26 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 16, 1974 US Meat Imports I Continued On Pagi Is| EC beef production is expected to rise more than 13 percent, as slaughter accelerates beyond earlier expectations. This high slaughter has been made pos sible by several years of herd building that saw cattle numbers as of January 1, 1974, some 6.4 percent above those of January 1973. Should cattle numbers now stabilize for a couple of years, beef production could still remain at an unusually high level, exacerbating the EC oversupply problem. At the same time, the EC is adjusting to stagnating beef consumption because of the combined impact of inflation, which has reduced consumer purchasing power, and higher margins to farmers, which have kept retail prices high. The weighted average retail price of table cuts of beef in September was almost 4 percent above that for Septem ber 1973, whereas the wholesale price was off 5 percent from that of the previ ous year. EC authorities believe the cost of EC cattle and hog price supports will exceed $5OO million in fiscal 1975, compared with $lOO million in fiscal 1974. How- CUT HEATING COSTS COMBINATION ALL-PURPOSE HEATER Ideal for garages - utility rooms - work shops - cabins - small homes - cottages (one to two rooms) Thermostatically controlled Will burn a full 24 hours with a simmer flame Use as emergency heater Insure against damage from freezing (burst water pipes, etc). PRICED RIGHT EASY TO INSTALL CHOICE OF TWO MODELS PAUL S. HIESTAND CALL OR WRITE R.D.I, Marietta, Pa. Phone (717) 426-3286 DEALERS WANTED AUTHORIZED DEALERS Hostetler’s Hardware, Inc, Mt Joy, PA Zarfoss Hardware, Inc . Elizabethtown PA Farver’s Country Store, RD2 Elizabethtown PA Brandt’s farm Supply Inc, Elizabethtown PA George Mummert, RDI Dillsburg PA Grant Gordner, Millville PA Ivan Burkholder, Danville PA Clyde Vogel, 949 N 9th St Reading Jules Meliodon, 1176 N Middletown Media Aaron S Groff & Son, RD3 Ephrata Pa Hmkletown WITH A WOOD ever, this increase will be partly offset by lower costs for grain support. More over, EC officials feel that since live stock farmers have smaller operations than grain farmers, the cost of support in this area can be justified as a social program. The situation is complicated, how ever, by the EC Council’s move to in crease the cattle orientation price again this year and resulting German com plaints. The EC Commission submitted to the Council a 5-percent upward ad justment, which was approved on Sep tember 20 but then vetoed by the Ger man Parliament on September 28: The Germans, who contribute the most to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), wanted a smaller price increase and want it to come into effect next year instead of this year. Even now, high support prices are keeping EC cattle prices about 26 per cent above U.S. levels and there is a larger gap than usual between them and pork prices—Bs percent higher com pared with 54 percent last year. As a result, pork is more attractive than beef as a consumer product. CONSUMER rn N ! f, LOWER APPLIANCE COSTS Fifteen years ago, a good price for a gleaming white washing machine and dryer with all the up-to-date fea tures then available would have set a sharp shopper back about $4BO. Today, such a shopper could easily come up with leplacement units with more convenience features, a larger motor, longer-lasting parts and a wide range of colors . all foi $350, about one-third less than in the good old days. What’s the story'' In pait, it’s the free enter puse system at work Manu facturers ol major appliances are a competitive bunch and they can’t affold to pass on to consumers then rising labor and material costs Instead, they lely on improved prod uct engineering and highei pioductivily to offset mount ing costs “Without a doubt, one of the leasons the appliance in dustry has been able to hold down pioduction costs yeai altei yeai is the mcieased use of plastics,” savs an ap pliance mdusliy executive Scollois at the “plastic society" may he suiprised to leain (hat the appliance in tluslry which builds parts to last is a majoi customei ol the plastics industiy, ac coidmg to a lecent issue of “Exxon Chemicals Magazine ” Others using plastics for du iable end uses include the automotive, communications and consti uclion businesses By fai, styienes are the plastics most widely used in majoi appliances In 1973, ap phances consumed 403 mil lion pounds of this material ABS plastics were next with nearly 106 million pounds and then came polypropylene Thought For Food Tortas Compuestai Drain 1 can (11b 40z.) kidney beam, saving 3 Übleipoona liquid. Combine beam, bean liquid and; 1 teaspoon chili pow der, V 4 teaspoon salt, V* teaspoon (round black pepper and *4 ten spoon garlic powder. Bring to boiling point Place in blander Jar and blend until smooth —or force through a sieve. Cool. Cut 4 French rolls in half length wise; tear out soft centers and discard Spread chili bean mix ture over bottom halves of the rolls. Sprinkle with *4 cup finely shredded lettuce. Top with. I large thinly sliced tomato, ); i pound thinly sliced cooked pork, tongue, turkey or ham and 1 peeled and thinly sliced avocado. Pour Vi cup French dressing over each sandwich to moisten. Sprin kle lightly with chili powder Yields four portions. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD ERTH-RITE Soil Conditioner MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING Vilamm J. Mineral lor livestock and poultry \ced for less pro'em in crease bullerfal cut mastitis increase egg production Zook & Ranck, Inc. RDI, Gap, Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 NOVEMBER 21, 1974 8:00 P.M. 2 Miles East of Wakefield Along Route 272 TRIPLE H FARMS Presented By A Factory Representative Use the Farm Calendar To Publicize Your Meetings. Start ’em right finish right! AS Start ’em right. No matter what time of year, put cattle on a good feed with AUREO S 700* for 28 days. Maintain gains fn the presence of* shipping fever! Finish right. After 28 days put all your cattle on a feed containing AUREOMYCIN to mar ket. AUREOMYCIN increases gains, improves feed efficiency, helps prevent liver abscesses, bacterial diarrhea and foot rot. This season use cattle feeds with AUREO S 700 and AUREOMYCIN. Tests show an average return of $6 to $8 for every dollar invested. ‘American Cyanamid Company h ref uttered trademark far a premia of AURf OMYCIN « chlortctracvclme and SULMETO auUamethazme Withdraw 7 days before slaughter Certify GEHMAN FEED GRUBB SUPPLY MILL CO. Denver, Pa. Elizabethtown, Pa. PENNFIELD FEEDS 711 Rohrerstown Road Lancaster, Pa. FULTON GRANGE HALL 717-548-2640 VERMEER BALER
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