30 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 16, 1974 ihMDiMid^ Situations Wanted Experienced Married Farmer desires job of responsibility on good farm. Prefer beef cattle but will take job with dairy or poultry. Good at fixing and operation of machinery. Can weld. Phone 717-762-7746 Man, wife and 15 yr. old son looking for job in dairy, poultiy or swine. Have some experience in all. Man and wife will both work and son will work in spare time. Must have housing, garden and fair wage. Phone 1-717-566- 3544 Help Wanted Fulltime salesman wanted to sell silos and unloaders. This is a good opportunity for the right man. Southeastern Pennsylvania area. Send resume to Box 266 H c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Experienced person to work with Standardised Horses. Apply in person at South Mountain View Farm at Route 322 West of Brickerville, Penna. Hard working mature dairy farmer to work on Charolais ranch in Ocala, Florida. Air cond. ranch house on farm, all conveniences, beef, good wages and benefits. Write or call 904-622-5520 Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Corr, 2651 N.W. 54th Court, Ocala, Florida Farm and Industrial Equipment Dealer looking for experienced mechanics. Phone 717-768-8916 BUCKSTON FARMS COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. NEW HOLLAND. PA. Friday Evening, November 22,1974 150 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS 80 MATURE COWS 70 HEIFERS (All Ages) Included in this fine young herd of registered cattle are 29 Ivanhoe Jacks. Other popular sires represented : Ivanhoe Star, Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe, Whirhul Kingpin, Dividend Preformer, Glenafton Herdmaster, Fairhill Ivan Mark, and Citation M Here are samples of a few of the official DHIA records of the cows selling No 77 -Su e Preformer, 3 yr. 291 da 17,496 M. 631 F; No 21 - Sire Apollo, syr 305 da. 19,574 M. 573 F; No. 31 - Sire Ivanhoe Jack, 4 yr. 307 da. 17,580 M 653 F; No. 20 - Sire Ivan Mark, 4 yr 305 da. 16,454 M. 556 F; No. 10 - Sire Starman, Byr 316 da 18,176 M. 573 F; No. 43 - Sire Kingpin, 5 yr 305 da. 18,601 M. 619 F; No 92 - Sire Z- Gene,Syr 305da 19,523 M 625 F; No. 68-Sirelvanhoe Star. 2vr 305 da 14.058 M 536 F. ME 18,275 675 F. Don’t miss this Sale if in need of good uddered young cows with a lot of potential John K. (Jack) Kooker, Jr. Owner Herd is Certified, Pregnancy Checked and Tested for Interstate Shipment. Catalogs night of sale New Holland Sales Stables, Inc Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer Norm Kolb. Pedigrees Custom Work POTATO HAULERS Insulate bottom of your trailer with sprayable Urethane Foam and eliminate Frozen product and added weight due to water pickup. CONESTOGA CHEMICALS & PLASTICS, INC. 397-3724 Home: 872-2233 Wanted - Price to do custom work in Chester Springs area, 600 acres of com for 1975. Plow, disc and plant. Only reliable & responsible person need apply. Call 215- 827-7687 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Com and Soybean Roasting. Larry Herr, 838 Penn Grant Road, Lancaster, Pa. 717- 464-3661 Custom wood splitting. Your place or mine. Phone 215-445- 6175 Help Wanted SALES REPRESENTATIVE Agricultural background necessary to deal directly with fanners selling farm automation and feed storage. Company training program before territory assignment. For interview contact Bob McLean, Penn- Jersey Harvestore, New Holland, Pa. 717-3544051 Dairy farm worker with experience, $6,500. plus house for small family, heat, and other benefits. Call 215- 827-7433 At7:OOP.M Livestock For Sole 24 excellent Angus Heifers not Reg. due to calve in March. One outstanding yearling bull Reg. by J-W Emulour 808 223, $395.00 each. Phone 215-388-6527. For Sale - Hogs, 6 Duroc Boars, service age. Also Duroc Gilts, breeding age, can be Registered. Phone 717-733-6694 Yorkshire and Duroc Service Boars. Delivery available. LEON L. ARNOLD Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Phone: 717-273-5880 Livestock - For Sale 100 Feeder pigs, 