Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 07, 1974, Image 13

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    Busy Young Farmer
| Continued From Page 11
calves and half to raise his
hogs. He also included an
office for himself where he
keeps his records and
Uoyd has 16 sows which he
rotates in four groups and
raises the small pigs until
they have reached 40 pounds
and then sells them as feeder
pigs. He also trys to keep
about 70 veal calves a year.
Besides his animals he
also raises some hay and
corn. Custom livestock
hauling is also one of his
activities that has earned
Uoyd some extra money.
Uoyd’s outstanding far
ming program earned him
the County FFA Star-Far
mer Award this summer.
The award was based on a
record of his operation in
fanning and on a personal
interview conducted by
several area businessmen.
Uoyd, who will be a senior
at Garden Spot High School
this Fall, is also active in his
church youth group and in
the National Honor Society.
Being president of the
Grassland FFA has meant
serving on every committee
for Uoyd.
Uoyd expressed an in
terest in continuing his
farming after he graduates
from high school.
■‘l can see a future in
farming” he said, “es
pecially in raising purebred
Veai Calves is only one of the projects that Lloyd
has undertaken as a young farmer. He also raises
market hogs and corn.
Authorized Factory Se'vice
on Most Shockers
Glenn M. Hoover
Leola RDI, Oregon Pike 17540
Manufacturers of Kafstals
Veal Stalls Bale Wagons
Alititz RD4
Rothsville Station Road
Duroc hogs.”
Uoyd has built up his herd
by himself and is proud of
the animals that he has
“I would like to continue
building up my herd of
animals and keep showing
them; it gives you a good
feeling to know that you’ve
developed the kind of
animals that bring prizes,”
he explained.
Uoyd has not only gained
recognition in this area but is
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept. 7.1974
now being considered as a work as evidenced by his
young farmer to represent efforts on the farm and in
agriculture in the United FKA activities.
States in France. If selected As well as being an out
by the French Government, standing young farmer he is
IJoyd will spend some time also a good citizen as well
in that country as an ex* especially since the radio
change student. station WSBA recently
Uoyd is the type of person named Lloyd as “Citizen of
who dedicates himself to his the Week".
Raising purebred Duroc hogs is one of Lloyd’s
enterprises. He is especially proud of the animals that
have won prizes.
Rural Water
Guide Published
A unique new book. Guide tcover format. Cost is $7.50
to State and Federal Policies and it can be ordered from
and Practices in Rural the Information
Water-Sewer Development, Clearinghouse, Commission
has just been published by on Rural Water, 221 N. La
the national Commission on Salle St., Chicago, 111. 60601.
Rural Water. If payment accompanies the
The guide brings together, order, all postage and
for the first time, all handling charges will be
currently available in- paid by the Clearinghouse,
formation on both federal Volume prices, and in
and state rural water and formation on other Com
sewer programs. It was mission publications, are
written to meet the need of a l s ° available upon request,
local, state and national
planners and officials and Consumers' Corner
others interested in rural
development - for a single
reference work in this im-
portant field.
Contents include a sum-
mary and analysis of current
policies and practices; and
an agency-by-agency and
state-by-state survey of
research, regulatory and
funding programs.
Numerous tables are in
cluded to summarize both
the and dif
ferences between the states’
programs in several im
portant categories.
The result of exhaustive
and up-to-date research, the
more than 500-page guide
has been printed in an easy
to-read BJ/2xll8 J /2xll inch, sof-
Treat Stains Soon
Your favorite soap or deter
gent could well be the best stain
remover in jour household Its
alwajs on hand, inexpensive and
safe to use
Next time you find a problem
stain on a washable fabric, try
one of the following methods
For blood or meat juices soak
soiled area in cold water about
30 minutes If stain remains,
work soap oi detergent into the
stain ,rinse and launder as usual
For chocolate, giavy or lipstick
stains work paste of soap or de
tergent into stain Launder as
usual If giease remains, sponge
with cleaning fluid
To remove milk, egg 01 ice
ci cam stains, soak fabric in cold
water mb paste of soap 01 de
teigent into stain and launder as
v. M" » 7 ‘ >IZ