Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 10, 1974, Image 40
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 10, 1974 40 M The Coolest Main Dish of All It's hot and you don’t feel at all like cooking a warm meal. And why should you? A cool, cool salad can be the main dish for dinner tonight. What's more a lot of people in the family could help prepare it, if they’re willing. Make it fun and they probably will be. Especially, your smaller children. Try them out on scraping carrots for carrot sticks. And preparing celery. Washing lettuce. Or cutting up boiled potatoes that now are cool. A Variety Of Foods If your salad is the main course, will you sacrifice protein in your meal? Not at all. In fact, your salad should, in this instance, contain foods from each of the four food groups. Obviously you will build the salad on vegetables. There are several kinds of lettuce: iceberg, bibb and Boston. If you can, use all ATTENTION DAIRYMEN: Did someone say you should put in a 2 inch or 3 inch milk line? Yes, because the con ventional pipe lines carry milk, and the milking vacuum in same pipe. Your galvanized pipe only carried pulsation vacuum (the vacuum between shell-and inflation.) Oh, a larger milker line may help your milker, but if a slug of milk goes down a 2” line your vacuum drops, just like in a IW' line, so before you scrap that old 1 Vz” line, why not use that old 11/?”I 1 /?” line to transfer milk only, and in stall another iW' stainless steel line to carry your milking vacuum, with no milk or liquid in this line you have free moving air, no drop in vacuum. Then use the new Zero pipeline unit with above, you have the best milker you can buy, no air injection needed, to slug milk up the hose Did you ever stop and think? Would you like that same air sucked through your drinking water Come in, Write or Phone for Full Information 1 MARVIN J. HORST DAIRY EQUIPMENT R.D 1 (Iona) Phone 717-272-0871 Located on Rt 897 Between Schaetferstown S Lebanon Zero Dealer for over 20 Years Doctor in the Kitchen” by Laurence M. Hursh, M.O. Consultant, National Dairy Council three along with other usual salad greens such as endive. But here’s a host of other vegetables to consider: Red kidney beans, canned greenbeans, slices of green and red peppers, onion, slices of radish, celery, cucumber, canned beets, and the carrots and potatoes mentioned earlier. Obviously, we can next add fruit. Tomatoes are the staple, of course. But why not also consider some of these : rings or chunks of pineapple, peeled orange slices, raw apple, pieces of fresh or canned peaches, or grapes. You should not expect to use all these foods. But at least this gives you a wide selection from the vegetables and fruits food group. Now for the meat group: This gets into some preparation, but not necessarily, because so many things come canned, all prepared. Like tuna, or canned salmon, or various meats, especially the lun- Lebanon, Pa cheon-slice variety which can be easily converted to bite-size bits. Don’t forget sardines, anchovies or, for that matter, chunks of chicken, turkey, ham, or marinated beef, or slices of hard-cooked egg. Dairy Foods Dairy foods will be represented by your use of cottage cheese, chunks of other cheeses, and the part that sour cream, roqufort cheese and -or milk can play in your dressing. And finally, the breads and cereals food group: One way is to stir in a lot of those delicious, often garlic soaked croutons or sprinkle your salad with wheat germ. Another nice addition is serving some of the many cocktail dip-type crackers that are available. For a beverage? Drink a cool glass of milk, or iced tea or iced coffee. Wonderful Corn On The Cob I like corn on the cob so much that I’d like to write about it more than once a year. But they tell me that would be overdoing it so I wait each year until now. Fresh sweet com is, to my taste, one of the great delicacies. It also occupies a central role in the development of America and PUT YOURSHF mo THE FUTURE! LET THE SUNSHINE IN WITH... SOLAIR SYSTEMS WE'RE INTERESTED IN ECOLOGY! With our completely covered lots and a sun roof with an open peak, rain water does not enter the bay area and maximum evaporation of annual liquids is obtained. An “all-drained” floor system is installed and a curbed fence line keeps manure in place to be scraped into a liquid pit or a push-off loading system. By preventing manure run-off the surrounding area is not polluted. Yes, since your urban neighbors and government fathers are interested in ecology, we are ready to help you build a system that will put you ahead on the pollution problem. And, low moisture levels in Solair Systems results in less bacteria action and fewer odors. • VAN DALE, INC. • MADISON SILOS CALEB M. R. D. 1 Drumore Center, Quarryviile, Pa. the rural life that I ex perienced when growing up in Minnesota. So let’s talk about com and how delightful it is again this summer as one of the great blessings we receive from the harvest season. Soiled or roasted, and with melted butter and salt, corn is one of the foods everybody in the family enjoys. Have we always had com? It has a fascinating history. What Experts Say According to experts such as G. F. Sprague of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and John R. Edwardson of the University of Florida, com probably originated in tropical South America. Botanically it is an annual plant of the grass family. It is the most important cereal in the Western Hemisphere. Only wheat and rice exceed com on a world crop basis. Food semantics can sometimes be confusing. For example, in Britain and continental Europe the word “com” has been used for centuries to mean any of the small-seed cereals such as barley, wheat and rye. “Maize” is, of course, a worldwide specific term for the several varieties of com we are really talking about. Which leads me back to the Americas and ancient times. DISI kSduTukS FOR; • VAUGHAN Wild com is believed to have existed as early as 80,000 years ago. Somewhere along the line the word “maize” was coined to describe com. The difference between wild com (which has not existed for centuries) and our domestic variety was one of size and particularly of ability to reproduce. In wild com, when the plant was mature, the husks opened to permit the wild com seed to be released. In other words, it could reproduce itself. In modem com, the husks must be opened manually or by machine to free the seeds. Early Com Fragments Reconstruction of early com fragments found in SOLAIR COW BAY WITH THE "SUN SENSOR" FEATURES THE FOLLOWING: 1. Storm-and fire-resistant construction. 2. Rapid evaporation and dehumidification through “solar thermo” circulation. 3. Engineered for expansion. 4. Designed for either beef or dairy cattle. 5. Straight line scrape areas. 6. “Quick dry” floor areas. 7. North side ventilation summer only. 8. Three sided wall structure open South. 9. “Jalousie type” Southern roof provides direct sun rays on 80 per cent of floor OPTIONAL. 10. “Sun Sensor” control automatically opens and closes optional jalousie roof for maximum winter comfort. 11. Complete herd grouping accommodations. 12. Automated feed control. • MECHANIZED FEED LOT SYSTEMS WENGER, INC. Mexican caves indicates the wild com cobs were less than an inch long, and that they had an average 55 small seeds or kernals, arranged in pairs, usually eight rows. In contrast with today’s com (which has large ears borne low on the stalk), wild com ears were probably borne high on short-stalked plants'. So wild com pretty well perpetuated itself. Today, to reproduce com, man must remove the seed from the ear, plant the seed, eliminate the competition of weeds and other plants, and harvest the ears. ' But we grow and harvest a heck of a lot of it. And besides all the varieties of so-called “field com,” we have wonderful sweet com for our dinner table. Enjoy! Enjoy! • PAMLINE Phone 548-2116