60—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept 14, 1974 Inflation fighting recommendations are being heard from many different people these days. Political leaders, labor leaders, business leaders and voters in general are making serious proposals for combating our cost-of-living problems. In general, my own views on specific steps needed to get inflation under control foil into seven categories. It is the seven items in my personal anti-inflation program that I would like to discuss in this column. First, Federal spending must be cut substantially. While this part of the program is nothing new for me to be advocating -1 have consistently said that reduced government spending would help us get a grip on rising prices - it is a very important part of the whole. The Federal Government can best show its seriousness about the inflation fight by making the first sacrifices itself. Specifically, I would recommend a $lO billion but in Fiscal Year 1975 and a $l5 billion cut in Fiscal Year 1976. on their loth ANNIVERSARY •T Tox-o-Wix CRAIN DRYER WILL DRY CORN FOR PENNIES PER BUSHEL. Isv/ TOX-O- WI RECIRCULATING GRAIN DRYERS WORLDS LARGEST SELLING RECIRCULATING BATCH GRAIN DRYERS BECAUSE - Price is Lower MODELS AVAILABLE - Costs Less to operate 270 - 250 BUS. - Easier to operate 370 - 350 BUS - Dries more efficiently 570 - 500 BUS - Will dry 50 per cent moisture down to 12-15 per cent moisture SHENK FARM SERVICE RD4, Lititz, Pa. Second, the Federal Work force should be reduced. The figure of 40,000 persons being widely discussed in Washington seems a reasonable reduction and one that could be achieved through attrition. Third, a tax increase on corporate profits and perhaps on individual in comes over $25,000 should be explored. We must make certain that such an increase would not discourage the investments that are necessary for economic recovery, but tax policy must always be regarded as a potential inflation weapon. Fourth, we should eliminate the tax deducation permitted for foreign tax credits. This is primarily a business deduction that allows American businessmen to deduct from their U.S. taxes the amount they pay in foreign taxes. It is a deduction llje elimination of which can serve the inflation fight in two ways - by discouraging the export of some American dollars and by raising some additional revenue that could be used to begin paying off the national debt. Congratulations to PENN JERSEY HARVESTORE Your Best Investment ON DISPLAY AT Fifth, the elimination of another tax deduction - the depletion allowance per mitted for overseas oil drilling - should be adopted. This, too, would raise revenue, but more im portantly would encourage exploration for lower priced domestic petroleum rather than the high priced oil being bought from abroad. And, increased fuel costs have been a major inflation factor. Sixth, it should be made very clear that there will be no return to wage and price controls. Part of the price rise problem in recent months has been in an ticipation of a return to controls. In other words, prices have been increased more than costs would dictate as a hedge against another freeze. If there is a sure guarantee of no further controls, this kind of in crease will end, and inflation rates will drop. In addition, business may respond to such a guarantee by ex pressing its confidence through new investments and thus help stop the present stock market decline. Seventh, a public service job program should be established to help those people who find themselves out of a job because of the economic dislocations caused by the Nation’s in flation fight. Just as im portant, the program could Phone 626-4355 School Junks Junk Foods Pupils at Edward Street School in New Haven, Conn., won’t be eating potato chips, candy or soda during lunch period if Principal Joseph Geremia has his way. Geremia, a former science teacher, sent notices to parents this week when school opened asking them not to include the so-called “junk foods” in their children’s lunches. He said those items will not be sold at the elementary school, either. “I’ve seen students eat nothing but potato chips and soda,” he said. “It’s crazy.” Geremia contends those It takes ten trees one day to produce the oxygen required to burn just one gallon of gasoline. At that rate, it would take a grove of 28 trees to replace the oxygen used by the average American's car in a year. Three hundred average size books can be printed on the paper made from one tree. be used to reduce the ex panding welfare rolls that have contributed to our inflationary problems because filling the public service positions should begin with those persons on welfare who are able to work at something. FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING ore not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly newspaper. We'll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (you'll be doing both them and us a favor!) Street Address & R.D. City, State and Zip Code City, State and Zip Code (You are, not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: Name : Address ' City □ Enclosed is $2 for 1 yr. [52 issues] gift subscription. □ Enclosed is $3 for 2 yr. [lO4 issues] gift subscription. □ Send a gift card with my name on it to the above. Sign the card: PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO: LANCASTER FARMING foods do not belong in a balanced diet. “We’re so hypocritical,” he said of adults. “We tell kids not to smoke and we P.O. BOX 266. LITITZ. PA, 17543 then smoke in front of them. We also know that carbolic acid in soda is harmful and we drink soda.” When the principal an nounced his Junk-food ban at a pre-school meeting, parents cheered. Street Address & R.D. I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE, Name Address City □ Enclosed is $2 for 1 yr. [52 issues] □ Enclosed is $3 for 2 yrs. [lO4 issues] I first saw Lancaster Farming; Cl In a friend’s home □ In a Agribusiness office G In a County Agent or other government office rj Other [Where]