Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 14, 1974, Image 55

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    Fulton Grange
Elects Officers
Fulton Grange 66, meeting
at their hall in Oakryn
September 9,8 P.M., elected
Donald B. Trimble, Peach
Bottom R 2, as Master for a
one year term. Also elected
and to be installed Oct. 14
are: Thomas Charles
Galbreath, Overseer; Miss
Joyce Galbreath, Lecturer;
Harry Baker, Steward; Arba
Henry, Assistant Steward;
Miss Peggy Galbreath, Lady
Assistant Steward; Gyles
Brown, Chaplain; Clifford
Holloway Jr., Treasurer;
Mrs. Jesse Wood, Secretary;
Dennis Buchanan,
Gatekeeper; Mrs. Dennis
Buchanan, Ceres; Mrs.
James A. Brown, Pomona;
and Mrs. George Hough,
Flora. Elected for three year
terms were Norman Wood, a
member of the executive
committee and Richard
Lefever, a member of the
finance, committee.
Also elected to serve a one
year term were; Mrs. Jacob
Fantom, Junior Grange
Matron; Glenn Hough,
pianist; David Hanks,
assistant pianist; Mrs. Anna
Armstrong and Mrs. Gyles
Brown, Softer committee;
Mrs. Frank Aument,
librarian, Thomas Galbreath
and David Wissler, trustees;
Charles McSparran, pur
chasing agent; Mrs. Robert
McSparran, hospitalization
secretary; and Charles
Tindall Jr., Scout
The Master, Charles
McSparran, presided at the
business session when the
Charter was draped in
memory of Mrs. Wilda H.
Paxson, a fifty one year
The youth committee
sponsored a bus trip to
Philadelphia Sept. 13 to see
the Philliea-St. Louis
baseball game. They are
constructing a float for the
Southern Lancaster Co.
Community Fair parade
Sept 20.
The Grange voted to again
permit Robert Fulton Cub
Pack 130 to meet in the
Grange hall and to hold a
rummage sale there Oct. 19.
In other action, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Holloway were
elected alternate delegates
to attend the 102nd annual
session of the Pa. State
Grange to be held at
Washington, Pa. Oct. 28, 29,
30 and 31. An installing team
from Fulton Grange will
install officers for four
Subordinate Granges and
Harford Co. Pomona in
Maryland Oct. 11 at the
Dublin Grange Hall.
Miss Joyce Galbreath,
Lecturer, conducted a
history bee and g game. She
announced that the art and
colored photo contest will be
held at the next meeting Oct.
14 and urged members to
participate. This will be
Community Night and the
public is invited. Fifty and
twenty-five year members
will be honored and Mr. and
Mrs. Laveme Pownall will
show colored slides of their
recent trip to Europe. The
program will be preceded by
a covered dish supper at 7
P.M. in charge of Mrs.
Richard Holloway, Mrs.
Richard Hanks, Mrs. James
First Pennsylvania Bank N.A.
JCTOR•>strs«i:‘Vr , 5BT£*T
July Meat Imports
Off 44 Percent
imports of meat subject to
the Meat Import Law of 1964
were 59.4 million pounds
during July according to
figures released recently by
the U. S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA). This
was 44 percent below im
ports in July 1973 and the
lowest monthly imports sinc
e November 1969. Over 80
percent of the decline was
due to smaller imports from
Australia and New Zealand,
the two leading overseas
suppliers of meat to the
United States.
Imports of meat subject to
the Meat Import Law totaled
615.2 million pounds during
January through July, 12
percent below imports
during the same period last
year. The current level of
imports is just about on
target with the USDA’s
current estimate of total 1974
meat imports subject to the
Meat Import Law. The
estimate is 1,210 million
pounds which compares with
imports of 1,355 million
pounds in 1973. Imports
subject to the law are
primarily fresh, frozen, and
chilled beef, but also include
veal, mutton, and goat meat.
Population Growth
In 1972 the population growtl
of the United States dropped ti
its lowest level in thirty-fivi
years. Our growth rate for tha
year was down to 7 8 persons pel
1,000 of population—the smal
lest since 1937
A. Brown and Mrs. Harold
Alexander. Members are to
bring a meat dish, another
dish and their own place
On Your 10th Anniversary
Member of FDIC
10th Anniversary
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Sept. 14.
PHONE 393-3921
PHONE 273-4506
BISr 8