Dedicates Engineering Center A new worldwide Engineering Center dedicated by Sperry New Holland on Saturday, Sep tember 7, uses computers to aid in designing modern farm and industrial equipment. With the computers in the center, the company’s engineers are able to test new ideas before they leave the drawing board. They pinpoint areas of stress on a proposed machine and solve complex mechanical problems prior to the first prototype or model being constructed. While the computer will never replace men’s ideas in designing new and better machines, Sperry New Holland engineers say they do offer a better chance of choosing alternatives in design that will do the job best. Another feature of the center is the stress coat room where prototype machines are painted with a special lacquer. It dries to a hard, brittle finish and during field tests, stress patterns in the lacquer coat appear as patterns of cracks and reveal just where the +•> < Sperry New Holland most stress is located while the machine is working. In the mechanical laboratory, engineers work with a “semi-anechioc cell" or what may be better known as the "noise room". The walls and ceiling of this room absorb almost all noise emitted by a running machine. The lab technicians can then easily pinpoint where un satisfactory noises are coming from and take corrective measures. At the official dedication of the center on Saturday, H. G. McCarty, vice president and general manager, North America, told visitors how the company searched long and hard for a building design that would keep engineers close to their tools, files, legal aids, and ex perimental workshop - all at the same time. Inis was accomplished, he said, using a “King Arthur roundtable" concept in the floor plan of the building.' Melvin Happe, vice president for Engineering, welcomed visitors to the new Engineering Center and said he hoped after seeing the building people could better < 4 /’ '*v $ r '"V V **> >„ S> /V V - N * < Sperry New Holland recently dedicated their new worldwide engineering center which uses Controlling by David A. Hart Asst. Co. Agent, York This warm, wet summer has been favorable for MEMIER F 0 I c Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Sept. 14.1974 computers to design modern farm and industrial equipment. Cockroaches cockroaches, and we have been getting several inquiries about them. The German cockroach is the most common one in Penn sylvania. It is a brown roach about Vt” - %” in body size in the adult stage. It can be readily brought into the house by way of infested cartons. Another type of cockroach found in and around the home is the brown-banded cockroach. It can be easily recognized by the light colored bands across its body. The brown-banded cockroach is difficult to control because unlike the German cockroach, they will be found all through the house including bedrooms. Both of the above roaches can be controlled with the ant and roach insecticides found on the market. These insecticides should contain one of the following ingredients: DDVP and Grand Opening Farmersville Auction There will be a grand opening of the Farmersville Auction on September 17th beginning at 5:00 p.m. in Farmersville RD2, Ephrata. John Rutt, Auctioneer reported that the grand opening will include a sale of antique furniture and dishes with a grand prize to be YES, WE MAKE OUR OWN HESS’S SILAGE MAKER Don't Take Our Word . . . The Farmers Who Use Hess's Silage Maker Are Our Proof of Success FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HESS'S SILAGE MAKER AND HESS’S LIVESTOCK CONDITIONERS CALL 717-354-7935 717-656-7905 LEON W. HESS CRIST STOLTZFUS RD2 RDI New Holland, Pa 17557 Leola, Pa 17540 717-442-8134 HENRY S. LAPP —r i > *- , Dieldrin, pyrethrins and chlordane or Baygon. Repeated applications may be necessary where in festations may persist. Another important roach pest is the oriental cockroach. This black cockroach reaches the size of about one inch. It is often seen around the foundation of the house and in basements this time of year. Because this cockroach keeps on invading the house from the outside repeated sprayings may be necessary to keep them under control. Another helpful tip would be to use chlordane on the ground about 10 feet out around the house as well as ysing the ant and roach sprays mentioned above inside the house. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Agriculture Extension Of fice, Court House, York, Pa. (848-2101). awarded at the end of the sale. Also there will be prizes offered every hour. Before the new auction was constructed, auctions were held in a near by building for two years. Free coffee and donuts will be available throughout the sale. 23