TRY A CLASSIFIED AD PHONE SPECIAL OF THE WEEK NOVCMBHt 4 thru 9 USED 300 GAL. MONNNIER condition! The Mueller Models “OH" and “MHL" with HiPerForm make all other bulk milk coolers obsolete. If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don’t check all the advantages of the Mueller Models "OH” and "MHL”, you may be buying an obsolete cooler. .jg-j ■■a...!. ** I fi / 'K I *~^t»y> ■'/ W" \ Only Ihe Mueller ./> ' . £/ Modal "OW’and ' -a]** 83 ' ' - ' all these advantages ata '*' ' compatidvepnce: r />' .v > ‘if -t« r~’ > a"ml *'< ® 4» .**»#&* '* • Mimiief Tfnto-Pb&ik<*iMt imsfatV '];]* • * ' V if] £ * i >x , ]-''. »'" 'v. V ''* '■' S! t,r* \ v - *''*^ *i'si \*V\ \,t*V *Ai\-\V TxAl ' v\' '' '"!•>. ✓ V 425 gal. Esco - 500 gal. Mojonmer 800 gal. Esco New 18 can (Can Coolers) QUEEN ROAD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17534 OR Answering Service 354-4374 We Stock Hess' Farm Supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications 250 gal. M.S. 300 gal. M.S. 150 gal Mojonmer After 5 P.M. JOHN D WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M. GROFF 354 0473 GIODIENNER 768-8521 10 H.P. Deutz SRI Lister Phone 717-768-7111 24 Hour Service Members of the Grassland En- James Bostic, Deputy Assistant vironmental FFA Chapter of Garden Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Spot High School were recently Development in Washington, D. C., rewarded for the work they had done Lloyd Hoover, Don Weaver, Clair in stream conservation at the Martin and Don Robinson, the National FFA Convention. Presenting Chapter advisor, the Gold Medal award (right) is Letter To Editor The 100th Convention of the Pennsylvania Woman’s Christian Temperance Union is now history. We are at the dawn of a new century and with many new horizons to be met. Nov. 18th we consummate our Centennial celebration which was the actual date in 1874 when the WCTU was organized in Cleveland Ohio. Launching the second century we urge the enlistment at the local level of future leaders with potentiality to build and extend our organization work. On Saturday, November 16th the WCTU will be featured in the “Reasoner Report” which will be aired over the ABC network at 6:30 p.m. EST. Aerial Ladder Equipped FARM PAINTING We Spray it on and Brush it In! FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT 717-393-6530 OR WRITE HENRY K. FISHER 2322 Old Phlla. Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Ethel Kindig Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 2,1974 HAY WANTED Kaolin Mushroom Farms Inc. CALL 1-215*268-2262 7