6—Lancaster Farmini, