Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 02, 1974, Image 14
14—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 2,1974 Swacara Dairy Farm Dale H. Wllaon Stanley Delaenann hr’.nAS Snoblss Polly Tammy Kathy Kenneth L. Stutsman Mabel Stella Melinda Mary Meg Fran 163 Ruth Daisy Helen Lilly Lady Linda F. M. Browns Sons Inc. #37 #26 #25 #33 #5O Jenny Tulip Carol #49 Belle Dolly Misty Frisky Viola Lucille Madge Tessie Clara Lucy Harry P. Shaak #226 J. D. Rosenbaum & Son #57 #33 #74 , Creek F Blacky Faith Daisy Della Robert L. Sattazahn Charlea D. Moyer Russell H. Haas Way Har Farms Donald Rentschler John H. Stump Jacob A. Hartz Daniel H. Schlegel Robert L. Seidel Edward R- Haas Raymond L. Kulp Donald M. Meyers Stephen J. Janos Richard R. Troutman Larry L. Mertz George E. Moyer Muddy Creek Farm Gene A. Reed Glenn B. Gockley Pinnacle View Dairy Frank G. Gromlich Leon H. Berndt Roy C. McLain Robert C. Dreisbach William W. Herbert Mattnew L. Degler Clarence B. Kulp Hylark Farm G. Layman Braund Paul S. Phillips Ernest 0. Miller if 57 Harold & George Schuler Mary A Marie Lilac D Sue Ida Jill m Grace F. Kunkel Lester Heyer (Omlmml ftM Pap 13) 6-8 5-6 5-2 5-3 5- 4-10 4- 3-11 3- 2-11 2-2 2- 2-1 6- 5- 2- 9- 4- 7- 6- 11-1 7- 4- 3- 2-1 5- 4- 3- - 2-10 6- 4- 5- 6- 8- 5-6 3- it ' 4- 3- 2-1 4- 5- 5-7 2- 3- 5-1 4- 4- 7- 8- 3-10 10- 3- 10- 7-1 5- 3- 12- 5- 7- 6- 4- 4-10 3- 8- 4- 4-2 4- 5- 4-3 4-10 7-9 4- 4- 7- 8- 5- 5- 4- 6- 5- 6- 6- 5- 7- 6- 7-11 4- 7- 6-8 7-7 5- Lisa Sally Taaay Xoaapae Joyous Suaan Allca Fusty Lark Honabaa Dove Ella Doll 1100 #127 1230 Oz Donna 130 #3B Wezzy Irma Susie Jolie Sally. Gerda Blossom it 8 it 24 it 16 Joan Skycro Lucky #144 II ' Sally Lois 287 305 295 305 295 283 299 305 291 305 284 305 293 305 293 305 300 305 304 303 305 300 305 305 II 293 305 285 305 278 305 265 305 283 272 305 284 305 281 305 281 271 294 270 301 Harriet Kathy Poppy 176 1161 1169 #ll6 #176 #lB6 #135 #213 Claranca C. Sattazahn Jan 12 Paul J. Kurtz Angel George S. Troutman Jr. Honey Plebe #137 Roxy Loretta #B9 #176 #l5l #lB #165 #lBO #136 Ontalynn Acras Blue Hen Aesdany Yost Brothers Teen Chsl Farm Th« Greeks and Roman stirred medicines with the fourth fingers, believing that if the mixture was noxious, the heart would be instantly alerted. C5V_-/> 203 305 4- 6-1 2-11 5- 5- 6- 4- 5- 293 305 ' 273 305 305 303 286 305 tt I [1)111 1 *.V| 11362 559 17116 627 15470 593 16296 632 19013 733 15439 635 14797 563 16052 569 17946 630 15794 579 16023 601 14398 572 14700 584 23956 727 19875 655 15271 642 20451 9Q7 16284 588 14695 586 17831 667 14037 631 15235 698 13692 598 13918 643 15692 658 w