Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 02, 1974, Image 36
Farming, Siiuntoy. Nov. 2,1974 Ag Leaders Queried On Co. Fair Feelings ICwAwdFfWßheill surrey proves negative, the project will likely be drop* ped. The recipients of the queationnalre ere eiked first if their organisation* would support a county fair, and whether or not they feel it should be in addition to, or instead of, the six com munity fairs now held in the county. They are also probed on their preferences for locations, timing, financing, and bow many of their members would be willing to donate time to a county fair. Because of a general consensus at the June meeting. Smith says in the questionnaire tint a car nival-type midway would be unwelcome, but be asks the farm leaders if their organizations would accept lunch stands, children’s rides and other wholesome entertainment Also listed are 13 pros and coos for a county fair, as determined by the three member steering com mittee. In Germany, the fumes from hot iron on which oil has been poured is considered a cure for toothache. VOCOII IS THE PROVEN WHITEWASH THAT IS NATURALLY ADHESIVE Voco II is NOT A LIME whitewash Voco II will not flake or scale off Voco II dnes white APPLIED BY RICHARD R. FURRY & SON gpnjaytity 2020 Horseshoe Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717-397-0035 Weare also equipped to serve you with modern equipment in all your areas of crop spraying Those points listed favoring a county farm show are: •Lancaster County ranks first In Pennsylvania and 12th in the United States and needs a county fair to display this agricultural rating. -More non-farm people would be attracted by the larger number of exhibits. -A better opportunity would be provided to display farm products, educational activities and other services. - Such a fair could serve as an added tourist attraction for the area. -A county fair would provide an opportunity to select county winners. - Residents in those communities which don’t bold farm shows would have an opportunity to par ticipate. -Some commercial concerns prefer to par ticipate in a county fair rather than a community farm show. Those points against a county fair are listed as For Interior Farm Mings loQ£ws: - With six community fairs held yearly In Lancaater County, a county show Is not needed. -There are no available facilities (or a county fair. -Such a fair would be costly and require extensive financing. -There is a general ob jection to the undesirable midway which is necessary to make such a fair finan cially feasible. -The majority of the present community farm show committee people “may" not be willing to participate in a county fair. - The former Lancaster County Fair, bdd last in the early 1930’5, folded because of the undesirable midway and lack of agricultural support. rp L v t vjJr Each cow individually recorded with colored magnetic dice which makes all systems using pms and tabs obsolete. Six patented revolving 21 day hands give a complete account of cows heat cycle. Revolving hands give you day to day status every day 365 days a year. i BUY THE BEST FOR LESS ♦ You Con Improve Your Herd Breeding Efficiency {Greatly By Using a Bray Magnetic Breeding Calendar j THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS I PRICES - Calendar size 32" x 32". ■ * For 75 Cow Herd - s 130.00 For 150 Cow Herd - $ 140.00 ALL CALENDARS ENCLOSED IN CABINET Most efficient, economical and complete herd planning system available in the U. S. s 2O °° DISCOUNT ON ALL CALENDARS PURCHASED BEFORE SEPTEMBER Ist. The New ELECTRO-GATE allows You to Drive Thru All Gates Without Stopping. EDGEFIELD FARMS Route 472 & Edgefield Rd. Quarryville, Pa. The queationnalre also provides for comment concerning a possible restructuring of the six community farm shows even if a county show is not adopted. The survey asks if mfflnga should be held in an attempt to develop uniform objectives and themes for the six term shows. The three-member steering committee is comprised of J. Mark Bushong, Columbia RD2, president of the Lancaster County Agricultural Ex tension Service; Kenneth Meek, Willow Street,; president of the West Lampeter Community Fair; and Mark Nestleroth, Manhrim RD3, president of the.Manheim Farm Show. TACKLE YOUR BREEDING PROBLEMS HEAD-ON! WITH A BRAY MAGNETIC BREEDING CALENDAR SAVE UP TO 15% ON A DO-IT-YOURSELF COMPLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL KIT ALLEN H. MATZ, INC. 505 E. Main St, New Holland Phone: 354-2214 Tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about every cow in your entire herd at a glance! No chance of overlooking ANY cow. Owners say they have saved enough to pay for the calendar in less than 1 year in her& of 35 or more cows. , Ken Rutt Ph. 786-3591 Amos Rutt— 786-3897