Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 10, 1974, Image 46
—UncMter Farming, Saturday, Auiu»t 10. 1974 46 The Lancaster Dairy Judging Team took first place in the state contest. From Left to Right... Gary Akers, Quarryville, (high man in the con test) . . . Linda Kauffman, Elizabethtown, ... Rick Hess, Area 4-Hers Compete at Achievement Festival Days Several hundred 4-H Club members from five surrounding counties competed for honors at the 4-H Achievement Festival held on Aug. 5-7th at the Pennsylvania State University. Along with their demonstrations and team judging, the members were entertained by the Pennsylvania Ballet at the new University Auditorium. Lancaster County 42 4-H’ers from all over Lancaster County brought home a host of medals and ribbons during the 4-H Festival. The County’s Jr. Livestock Judging Team placed first in the competition with three members placing as high in dividuals. Ken Brubaker, Lancaster, placed Ist with Gary Eberly of Denver 2nd and Richard Groff, Leola 3rd. Ronald Zimmerman, Ephrata the Fourth member of the team aided in placing the team first. Gary Akers, Quarryville, was high individual on the Dairy Judging Team that also placed first in the state. Other members included Linda Kauffman, Elizabethtown, Rick Hess, Strasburg, who was 10th in individual competition and Rick Mellinger of Strasburg who placed 20th. The Dairy Team will be traveling to the All American Invitational Show for competition in September. Jane Gregory, Lititz, Donna Bare, Witmer, Heidi Bailey, Quarryville and Natalie Immel, Lititz comprised the Horse Judging Team that placed second in the state. The team had the highest reason score in the state. Jane Gregory was top individual in the state in reasons with Natalie Immel third. The team wassurpassed by the Butler delegation by a mere 12, points. Steve Donough, Manheim, placed 7th in individual competition in the Senior Livestock Judging Contest. Other members that helped the team rank sth were Mike Grube, Elm, Gordon Hoover; Gap and Dwight Houser, Lampeter. Lancaster County’s Consumers Team received a red placing in competition. Members of the team were Christine Erb, Mt. Joy; Karen Greider, Conestoga; Claudia Bard, Lancaster and Sandy Arnold, Landisville. Fourth place honors went to the Poultry Judging Team which competed for the first time. Tim Grube, Elm; Judy Stoltzfus, Mt. Joy; Jim Sauder, Mt. Joy and Pam Wivell, Columbia comnrised thp newly organized team. EVERT WEDNESDAY IS % a&m DAIRY SSL DAY AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Pa. If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price. Mostly fresh and close springing Holstems. Cows from local farmers and our regular shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, Gordon Fritz, Blaine Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, Bill Lang, H D Matz, and Jerry Miller. STARTS 12:30 SHARP & Strasburg,... Mr. Lee Jinks, State 4- H Club Leader...and Albert Mellinger, StrasbCirg. The team will represent Pennsylvania in the All American Junior Judging Contest at Harrisburg next month. The sister team of Nancy and Susan Herr of Lancaster, captured a gold medal and first prize for their demonstration on Meat Buying Know How. Gary Brubaker and Ken Longenecker of Lititz received a blue ribbon for thier team demonstration of Corn Silage additives. Ronald Nolt, Mt. Joy, finished 4th out of 13 contenders for his demonstration in tractor driving. In the public speaking division, both Joseph Lefever of Manheim and Nancy Henkel of Strasburg captured red ribbons. Jane Gregory, lititz, became a Keystone Award Winner from Lancaster County in the Achievement program. The Horse Bowl team, which was