rand Opening Celebration through November 23 Come share the good okl dags at ur new Park City Office. GRAND PRIZE; Come back to Colonial Amelia.. .on us. A free three day weekend for two —lodging, meals, spending money—in Colonial Williamsburg, Va: will go to the winner of our contest. Just come to the lobby and guess the number of dollars on our Evergreen money tree, symbol of Commonwealth’s popular Evergreen Savings Account. Closest estimate wins. inking hours: return to the *-hour work week Park City office will be open ill your banking business a 9:30 AM to BPM Mondays mgh Fridays, and from 3 AM to 4 PM Saturdays. CELEBRATION AND OFFERS APPLY THROUGH NOVEMBER 23.1974 Every visitor will receive a realistic copy of_the original Declaration of Independence, reproduced on parchment-like paper. Commonwealth ik National Bank 807 Sears Mall, Park City • William F. Hoke, Jr., Mgr. Happy to help you throughout south central Pennsylvania Celebrate the Spirit of 76 All deposits msured to $20,000 by FDIC You may make your guess at the new bank any banking day from November 6 through the 23rd. There’s nothing to buy, and you need not be a Commonwealth customer. Second prize: Colonial Grandmother clock. Third prize: Woiking replica of the famed “Pennsylvania Rifle.” Fourth Prize; Beautiful pewter tea service. Park City Office Sears Mall An inflation shaving premium for new accounts Any time from November 6 through November 23, open a new checking or savings account for $5O or more at our new office, or add $ 100 to an existing Commonwealth savings account. You will receive a $5.00 gift certificate redeemable at any Park City store or restaurant. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 9.1974—9 Fulton Grange Meets The October 28 meeting of Fulton Grange No. 66 was opened by Master Donald Trimble. An officers planning meeting was held October 24 at the home of Mrs. Shirley Frantom. The Youth Committee sponsored a hayride on Friday, November 1. Junior Grange will meet the second and fourth Saturdays of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 under the leadership of Mrs. Shirley Fantom. Children from ages 6 to 14 are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Gyles Brown represented Fulton Grange as alternate delegates at Pa. State Grange in Washington, Pa. during the week of Oc tober 28. Others attending State Grange were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Holloway, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Galbreath. Glen Hough won the instrumental contest at State Grange. The Grange voted to again sponsor a contestant in the Miss Solanco pageant. Mrs. Joyce Holloway, Lecturer, presented a program on Autumn. The program was opened with group singing of “Abide With Me.” Poems and readings were given by Mrs. Judith Buchanan and Mrs. Doris Hough. A skit entitled “A Sale” was given by Harry Baker, Mrs. Helen Heim and Peggy Galbreath. Arba Henry presented a reading, “My Mama Was An Ecologist.” Several games were also played. The Grange will travel to Russellville Grange on November 7 for their Com & Pie Night. Fulton will take entries of com and pies and a 15 minute program. They will leave the Grange hall at Oakryn at 7:15. Knlpco brings the Sun Inside... • to keep you toasty warm on those cold winter days inside and out • to heat your equipment for last untroubled starts • to keep livestock happy and warm •to thaw frozen pipes and a hundred other reasons How’ With Kmpco reliable por'able healer Call us today, or better yet, stop m and see how ‘ Kmpco brings the SUN inside Ask about our newest vented Kmpco heater model FVI2SS STOLTZFUS