TRY A CLASSIFIED AD PHONE 626-2191 or 394-3047 ATTENTION FARMERS! Now You Con Grind New Crop Corn Without Worry Of HEATING MOLDING SPOILAGE. USE JUST 2 POUNDS OF Young's SIIOSYN per ton of complete feed up to 20% moisture. Call Your "MAN FROM YOUNG'S" EARL L. UMBLE 2460 Willow Glen Dr., Lancaster Phone: (717) 393-3208 CASSEI C. MUMMAU R.D.I,Mt Joy Phone: (717) 653-4355 RAY L. BRECHBILL R.D.3, Wateredge Rd.. Lltltz Phone: (717) 626-5266 @ voung’s, Inc. Year 'Round Usage THE ECONOMIC TOUGH 330 MUSTANG UNLOAD TRENCH SILOS MANURE HANDLING SNOW REMOVAL FARM ROAD REPAIRS GRADING AND MANY, MANY, MANY OTHER JOBS. fTfi * a EQUIPMENT COMPANY 717-354-4241 Today . .. ROARING SPRING, PA. Nutritional Supplements for Livestock Specializing Service and Rental 780 EAST MAIN STREET NEW HOLLAND, PA. 17557 Lancaster Co. IConNnutdFromPaitll James A. Hess, Quarryville R 2; and Paul Hartz, Morgantown HI. Elected to serve on the association’s dairy com mittee were Robert Kauff man, chairman, Elizabethtown; James Krieder, Quarryville; Richard Hess, Strasburg. The new poultry committee is comprised of Jay Grelder, chairman, Elizabethtown; Lou Bixler, Marietta; and Irvin Denlinger, Yellow Goose Rd., Lancaster. Livestock committee members are Roger Thome, chairman, Elizabethtown; Harold Rohrer, Lampeter; and Reid Wissler, Ephrata. Several reports were read into the minutes of the meeting. President Donald Hershey’a report noted the fact that the membership rolls had swelled from 1261 last year to 1422 in 1974. A film “What the consumer thinks of the farmer’’ was shown. Produced by the Illinois Farm Bureau, the movie showed that consumer attitudes about farmers were generally favorable, although sometimes misguided. A total of 20 policy recommendations were voted on by the members present, and all but one were adopted. The single ex ception was a policy statement which would have recommended a ban on doe hunting in Lancaster County. The members voted in favor of a doe season. The policy recom mendations which were adopted follow: 1. We recommend that fanners and landowners be unconditionally relieved of all liability for accident by people trespassing on their property. 2. We recommend the federal inheritance tax act in Parts, Farmers Assoc. personal exemption to raised from $60,000 to $200,000. 3. We recommend that trucks over 7,000 lb. gross vehicle weight and driven less then 5,000 miles per year pay V 4 license fee. 4. We recommend legislation that would provide an incentive for returning bottles instead of throwing them along high ways; also, stricter en forcement of litter laws. 5. We recommend the fines on malicious mischief and drunken driving cases be raised, and driver’s licenses be lifted until the fine is paid. 6. We oppose all con struction of nuclear power plants in Lancaster County and recommend that American Farm Bureau make a study of implication of such plants on the en vironment. 7. We believe the railroads are an important part of American industry and the farm community, and should be kept under private and-or cooperative management with less government and labor union interference. 8. We recommend that feed mills be held liable in handling feed, fertilizer, chemicals and pesticides to eliminate chance of con tamination of feed in the mixing process, while in their control. 9. We oppose state and federal benefits for strikers. 10. We recommend that imported agriculture products comply with U.S. health standards. 11. We recommend getting the milk marketing board out of politics and doing the job it was designed to do. 12. We recommend con tinued open season on wood chuck, and that farm organizations be consulted on hunting season dates. 13. We recommend that SAVE $ - DO-IT-YOURSELF FAST, EASY ERECTION.... USING ONLY ONE SIZE HUTS, SOLIS AND A WRENCH .... , , , No holes to drill 4-Week delivery - Yes, 4-Week Delivery No metal to cut Low cost Completely demountable All useable space - no pillars or beams Add two feet or a thousand feet at will No special tools or equipment necessary All steel arch panels are interchangeable Heavy gauge galvanized steel Fire resistant Each arch is self supporting Easy to insulate No trusses to erect No maintenance Completely factory-built 36 Different Sizes from 12 to 150’ Wide KANE BROS. ■ 1475 SKIPPACK PK. ■ CENTER SQ. PA. 19422 PHONE: (215) 279-7129 « (215) 493-5625 FOR MORE COMPLETE DETAILS FILL IN AND RETURN COUPON BELOW Vertical wells Semi-circular Paratoelic Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Oct 19,1974 well-supervised local dumps be kept open, to people will not be tempted to deposit trash along roads and in farmers’ fields. 14, We recommend milk continue to be sold by quart and-or gallon, but that containers be labeled as to the amount of ounces con tained. 15. We recommend that co-ops not be bonded as this destroys the cooperative concept 16. We recommend the federal government not get involved in national health care. 17. In view of social security system, we believe control of inflation and balanced federal budget will do much to put the system on solid financial ground. 18. We recommend that all safety and pollution devices on cars be made optional. 19. We recommend there be no doe hunting in Lan caster County. (Members voted against adopting this recommendation.) 20. We recommend the obnoxious weed law be en forced, especially on state land and highway right-of ways. 21. We believe school bus drivers and other seasonal workers should not be eligible for unemployment compensation. 22. Since school teachers now have an education association or teachers union, we recommend school tenure be eliminated. 23. We recommend a 20 percent tax be added to the purchase price of land bought by foreign citizens, governments or companies, and the income be used for agricultural research or land development. 24. We recommend the consumer agency headed by Ralph Nader be required to name contributors and other sources of income. 25. We recommend career ... all steel FORTIFIED TSTANDING FEATURES NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE ( DESIRED USE SIZE ; APPROX. orientation and exploration, kindergarten through ninth grade. 28. In an effort to control inflation we recommend state and federal spending be kept to a minimum. 27. Farmers to comply with clean streams Laws and finding no federal funds available for cost sharing on needed practices should get state funds equal to what they would have gotten before federal funds were exhausted. 28. We recommend the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture put more effort into uniting agriculture and telling our story to the consumer and spend less time dabbling in partison politics. 29. The need for a new farm show complex is self evident. We recommend new facilities be built as soon as feasible. 30. We believe we as farmers should sell, as well as buy, on world markets. fVAmerican Viewpoints We shall not . . . achieve the ideals for which this na tion was founded so long as any American suffers dis crimination as a result of his race, or religion, or color, or the land of origin of his fort fathers. Harry S. Truman Message to Congress, 1948 buildings STATE ZIP 17 » |r