If you're a stickler on neatness, there's one place it doesn’t pay to be neat. That Is under the hood of a engine when you are working on spark plug wires. In this case, it’s accuracy not neatness that counts. Some believe it’s best to tape the plug wires in tidy bundles after plugs have been changed. By doing so, they are only inviting the dangerous condition known as crossfire. Champion Spark Plug Company points out the engine crossfire can be a FIELD TRIP 500 SOW CONFINEMENT OPERATION IN YORK COUNTY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 SPONSORED BY THE Loncaster County Swine Producers Assoc.. Bus will leave Lancaster Farm & Home Center at 8:30 A.M. Return to Center at 3 P.M. A stop will be made for lunch. Also will visit Gettysburg Tower before returning. Price *2.50 per person FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT Tony Folker at 717-354-9557 by August 14th. * ♦ ♦ ♦ SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Mr. & Mrs. David H. McMichael WITH THEIR NEW BOU-MATIC PIPELI Here's What The McMichaels Have to Say: "Our new Bou-matic pipeline milkers take the heavy work out of milking. It is easy on the cows and there is no mastitis problem. We can milk more cows in less time. We're glad we have Bou-matic." I 1 v» '-"""'^ Watch Out for Crossfire When Working on Engines cause of engine roughness, backfire, detonation and in extreme cases spark plug or engine damage. Ignition crossfire is a condition in which the spark plug is fired out of time due to induction. A strong magnetic electrical field develops around a spark plug wire when high voltage travels through it on the way to the plug. Sufficient energy is created to induce voltage into an adjacent wire if: - The adjacent wire is placed close enough and runs parallel to the wire PAYS TRIBUTE TO SHENK'S FARM SERVICE carrying the voltage and • The adjacent wire leads to a plug in an adjacent cylinder which will be fired next in the firing order. As a result both spark plugs will fire - one before it is supposed to fire. To prevent crossfire, it is vital that all spark plug wires be routed properly and adequately separated. When changing plugs it may help to identify and match the wire to the proper cylinder Lane. Co. Farmers Set Policy Meetings Lancaster County Far mers Association, as in past years, will be holding policy development meetings the. next several weeks, ac cording to Earl Newcomer, Washington Boro Rl, policy development chairman. This is the method the Penn sylvania Farmers Association and the American Farm Bureau use to decide the stance mem bers want to take on im portant issues. Some items for discussion are: safeguards for coop members; cost of OSHA regulations and standards; food and fiber 1 reserves; sensible pollution control enforcement; cost of automobile safety and pollution standards and devices. by placing a numbered clothes pin on the wire while it is disconnected. Most car makers provide plastic looms that secure the plug wires to the rocker cover. These help maintain the proper wiring arrangement and prevent the wires from being burned on the hot exhaust manifold. Should these looms be damaged or lost, they should be replaced as a further guard against crossfire. A list of members holding meetings at their homes and the dates are listed below. All meetings will start at 8:00 p.m., and Newcomer said all PFA members are invited to attend the most convenient one. Monday, Aug. 12 - Richard Haas, Lancaster R 6. Tuesday, Aug. 13 - Harold Rohrer, Book Road. Monday, Aug. 19 - Noah Wenger, Rl Stevens. Earl Smoker, Stevens Rl. Earl Newcomer, Washington Boro Rl. Donald Hershey, Manheim R 2. James Kreider, Quarryville R 2. Tuesday, Aug. 20 - Paul Hartz, Morgantown Rl. Ellis Mentzer, New Holland R 2. Charles Rohrer, Paradise Rl. Ralph Hostetler, Mount Joy R 2. Jesse Wood, Not tingham R 2. Thursday, Aug. 22 - Vemon Umble, Christiana Rl. Harold Ney, Marietta Rl. Robert L. Kauffman, Peach Bottom R 2. Frank Pieffer, Mt. Nebo. Chester Weaver, East Earl R 2. Monday, Aug. 26 - Titus Hess, Leola Rl. Farm Women Calendar Tuesday, August 13 Farm Women Society 22 Chinese Auction at the home of Mrs. Clarence Rohrer, Smoketown. Wednesday, August II Farm Women Society II meeting 1:00 p.m. at the Paradise Mennonite Church Christ’s Home. Thursday, August 15 Farm Women Society 15 Family picnic at Huff nagle Park, Quarryville 6:00 p.m. Saturday, August 17 Farm Women Society 3 Meeting at the home of Mrs. William Gerhart HAY & STRAW SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12 NOON PAUL Z. MARTIN SALES STABLES 2 miles East of Intercourse Sale managed by Harvey Z. Martin Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 10,1974 Seme Arabs believe that a heavy downpour can be (topped by quenching a fire with water. 4? Oo your own cleaning jobs fast. Blasts dirt and grease away Farm Equipment. Dairy, Calf Barns. WE ARE OFFERING A PORTABLE UNIT 600 TO 700 PSI. 3 GPM TRIGGER GUN, CHEMICAL INJECTOR. For Approximately the Same Price You Would Pay for a Smaller Unit, 500 PSI - 2 GMP GIVE USATRYBEFORE YOU BUY ZIMMERMAN’S Animal Health Supply ,3 miles W. of Ephrata along WOODCORNER ROAD RDJ4.UHfa.Pa. 17543 Phone 717-733-4466 The satisfaction that comes from doing a good job of farming It’s a great feeling to know that you are the master of your farmlands .. . that when you treat your soil right, it will treat you right. Liming is one of the most impor tant factors in keeping your soil in the highest produc tive range. By raising the pH fiom a level below 6.0 to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest as much as 5 more bushels of corn per acre, with similar increases for all other forage and cash crops r ’cr* HIGH PRESSURE WASHER // V 21 V
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