Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 02, 1974, Image 4
4—Uinorter Farming, Saturday. Nov. 2.1974 Poultry Market Re ~ . W.WiVAWAVAViViVMWANVM!iy^AV«SWiVAV«V.V.VAV.V.V.*., A , . »V*% WEEKLY NEW YORK EGG MARKET Tuesday, October 29 to Friday, November 1 Mon. Tuei. Wed. Thun. WHITE Ex. Large H 64 64 64 61 Large 0 63 63 63 61 Mediums L 61 61 61 60 Pullets I 47 48 48 SO Peewees D 32 33 33 35 BROWN Y Large Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large Checks 34 34 34 34 Tone —Large sizes easy, mediums mixed, pullets firm. Copyright 1974 Umer Barry Publications Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pennsylvania October 30,1974 CATTLE 328. Supply in cludes 123 bead feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers mostly steady to sustain top production with the BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up ... costs down... is the profit key in poultry operations. And more and more records on commercial flocks of Babcock B-300’s . .. “The Businessman’s Bird” ... show sustained production of top qualify eggs ... often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains. Come in ... look at the records and the B-300 .. . “The Businessman’s Bird”, ABCOC FARMS Telephone [7l7] 626-8257 Telephone [7l7] 626-8561 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRY L. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road Lancaster Pa Phone 717 464-2044 70 70 70 70 56 56 56 55 strong. Slaughter cows unevenly steady. Few Choice slaughter steers 41.85-43.75, Good 37.7542.10, few to 43.10, Standard 30.2537.50, Utility 25.00-28.75. Few Choice slaughter heifers 37.0040.00, few Good 32.0037.00, few Standard 29.50-30.25. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.00-23.75, few 24,10-24.75, Cutters 20.75- 22.35, Canners 19.00-20.85, Shells down to 15.75. Few Good slaughter bullocks 36.0037.75, few Utility & Standard 27.00-28.85. Few No. 1 1575-2145 pounds slaughter bulls 28.10-32.25; individual No. 2 1490 at 29.35. Choice 325645 feeder steers 29.25-34.50, Good 415-875 28.50-30.25, Medium 520-860 23.2527.00; Good & Choice 330-550 feeder heifers 25.55 29.50, few Medium 545735 lbs. holsteins 24.00-25.50; Choice 355795 lbs. feeder bulls 26.75-32.25, Good 310-685 lbs. 25.5529.50. CALVES 153. Vealers grading Utility & Standard mostly $2 to $5 lower. Few Choice vealers 57.00-69.00, few Good 51.00-57.00, Standard 35.0043.00, Utility 95125 lbs. 24.00-31.00, 7585 lbs. 20.0524.50. Farm calves, moderately active. Holstein bulls 95135 pounds 30.05 46.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 95110 lbs. 29.00-38.00. HOGS 194. Barrows & Gilts 75 cents to $2 lower. Lot 1-2 215 pounds barrows & gilts 41.50, 1-3 195230 lbs. 40.65 41.10, few 2-3 225255 lbs. 40.2540.60, 24 175185 lbs. 36.35-39.75. 1-3 285495 lbs. sows 32.00-38.00, 2-3 360-590 lbs. 27.00-33.00, few Utility 195315 lbs. 25.0527.50. Few Boars 23.0528.50. FEEDER PIGS 115.1-3 25 35 pounds feeder pigs 6.55 12.00 per head, No. 1-3 3545 pounds 10.0516.00, few No. 1- 3 45-55 lbs. 23.5524.00 per head. SHEEP 10. Few Good 70- 105 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 25.00-32.00, Few Slaughter ewes 3.50-14.00. Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports Fogelsville Sale of October 29,1974 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb., except where noted). Fri. No market report available at press time. Ppultry received Monday 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday 7 ami. to 12 Noon. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Directions Take Rt. 222 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville exit. North to stoplight in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one mile. Eastern Pa. &N.J. Live Poultry Report Wednesday, Oct. 30 Prices mostly unchanged on light type bens though occasionally higher un confirmed bid reported in an effort to secure additional supplies as plants continue part-time operations. Of ferings of heavy type adequate for a lighter call. Prices paid at farm: light type hens 6-8, mostly 7 in PA; mostly 6%-7 in NJ. Heavy type hens TFEWR. Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, Oct. 30 Market steady. Demand improved and is fairly good. Supplies adequate on all sizes. Cartoned eggs: prices to retailers, state graded (min one case sale) white. Grade A Large 70-76 mostly 70-72; Grade A Medium 68-74 mostly 68-69. Omaha Cattle Thursday, Oct. 31 Compared with the previous week’s close; closing prices on slaughter steers 50-75 lower and heifers 50-1.00 lower. Cows barely steady, instances 25-50 lower late. Bulls fully steady. Four day receipts 19,300 as compared 15,500 previous week and 18,700 a year ago. Slaughter steers ap proximately 33 percent of week’s total and heifers 25 pet., cows 10 pet., feeders 30 pet. STEERS: Four loads Choice and Prime 1072-1082 pounds 2-4 41.00-41.25 early, five loads 1151-1326 40.75. At midweek, load Choice and Prime 1151 3-4 40.75, several loads 1109-1422 3-4, mainly yield grade 4 40.00-40.25. Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17543 | Office: 22 E. Main St, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Record-Express Office Bldg. | Phone; Lancaster 717-394-3047 | or Lititz 717-626-2191 Richard E. Wanner. Editor £ Melissa Piper, Associate Editor j| Subscription price: $2 per year j-j Established November 4,1955 :£ £ Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming £ £ Lititz, Pa. * Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa 17543 £ £ Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. £ Newspaper Publishers Association, and National g £ Newspaper Association. £ ports Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, Oct. 30 Prices unchanged. Car toning demand fair though generally unaggressive. Offerings fully adequate though generally confidently held. Prices to retailers: sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, delivered; store door: A Extra Large 68-69%; A Large 67-68%; A Medium 62%-64%. Delmarva Broiler-Fryer Market Wednesday, Oct. 30 Beady to cook movement fair though occasionally less aggressive than yesterday. Slaughter schedules con tinue fairly heavy to most plants. Today’s less than trucklot asking prices continue steady on both Plant and US Grade A. Advance interest fairly good with early trading noted at 41 cents on Plant Grade. Live supplies fully adequate at weights occasionally heavier than desired. Undertone firm. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. ready to cook broiler fryers for delivery next week: US Grade A, none; Plant Grade 41. Loadlots 1390-1415 4 38.25- 39.00. Choice 975-1325 closed 38.75-40.00,* few loads 1106- 1125 lbs. yield grade 3 40.50- 41.25 during week for Canadian shipment. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1225 38.00- some late sales 900-925 37.50-37.75. Good 35.00- Standard and low-Good 34.00-35.00. Average cost slaughter steers first three days 39.09 average weight 1129 lbs. as compared 38.85 and 1124 lbs. previous week and 40.90 and 1119 lbs. a year ago. HEIFERS: A few loads High-Choice and Prime 910- 1043 pounds 3-4 40.00 on opening session. At midweek two loads same grade 981-983 3-4 39.50. Choice 850-1025 2-4 38.00-39.00, some closing sales 37.50-37.75. Mixed Good and Choice 750-975 36.50- 38.00. Good 33.50-36.50. Small lots Standard and Good 32.00- 33.00. COWS; Utility and Commercial 18.00-20.00, a few Utility dairybreds 20.50- 21.00. Canner and Cutter 15.00-18.00, mixed Cutter and Utility 18.25-18.50. Shelly canner 12.50-14.50. BULLS: 1&2 1400-1800 pounds 24.00-27.00, 1 28.00- 28.50. NEW ENGLAND WEEKLY SHELL EGG REPORT Tuesday, October*#, 1074 . Prices paid per dozen Grade "A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL MASS+ 73-81 71*77 66*71 53-56 Mostly 74-76 72-74 67-60 54-56 NEWHAMP 70-77 68-75 6471 55-57 Mostly 72-73 70-71 66-67 57 R I 76-77 74-75 70-71 57-58 VERMONT 75-82 73-82 68-80 Mostly 75-78 73-78 68-76 MAINE 75-77 73-75 68-70 55-57 4-Includes Central and Western Sections Only. NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs. (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in Sfrdozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: New Weight Per Case Wednesday Friday Extra Large 51 lbs. 0 0 Class 1 - Large 48 lbs. 54 54 Class 3 - Medium 421bs. 53 53 Class 4 - Small 39 lbs. 39 39 Breaking Stock • 48 lbs. 44 44 Checks 48 lbs. 37 37 Current broiler-fryer Premium US Grade A 45.23; negotiated prices for im- Premium Plant Grade 43.48. mediate delivery mostly * * • multiple-drop shipments to Congressional attempts to New York City from “roll back” price of crude Delmarva: Oil produced in the U.S Range: US Grade A 41-42; would on 'y «* use “prolong- Plant Grade 40-41%; ed f hor 4 ta « e > according to Premium US Grade A 43-46; at east ? ne ind^ ry ex * i. . X , ~ ’ ecutive. Amoco Oil presi- Prenuum Plant Grade 4144 <sent> Walter Pei rson, says wtd. Avg.: US Grade A arbitrary rollbacks would 41.10; Plant Grade 40.23; “undermine* investor con- SPECIAL PF THE WEEK 400 GAL. SUNSET NEW ICE BANK TANKS IN STOCK 12 Volt Controls 12 Volt Gear Motors Used Bulk Milk Tanks (Excellent Cond.) 500 gal Dan-Kool Ice Bank Spudnicks Kesco Milk Transfer System FOR BULK MILK TANK SERVICE CALL COLLECT Call Us At (717) 626-4355, (717) 626-5996 or Answering Service At (717) 733-1224. SHEWS FARM SERVICE RD.4, Lititz NOW IN STOCK Ph. 626-4355