40-lb. average, also Ayrshire Heifer due 11- 12-74, phone 215-469-6018 For Sale - Chester White and Poland China Service age Boars and Gilts. James Parlett, Airville, Pa. Ph: 862-3610 Wants to Buy - Red & White Holstein Calves. Kenneth D. Myer, RD3, Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 717-367-3344. Trucks FOR SALE; 1963 Chevy truck, senes 30 1 ton stake body with racks. New in spection, $6OO. Phone 717-626- 8912. is IS HAY TOOLS - ELEVATORS S P N H Haybme S P. 310 Hesston Haybme 258 N H Baler 78 N H Baler AC 303 Baler 37 I H Baler AC 303 Baler w-Engme AC 80R Mower J D Side Mounted Mower CONTACT CHECK WITH US FOR YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS bob gantz-home 6s3 5020 WE WILL DEMONSTRATE OFFICE —397-5179 OR 687-6002 Lawn and Garden Equipment ' Full Line of Simplicity & A.C. 350 Strasburg Pike Livestock For Sole For Sale - 3 Purebred yearling Charolais Bulls, Admiral, Bon Jour Greeting; 1 Purebred yearling Heifer, several percentage Heifers, cows, calves. Will trade or swap for farm equipment. Talinaio Farms, call between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. or 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. 200 sow unit in confinement with some finishing facilities. Located in Eastern Pennsylvania. Additional land available if desired. Write Box 266 B, c-o Lan caster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543 For Sale - Standard bred driving horse, single carriage or buggy, safe for women. Lloyd H. Martin, New Holland RDI, Pa. 17557 near Red Run Park Yorkshire Bred Gilts to farrow late December and January. BROOKS END AND PAR-KAYFARMS Beavertown, Pa. Phone 717-658-5821 Chester White service boars, same breeding as 74 National Barrow Show Fourth place overall Chester Carcass. Herb Schick, RD2, Kutztown, Pa. Phone 215-285- 6519 u* U* u* i/ 0 u* iS BRUBAKER, Inc. L. H. AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR ALLIS CHALMERS & NEW HOLLAND FARM EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT 717 NH. Forage Harvester Grove Forage Wagon Gehl Forage Wagon Vemere Hay Crusher 54 J D Spreader w-Tailgate 12A N I Spreader 206 N I Spreader 185 Bushel Farmhand Spreader 175 Bushel NH Spreader WE ARE A FULL SERVICE DEALER ON STARLINE PARTS L. H. Brubaker, Inc. Livestock For Sole SPF Origin Hybrids bred to meet demand of commercial producer. Excellent litter size and growth rate. Final cross is four-way cross which adds vigor and car cass quality. Jet Age Swine Breeders, Inc., Abram K. Fisher, Jr., Manager. 717- 768-8378 Wanted to Buy - Holstein- Hereford or Holstein-Angus Crossbred bull calves, 2 to 20 days old. 717-872-7679 or write R. H. Hamish, RDI, Box 309, Conestoga, Pa. 17516 For Sale - Overstocked - A few Reg. Jersey cows, 1 bred Heifer due Feb. - 2 Grade Hoi. cows. Mildred Seeds, 1208 Seeds Lane, Downingtown, Pa. 19335. Phone 215-269-0759 FOR SALE 11 GRADE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Well Grom due Dec and Jan Sires include Charmcross and Pencor Service Sires include Elevation and Double Triune Price $6OO PEN-COL FARMS RDI Millville, Pa. 17846 Phone 717-458-6767 after 7 P.M. iditiontr Ph. 397-5179 Purebred Boars and Gilts. Daily gains and days to 220 pounds are available. Confinement raised. Herd sires are production tested. Dutch Valley Farm, EDS, Manheim, Pa. 17545, Mark Nestleroth 717-665-6220 Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, RD2, Strasburg, Pa. 717-786-2562 Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Bred Gilts. Contact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, Pa. 17363, Phone 301-996-2022 Registered Hampshire, Yorkshire Boars and Gilts. Preston Bankert, RD3, Red Lion, Pa, Phone 717-244-1244 Now Available With Waver of Finance BALERS, HAYBINES, \ ELEVATORS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 180 Bushel Starline Spreader 2 - 145 Bushel Starlme Spreader 3 Point Snow Blower Shaver Post Driver AC (2) Row Corn Planter Lancaster, Pa Livestock For Sole
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