■UncMter' Farming, Saturday, Oct. 12, 1974 THE OLD MIMEU IMAHK OCT. 14-20,1974 The bird* have simort rang their last it’a hunting season in many places now, so wear red in the woods ... Teddy Roosevelt shot by assassin Oct. 14,1912 ... New Moon Oct. 15 ... Geese fly south now ... Average length of days for the week, 11 hours, 1 minute ... Sockeye salmon return home up Columbia River .. . Trees are about bare.,. First ladies golf championship tournament Oct. 17, 1894 ... If Oct. 16 is dry, so will be the spring . . . Charity begins at home, but shouldn’t end there. Old Farmer’s Riddle: What do you take when it rains? (An iwer below. > dude, a fop, or a poser, etc. Um< Hints Put * strip of remaking tsp« on pl>v.oo<l Mohr where \ou plan 3o make a cut. Your saw won't splinter the wood Riddle answer* Shelter OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS Mew England: Rain to start, then clear and mild; light rain it week’s end. Greater New York-New Jersey: Ram at first, then gradual Hearing and warmer; light rain by weekend. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Clear and cool at first, then warming; ncreasing cloudiness latter part. Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: Week begins clear and cool, then ram along coast; clear and warm at end of week. Florida: Possible hurricane crossing south bringing heavy ram all week. Upstate and Western New York-Toronto & Montreal; Early week partly sunny and mild, then showers; end of week cloudy and showery. Greater Ohio Valley: Clear and cool to start, then very warm; end of week clear and pleasant. Deep South: Early week clear and pleasant; end of week very warm. Chicago and Southern Great Lakes; Most of week clear and pleasant; partly cloudy and cooler by weekend. Northern. Great Plains-Great Lakes: Generally clear and mild all week. Central Great Plains: Partly cloudy and cool at first, then beautiful and warm fall days to end of week. Texas-Oklahoma; Mostly clear and warm all week; hot and cloudy by weekend. Rocky Mountain Region: Week begins clear and warm; end of week cloudy and cool with showers. Southwest Desert; Clear to start with highs in mid 90s, then partly cloudy and cooler. Pacific Northwest; First part of week rainy; end of week sunny and mild. California: Fair all week except for midweek ram in north and weekend clouds in south. (AH Riuhtb Reserved Yankee Irvc , Dublin, N H 03444) SHEEP 40. Few Choice 75- _ 105 lbs. wooled slaughter TRY A CLASSIFIED AD iambs m o*®.™, o»d »■ 120 lbs. 30.00-32.00. Slaughter PHONE 626-2191 or 394-3047 ewes w 00-ieso. Aik the Old Fanner: In the song “Yankee Doodle," what does the line mean which refers to a feather called “macaroni”? I have heard that macaroni was used to mock British officers during the Revolutionary War. but I am still confused. R.S., Canton, Ohio. Macaroni is English slang, of about 1760, meaning a C ", Uesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Penna. October 9, 1974 CATTLE 291. Supply in cluded 120 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers weak to |1 lower. Slaughter cows $1 to 12.50 lower. Choice slaughter steers 41.1044.50, Good 35.00- 41.00, Standard 32.0047.60, few Utility 27.1040.00. Few Good slaughter heifers 30.00- 38.00, few Standard 27.00- 32.60. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.60-23.50, Cutters 19.00-21.60, Canners 17.00- 18.60, Shells down to 12.50. Good & Choice slaughter bullocks 33.60-38.00, few Standard 24.00-29.75, Couple Utility 22.00 and 24.00, two Cutters at 18.00. Yield Grade 1-2 1100-1825 lbs. slaughter bulls 25.2542.00, individual 1380 lbs. at 22.75. Choice 500- 950 lbs. feeder steers 31.00- 33.50, Good 230400 lbs. 28.25- 33.50, Medium 350450 lbs. 23.75-27.75, few Common 350- 685 lbs. 20.00-22.00; Good & Choice 380-790 lbs. feeder bulls 24.00-28.25, Medium 350400 lbs. 20.00-24.00. CALVES 117. Vealers $1.50 to $4 lower. Good vealers 50.00-58.00, Standard 38.00- 45.60, Utility 90-120 lbs. 28.00- 38.00, 70-85 lbs. 23.50-28.00. Farm calves absent. HOGS 230. Barrows St Gilts mostly 50 cents to 75 cents higher. 