just recently organized, placed sth out of 30 teams in the State. Members included Leon Matroni, Lancaster. Cherri Gochnauer, Lancaster; _ Judi Anderson; Lancaster and Jenny Weber. MillersviUe. Elizabeth Herr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elizabeth Herr, Narvon; placed third and Andrea Gibson, Herr, RD2, Narvon tied for third place in the Physical Lancaster placed sth in the Physical Fitness competition. Fitness competition. Presenting the plaque to Miss Other members of the team wWch ranked 9th included: Herr js Mrs jj||j e Qjbson, Nutrition Aide Supervisor Darryl Bollinger, Manheim; Betty Jo. Bittler, Peach Bot- . .. c . .' , tom; Jon Bittler, Peach Bottom; Ted Gray, Lancaster; * or Pennsylvania State University. Genevieve Gibson, Lancaster. An award of $25 was given to four members of the Mt. Joy Photography Club for their photo exhibit. The award is in meraoiy of Carl 0. Dossin, Jr. Phillip Landis, Timothy Swarr, Darwin Nissley and Trudy Nissley were members who exhibited the photography work. Lebanon County 49 4-H Club members from Lebanon County also par ticipated in the 4-H Achievement Festival. James Egnor, Lebanon; was high individual in the state in Flower Judging competition. Placing 2nd was Robert Ben sing, Lebanon; 3rd, Maxine Noll, Lebanon and 4th Kathy Hoke. The team placed first in the State. DAIRY COW SALE MOMMY EVEMN6, AUGUST 12,1974 At 8:00 P.M. Located in Perry Co., 12 miles North of Carlisle, Pa. 2 miles East of Landisburg, Pa., along Rt. 850. MIDSUMMER SALE 60 Purebred & Grade Holstein Cows & First Calf Heifers from upstate Pennsylvania and New York state. Purebreds from Astronaut, Kingpin and Lassy Leader SOME HEIFER CALVES ALL COWS FRESH OR CLOSE HEALTH CHARTS WITH EACH ANIMAL ALFRED ALBRIGHT LANDISBURG, PA. 17040 Phone (717) 789-3387 Naugle, Pedigrees SHULL, Auctioneer Lunch Susan Herr (on right) and her sister, Nancy, 840 Penn Grant Road, Lancaster with State 4-H Club Leader, Mr. Lee Jinks, and their plaque for winning top award in the demonstration division at the recent 4-H Achievement Festival held at Penn State. Their demonstration was titled, “BEEF UP YOUR BEEF BUYING HABITS.” Kenneth Hoke, placed sth in the Horticulture Judging contest. Other members of the team were James Conner, Lebanon; Ray, Moyer, Lebanon and Michael Noll, Lebanon. Horse Judging Team placed 21st consisting of Cathy Fetter. Lebanon, Elizabeth Wells, AnnvUle: Robert Arnold, Fredericksburg and Elanine Kohr, Jonestown, placed 21st in competition. [Continued on Page 47] PUBLIC SALE FMDAY, AUGUST 16.1974 11:00 A.M. Sharp HOLSTEIN DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL FARM MACHINERY - HOUSEHOLD GOODS Located on the farm at Route 1, Schuylkill Haven. Turn North onto Rt. 61 from Rt. 22 and proceed to Gulf gas station and turn onto S. Greenview Road or South of Schuylkill Haven. Located between Orwigsburg and Schuylkill Haven. '9l HEAD HY-6RADE HOLSTEINS' 61 Milk Cows 2 Stock Bulls 8 Bred Heifers Balance Yearlings and Calves 1 Red and White Holstein Heifer Cows in various stages of production, large cows in good flesh and producing lots of milk. This was a jugging operation and production was a must. Pregnancy Examined Interstate Health Charts Gehl FHB4 Chop All, 1 row com head and pickup at tach. for Chop All, Gehl 710 front and rear unloading wagon, Gehl 72 field chopper, Int. 56 Hopper blower, 50’' blower pipe (new), N.H. Right Side tank spreader. FURNITURE Zenith comb, stereo and B & W TV, 2 bunk beds, 2 chests of drawers, RCA port. TV, sofa, double bed with bookcase headboard, radio-stereo combination, buffet, table with 8 chairs. Conditions by Gene Picket Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer