Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 02, 1974, Image 22
22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 2,1974 A record crowd gathered cow owned by Charles Myers at the New Holland Sales and Mel Lehman, Lancaster. Stables on Wednesday, First and second pladngs in October 30th for the Annual the individual classes were Dairy Show and Side. as follows: The grand champion Mixed breed: Ist - Walter animal was shown by H. D. Rlsser, Palmyra; 2nd -H. D. Matz, Ephrata with reserve Mate, Ephrata. champion honors going to a Holstein 2 Year Bred Parade of the Profit-Makers These Plus-Proven 15H141 Steriingdale PIONEER Admiral Excellent & Gold Medal; PQ [5/74] & TQ IS/73) USDA-29Daus m 3 Herds Ave 18.587 M Predicted Difference (32% rpt) +7BOM 25 Pr Classified Daus Ave. 82.0 (act): -f 48 PDT Sire Mooseheart Pioneer - EX & GM Dam. Skokie Princess X Royal Alice - VG 135 DAIRY SIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE -fl'tlantic \l BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES New Holland Dairy Show Member NAL Affiliated Breeders Heifer - Ist - Walter Riaser, Palmyra; 2nd - Jacob Esh, New Holland. Holstein Fresh Heifer: Ist • Dale Hostetter, Lebanon; 2nd • H. D. Mate, Ephfata. Holstein Dry Class: Ist - Melvin Kolb, Lancaster; 2nd - Melvin Kolb and Marvin Eshelman, Lancaster. Holstein Fresh Cow - Ist • H. D. Mats, Ephrata; 2nd - Charles Myers and Mel Leh man. Lancaster. Sale Report First ten cows in the sale averaged $3217.50 with the twenty top cows averaging $2,286.25. Grand champion cow shown by H. D. Matz sold for $4OOO, and was bought by Charles Myers, Lancaster. Reserve champion cow shown by Mel Lehman and Charles Myers sold for $5,500 going to James High. Fresh class cows - Melvin Kolb and Marvin Eshelman $2750 brought by Paul Zimmerman, Ephrata. (4th) H. D. Matz • $4700 bought by Obie Snyder, Imler; (sth) H. D. Matz - $1250 bought by Paul Zimmerman. Dry Class - Ist Melvin Kolb and Marvin Eshleman $1750 to bought by Kenneth Brown, Ohio. (2nd) Melvin Kolb and Marvin Zimmerman $4200 bought by Carl J. Yoder, Elverson. Fresh calf heifer - (Ist) Dale Hostetter, Lebanon $6OO bought by W. M. Roth. (2nd) Henry Kettering and H. D. Sires Are Available Daily For Your Dairy Herd: 3.32% +s37 A record crowd gathered at the D. Matz, Ephrata with reserve honors New Holland Sales Stables yesterday going to Charles Myers and Mel Leh for the annual Dairy Show and Sale. manr Grand Champion honors went to H. Matz $750 bought by Landis tlestown. (2nd) Jacob Esh Alfred Albright, Landisburg. Weaver, Quanyville. $5BO bought by Norman Kolb, (2nd) H. D. Matz $1575 Springing heifer - (Ist) Lancaster. bought by Clarence Stoner, Walter Risser, $7OO bought Mixed breed - (Ist) Walter Fredericksburg, by James Spaulding, lit- Risser $1450 bought by Educational Meeting Set For Nov. sth Garden Spot Young Farmers Association will hold a Public Education meeting on Tuesday, November sth at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden Spot High School in the Agriculture Class Room. The subject to be discussed will be Manure Handling 15G111 NolichuckeyTC TRANSFER 618 F USDA -10 Daus in 1 Herd Ave. 15.137 M +6F Predicted Difference (19% rpt.) +433M 10 Classified Daus. Ave 86.5; +3.5/Br Ave. Sire Gayoso View Top Command -- GS Dam- JMC Transfer Judy - EX 3 times THROUGH OUR PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN SERVICE! CLEONA* Elizabethtown Hummelstown COATESVILLE* Parkesburg Oxford Pughtown Systems. Discussion will indlude four different methods of handling manure; manure pits, stacking areas, lagoons and spray irrigation. Speaker for the meeting will be Harold Zimmerman from Zimmerman In dustries, Inc., of Ephrata. Call for service and information: 273-6763 367-3923 566 2569 384 2741 857-5545 932-9361 469-9238 LANCASTER* Akron East Earl Gap* Mount Joy Quarryville *24 hour answering service or recorder His topic will be the building of manure pits. Walter Holies, Soil Con servation Engineer with the Soil Conservation Service of Harrisburg will also be speaking at the meeting. All farmers and interested persons in the area are in vited to attend. Refresh ments will be served. READING* Lebanon* YORK* 569 0411 859 2552 445 4131 442-4471 653 1451 786 7381 Broguevide' Fawn Grove Seven Valley York Springs 4.31% +s2B 653 F +I2F 376 8297 273 6763 792 0941 927 6210 382 4805 428 2266 528 4426