B~Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 2,1974 Moil Box Morktl Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box' Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be' governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement i to 25 words; All ad* vertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next week’s paper; No business advertisements accepted. For Sale - 2 year old saddle bred horse. Elam Stoltzfus, Bird-in-Hand, RDI, Box 170 1.5 mi. South of Monterey along the Monterey Road. For Rent - Dairy bam with 22 tie stalls, milk house, passed inspection, East of Strasburg. 717-687-6361 For Sale - 12 ft. Cardinal elevator (never used) $310.00. Call 1-215-286-5609 For Sale - Moscovy Ducks. Jacob P. Better, Kirkwood RDI, Pa. Box 198. For Sale - John Deere B Tractor and Cultivators, $6OO. 717-284-4725 YOUR PIONEER SALESMAN IS READY WITH SUPERIOR SEED AND SERVICE • Hybrid Corn - high yielding single and special crosses. • Alfalfa Seed - for any rotation or plowdown. • Forage Mixes - A mix for every need (pasture, hay, haylage, greenchop or green manure plowdown). • Hybrid Sorghum - grain, forage, and sorghum - sudangrass hybrids. Don't Delay. /3p\ See Your Pioneer Salesman To-Day! - Corn, Sorghum, Alfalfa ® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.DesMoines lowa USA Big Dutchman has introduced an especially convenient for totally improved hog farrowing system confined hogs. Attention Farmers - Have you frosted beans? Let us roast them for you. Your animals will appreciate the extra flavor roasting gives to grain 717-786-3*35 For Sale - Shropshire sheep. Your selection from 14 ex ceptional ewe lambs and 6 ram lambs for fall breeding. Call 717-949-3653 after 5 p.m. or Sat. For Sale - 24” Lennox coal hot air furnace complete with accessories, very good condition $l6O. Wanted - A good used 2 bottom 3 pt. plow and tractor rotary mower. 717-872-5712 Wanted - Ford 1-row side For Sale - Deutz tractor mounted com picker, good fenders $50.00. Phone 354- condition. 717-367-6975 9368. [Continued On Page 2l| NOW ON TOP OF A BIG DISCOUNT YOU AND After you make your purchase and your lay away deposit, you will receive a gift certificate and a catalog to select your gift. (Note: Christmas orders must be in by Dec 1 to guarantee Christmas delivery.). Why not stop in today and get all the facts at the Home 6f the Friendly People. CHOICE OF GIFTS INCLUDE: WATCHES, GOLF SET, RADIO, LUGGAGE, CAMERA, WILL RECEIVE A GIFT OF YOUR CHOICE VALUED UP TO *75.00. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO TAKE DELIVERY ON YOUR NEW UNIT UNTIL SPRING. CALCULATOR, MANY, MANY MORE. O other Protein Need When You feed SPECIAL TANYILAC U» ONLY H l». IPICIAI TANVHAC PER HEAD MITDAY WITH CRAIN AND ROUOHAOI - OH lIOOER PROFITS I FOR MORE PROFITS - I MAIL COUPON 1 THE tanvilac I COMPANY, INC. | 6th & Coming Aves., Box | I 00 l • Highland Park Station, , Des Moines 13, lowa , J-Please Send Me Ad-. Jditional Information, about Special Tanvilac., ! I have Cattle, NAME I {ADDRESS. j CO. MOLT BIRD-IN-HAND F ALL NEW FORD LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCTS Lancaster Ford Tractor, Inc. Take Flory Mill Exit off ZB3 and go ’A mile toward East Petersburg. The New Home of the Friendly People 1655 ROHRERSTOWN ROAD LANCASTER, PA. PHONE (717) 569-7063 fitdtrs Say . . . "Fha Moif Economical Faading Plan of All " No trouble with scours or cattle going off feed. You’ll be more than satisfied with our feeding program for you’ll get healthy stock, quick gains at low cost. Remember, there’s a FEED LOT PROVEN TANVILAC CULTURE PRODUCT FOR EVERY FARM FEEDING PURPOSE. LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR Phone Lane. 397-0751
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