6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 17, 1974 n a • n Pa. Auction Summary theOLD Al'(i. 19-25, 197 i 11.11 c to mcnlion >nu might get u drciuliin'. Turn m uit ilu)'(‘ li.uk in m hnni iliitln- tli .iin’il ... 1 .iniiv I .itim i* 111 hm 11 In i « nnk imumhi ml in Hn-tnn A mr. - 1 1,1 *- • • It)~t mu 11 1 1 inl muon \uk. JI Avu.iiri K ntflli of il.us |m vvn k. lllimn-. Illuminin' I’.n i*. fioi il \uk. 21, 11)44 I 'mu lii 11 Ini iiml l>\ \ i -ii\ ni' 1 I’ M , A iik J.!. A.I I. ■‘l . . • 1 ii't I S ml "ill in lilii-iillt. I’.i Auk. 18‘iH . . . Fi\e hum; fni "Hi In i.ill in Suit in. M.i-s. Auk 1 **. Ill'l2 . Soon I l|ll . Mil'll Illttl'll Old Kirmer's Kiddle: Wli.it slmuM .1 hike In fmc smff nm ' ( \nsu i-l liclim .) V K'S llimih Mini- i» Iniu '1 -h*»rti inujr m • 1 ltis»hm ulun \nu iiml t '•mill mi iuiit Kidtlh anttnr \ u ith OLD 1 \RMI R S \VI ATHI R 1 OR! CASTS New Fngland: Most of week waim and paith eloueh , coastal lam at midweek dm to otfshoie Inline me. Greater New 'Nork-New Jersc>: Clear and \en w.uni to stait, then he.u-s lam, ram and cooler lattei part Middle Mluntic Coastal: Eatlv week paith clouds aud watm with Mime showei-. end of week iam\ and slightly cooler. Southeast t'oastal-Picdinonl. Coastal lain to start, then clear and hot, ram and coolei h\ weekend Florida: Mosth lain all week in centia! and south, clear most of week in noi th hut iam In w ee ke ml Upstate & Western N.\ .-Toronto & Montreal; Most of week sunin and eei\ w mu shown* at he ginning: and enel of week. Greater Ohio Nallej: Most of wee-k clear anil very waim; showll- mil cooler h\ weekend Deep South: Cleai anil hot to stait, then ram continuing to enel of w e'e k Cine ago and Southern Great Lakes: Fust part of week partly eh'u ami hot. end of wei-k eloiuh anil cooler with showers. Northern Great Plams-Great I akes: Earls woek \ cry warm w ith show i I- ind of we e'k eli’ai and pleasant Central Great Plains: ( hai anil hot to stait, then cooler with light l un to • nd of we ek Texas-Oklalioma: Tan all wi ek except ram to start and on v\«.ekomi in initial and midweek lam m north Koik) Mountain- Region: Mo-tl\ Minm with mtcimittent cloud-. nr i am all week Southwest Desert: 1 mht lam to start, then paitlv cloudy and continued \er\ hot to end of week. Pacific Northwest: deal and hot to stait. the n -howei m noith, clouds Hup sunns latlei pait. California: Clouds at first, then ram, lam to end of week in muth, cleaimjr bs weekend m south (All Rights Reserved \ -tnkte Inc DuMin N H 034-14) \sk the Old Farmer: What is \our opinion u sardine; wiatber fore casts made according to the stripes on a woollv bear cater pillar'’ T K , Akron. Ohio. Mi mui hi lined flint ft rater liilliu /ms (t)ii / v sense to hegtn ii til- mill in n iiiihhi't i oil it fur iihhlioii ’ Hut tin s miiiiff is that II hi Hint hum II nndilh hiilifl tilth iiunoii hhitk i nd-stripe* tore i lists it wild u inter. Weekly Summary 19 Livestock Markets Week Ending Augusts CATTLE 7159. Compared with 7208 head last week, and 5434 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers 25 cents to $2 higher. Slaughter cows mostly $1.25 to $2.25 lower. Slaughter bullocks mostly steady to $2 higher. Slaughter bulls 25 cents to $1 lower. STEERS: High Choice & Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Penna. August 14,1974 CATTLE 279. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers uneven, mostly steady to $1 higher. Slaughter cows $1 to $2 higher. Slaughter bullocks $2 to $3 higher. Choice 1000- 1200 lbs. slaughter steers 46.00- Good & Choice 795-990 lbs. 41.8543.85, Good 38.7542.00, Standard 34.50- 38.00, few Utility 29.60-32.75. Few Choice slaughter heifers 38.00-38.35, few Good 34.00- few Standard 29.25-31.10. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 27.10-29.50, Cutters 26.00- Canners 23.50- 26.50, Shells down to 21.