1-3 195-240 lbs. barrows St gilts 41.10-41.50,2- 3 185-255 lbs. 39.75-41.00, 2-4 250-300 lbs. 33.75-38.60, one lot 2-4 140 lbs. 32.00. 1-3 300- 460 lbs. sows 30.25-35.00, 2-3 370-535 lbs. 27.50-30.00, few Utility 250-350 lbs. 28.00- 31.00. Boars 21.00-27.00, one lot 31.50. FEEDER PIGS 153. 1-3 20- 35 lbs. feeder pigs 8.50-12.50 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 14.50- No. 1-3 50-80 lbs. 22.50- per head. Pa. Auction Summary Weekly Summary 19 livestock Markets Week Ending October 4,1974 CATTLE 5828. Compared with 5182 head last week, and 5178 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers uneven, mostly steady to weak. Slaughter cows 25c to 50c lower. Slaughter bullocks uneven. Slaughter bulls mostly $1 lower. STEERS: Few High Choice & Prime 45.0046.50, Choice 40.0045.25, Good 35.7541.00, Standard 30.00- 38.50, Utility 26.00-31.50. HEIFERS; Few Choice 38.8541.00, Good 34.0047.50, Standard 28.0043.80, Utility 21.75-28.25. COWS: Utility & High Dressing Cutter 22.50- 25.50, Cutters 21.50-23.75, Consumers' Corner Handicapped Through its Division for the Blind and Handicapped, the Li brary of Congress lends library materials to the blind and physi cally handicapped Including books, sound reproducers and musical scores, these materials are available upon request on a nationwide basis in libraries des ignated by the Librarian of Con gress Revised eligibility require ments for these services provide for Blind persons whose sight is 20/200 in the better eye with corrective 'glasses, or whose 'widest sight span is no greater than twenty degrees Persons whose sight—with or without corrective glasses and re gardless of sight span are not able to read printed material Persons unable to read or use standard reading material as a re sult of physical limitations Persons with problems so severe that they are unable to read , printed material in a, normal ' manner. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN CUSTOM FREE STALLS MADE TO ORDER * ■ -3go' s^l*?* -* IWIWIj K* FEATURING: - Free stalls any length made to order 2V? in 0 D High Carbon Steel Tubing, rust resistant - Designed to give cows greater comfort and save labor and bedding costs - Stalls provided with bedding ooards brackets Check on our steel pipe gates, and steel feedlot fencing and barnyard fencing YOU WILL FIND MERV & MARLIN MARTIN WORKING FOR YOU MARTIN’S MANUFACTURING CO. DISTRIBUTOR OF CENTRAL TRACTOR PARTS CO R.D.3 Myerstown Rh one (717) 933-4151 TAKE RT. 645 - 3 MILES NORTH OF MYERSTOWN FOLLOW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS Canners 18.50-22.75, Shells down to 15.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 34.00-38.50, Good 30.5046.90, Standard 29.75- 32.50, Utility 22.75-29.35. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1000-2000 lbs. 27.0044.25, few t 036.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Good 300-700 lbs. feeder steers 26.2543.00, Medium 20.00-28.50; Good 300800 lbs. feeder heifers 23.00-30.50, Medium 20.00-28.00; Good 300-700 lbs. feeder bulls 24.10- 29.00, Medium 20.00-28.00. CALVES 4148. Compared with 3799 head last week, and 4072 head a year ago. Vealers strong to $6 higher. VEALERS; Few Prime 72.00-80.00, Choice 55.00- 72.00, Good 46.0048.00, Marlin's LIMESTONE Take advantage of early results by liming in the late Summer and Fall. Get ground ready for the first Spring shoots by allowing the lime all winter to condition the soil. For Small or Large Oj : i \ \JL~. •* • a**- /j Standard 32.00-48.00; Utility 90-120 lbs. 23.00-36,50, 7085 lbs. 18.00-32.00. Holstein bulls ,90-125 lbs. 25.0086.50; beef cross bulls St heifers 70-140 lbs. 26.00-36.00. HOGS 6668. Compared with 6072 head last week, and 6292 head a year ago. Barrows St Gilts mostly $1.50 higher. BARROWS St GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 39.25- 40.25, No. 1-3 190-250 lbs. 37.7089.50, No 28180-260 lbs. 36.5088.70, No. 24 250800 lbs. 31.2586.50, No. 24 120- 185 lbs. 27.5084.75. SOWS: US No. 18 300850 lbs. 25.5080.00, No. 28 300- 650 lbs. 21.75-26.00. Boars 19.00-28.00. Apply dine early IVAN M. MARTIN, INC. Blue Ball, Pa. 354 4125 Gap, Pa. 442-4148 oration
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