, path, trails, picnic and play area, and golf fairways. Soils can be rated for any use if landusers indicate the soil characteristics that are needed. Soil information is used mainly by agriculture producers, planning com missions, septic tank filter Geld investigator, realtors, home and land buyers, developers and builders, bankers, land appraisers, recreation planners, foresters, and soil con servationists. Hie soil data indicates what the potential problems or limitations are. It gives the landuser guidance on what to investigate on site to assure himself that an in dividual plot is typical of the soil survey mapping unit. The soil scientist maps approximately 320 acres of land in an 8 hour day. This is a 40-plus acre per hour rate. He uses a soil auger to probe into the soil to determine the depth, drainage, texture and other facts needed to identify the soil. The soil scientist also measures the slope. These facts are recorded on an aerial photo and become the soil survey map. Copies of these maps are given to the county planning commission, Agriculture Extension {Service, forester, sanitary engineers, engineers, fertilizer and lime sales companies. Individual soil maps are used by cooperators of the Lebanon Conservation District in the preparation of their con servation plans. Mosaics of soil sheets are color coded to show township planners the areas of flood plains, steep slopes, stony areas, shallow depth to bed rock, seasonal high water table, and deep well drained soil. Land developers and their engineers find soil in formation especially helpful in planning streets, lots, and recreation areas. Soil information is available to anyone who ieeds this data from the US Soil Conservation Service Office, Lebanon Post Office and Federal Building, Bth and Chestnut Streets, Lebanon. COURTHOUSE SQUARES /SELF - INTEREST \ SOMETIMES STANDS K ■ SQUARELY IN THE WAY OF COMMUNITY Grand Opening Celebration through November 23 Come share the good old dags at our new Park City Office. A free three day weekend for two —lodging, meals, spending money—in Colonial Williamsburg, Va. will go to the winner of our contest. Just come to the lobby and guess the number of dollars on our Evergreen money tree, symbol of Commonwealth’s popular Evergreen Savings Account. Closest estimate wins. Banking hours: A return to the 59-hour work week The Park City office will be < for all your banking businesi from 9; 30 AM to 8 PM Moi through Fridays, and from 9:30 AM to 4 PM Saturday- CELEBRATION AND OFFERS APPLY THROUGH NOVEMBER 23.1974 GRAND PRIZE: Come back to Colonial America.. .on us. Every visitor will receive a realistic copy of the original Declaration of Independence, reproduced on parchment-like paper. Commonwealth A National Bank 807 Sears Mall, Park City • William F. Hoke, Jr., Mgr. Happy to help you throughout south central Pennsylvania Celebrate the Spirit of 76 All deposits insu-ed to $20,000 by FDIC You may make your guess at the new bank any banking day from November 6 through the 23rd There’s nothing to buy, and you need not be a Commonwealth customer. Second prize: Colonial Grandmother clock. Third prize: Working replica of the famed “Pennsylvania Rifle.” Fourth Prize: Beautiful pewter tea service. Park City Office Sears Mall An inflation shaving premium for new accounts Any time from November 6 through November 23, open a new checking or savings account for $5O or more at our new office, or add $ 100 to an existing Commonwealth savings account. You will receive a $5.00 gift certificate redeemable at any Park City store or restaurant.