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 37.8540.85, Good 35.00-37.85, few Standard 31.00-34.10, few Utility 28.00-31.50. Yield Grade 1-2 1095-1885 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.60-39.75. Few Choice 450-550 lbs. feeder steers 40.50-43.00, Good 300-500 lbs. 35.00-39.00, Medium 370-500 lbs. 32.00- 35.00; Good 300-600 lbs. feeder bulls 34.00-36.75. CALVES 160. Vealers $2 to $6 lower. Couple Choice vealers 49.00 and 54.00, few Good 45.00-50.00, Standard 36.00- Utility 90-120Jbs. 30.00- 70-85 lbs. 26.00- 32.00. Farm Calves slow. Holstein Bulls 90-120 lbs. 33.00- holstem heifers Prime 48.75-50.75, Choice 44.25-49.10, Good 39.00-45.00, Standard 34.25-39.00, few Utility 30.00-34.25. HEIFERS: Choice 39.35- 45.25, Good 36.25-42.75, Standard 31.40-34.35, Utility 25.50- COWS: Utility & High Dressing Cutter 25.00- 30.00, Cutters 23.75-26.75 Canners 21.50-25.00, Shells down to 18.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 36.00-41.60, Good 33.50- Standard 32.00- 37.00, Utility 28.50-33.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1000-2000 pounds 31.00-36.75, few to 39.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Good & Choice 300-450 pounds feeder steers 37.00-41.25, Medium & Good 300-700 pounds 30.00-35.00; Good Sc Choice 400-800 pounds feeder bulls 30.00- 35.00, Medium 300-800 pounds 25.50- CALVES 4273. Compared with 3797 head last week, and 3557 head a year ago. Vealers grading Standard to 90-120 lbs. 32.0040.00; beef cross bulls & heifers 70-120 lbs. 35.5041.50. HOGS 256. Barrows & Gilts $1.50 to $2 higher. US No. 1-3 200-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 40.5041.00, No. 2-3 185-250 lbs. 39.2540.60, No. 24 250- 300 lbs. 29.85-37.00, No. 24 160-180 lbs. 36.25-39.35. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 27.00- No. 2-3 300-600 lbs. 24.00-27.00. Boars 22.25- 25.50. FEEDER PIGS 179. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00- per head. No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 22.00-27.00 per head w Introducing - High-Density Stacks New 200 Stack Wagon™ shapes hay and stalks into extra-dense, weather-tight loaves With unmatched 11-ton compaction force (184 pounds per square foot) and dome-shaped roof, John Deere Stack Wagons build tightly-packed High- Density Stacks You get fewer stacks to move stacks you can move right away firm stacks 6 with straight toplines and dome “roofs” that resist I water penetration We have the details-plus I JDFP financing Stop in now' ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC Mohnton RD2 Pa 19540 (near Adamstown) Phone (215) 484 4391 A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland 354 4191 Choice mostly $1 to $2 higher, Utility $1 to |2 lower. VEAUERS: Few Prime 66.50-80.00, Choice 54.00- 65.00, Good 48.00-59.00, Standard 39.00-52.00, Utility 90-120 pounds 31.00-42.00, 70- 85 25.00-33.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 35.00- 54.00; Holstein heifers 90-130 35.00- beef cross bulls & heifers 70-120 39.00-69.00. HOGS 7446. Compared with 7100 head last week, and 5944 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts uneven, mostly steady to $1.50 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: 1-2 205-230 pounds 39.35-40.60,1-3 195-240 36.50-39.80, 2-3 185-260 34.00- 2-4 240-300 32.00- 35.75, 2-4 120-185 25.00-35.00. No. 1-3 300-550 sows 22.00- 26.50, 2-3 300-700 20.00-23.50. Boars 18.40-23.50. FEEDER PIGS 1441. Compared with 1359 head last week, and 945 head a year ago. 1-3 20-35 feeder WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - Dries White - Does Not Rub Off Easily - No Wet Floors -1$ Compatible With Disinfectant Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Witmer.Pa. 717-392-7227 HAVE YOUR BARN CLEANED AND SPRAYED NOW. 'r&t ''' M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester 696 2990 pigs 8.00-18.00 per head, 1.3 35-50 12.00-22.00, 1-3 50-90 17.00-25.00 per head. SHEEP 1065. Compared with 1171 head last week, and 818 head a year ago. Spring slaughter lambs uneven mostly $1 to $3 lower. Choice 70-100 pounds spring slaughter lambs 32.00-40.50 Good 50-100 pounds 25.0 k 35.00, Utility 50-90 pounds 20.00- Slaughter ewes 6.00- ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLLER REPAIRS Authorized Factory Service on Most Shockers REPAIR THEM NOW Glenn M. Hoover Leola RDI, Oregon Pike 17540 656-8020 Manufacturers of Kafstals Veal Stalls Bale Wagons 'S'f ‘ LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster 393 390 b SHOTZBERGER'S 'A/y~ 665 2141