—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 22. 1974 12 CADII | (Continued from Page If of such unpronouncable breeds as Limousin, Maine- Anjou and Simmental. What next? Water buffalo? Cattle from Tibet? Purple steers? Try Texas Longhorn, according to a story in the June issue of Smithsonian Magazine. Today’s AT the ROYSTER COMPANY plant ★ SEE THE GOLDEN ACRES HYBRID CORN TEST p LOTS^Sk X / f y v/s •, , / ' ' >V 4 FREE TISSUE TEST “ Bring along a couple corn plants to check Herbicide Test Plots in Soybeans and Corn REPRESENTATIVES FROM SIVtKAI CHCMICAI COMPANIES WIL BC ON HAND GOLDEN ACRES Longhorns are descended from Spanish cattle 'brought to these shores by Christopher Columbus himself on his Second voyage in 1493. The critters flourished in the often inhospitable lands of the Southwest. While their Scottish and English brethren were being reared on lush green pastures and grain, the Longhorns were learning to survive by browsing even the sorriest of hardscrabble terrain. The breed flourished during the early years of this country’s cattle industry, and it's estimated that upwards of 10 million Texas Longhorns were driven up the north trails between 1866 and 1890. From that high point, the breed shrank until it was facing ex tinction squarely in the face. An act of Congress in 1927, and a $3OOO appropriation, managed to keep the breed and • just as importantly - it’s gene pool alive. The beef industry is showing new interest in the Texas Longhorn’s performance. One South Dakota weight-gain comparison pitted the Longhorns against other breeds. The two Longhorn bulls tested showed an average daily gam of 3.3 pounds in the 112-day test. This compared with 3.3 pounds for the tested FIELD THURSDAY, Continuous From 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. 500 Running Pump Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717 —299-2541 Centerville Exit, Rt. 30 By-Pass West Come As You Are . . . Stay As Long As You Like. 500 RUNNING PUMP ROAD, LANCASTER, PA. Phone 717—299-2541 REFRESHMENTS for fertilizer uptake. Talk over any fertility problems you might have with our agronomist. ROYSTER COMPANY JUNE 27 Red Angus, 3.4 for Beefmaster, 3.8 for Charolais and so oh. <. Walter.Scott* a Texas Longhorn .breeder and past-president of the breed society, claims the breed is hardy, with excellent resistance to diseases as well as external and internal parasites. He says they're easy calvers, and that they could teach other breeds’a thing or two about foraging. And they’re not jilst a breed, for southern climes, either, since one of the foremost breeders is a Canadian.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers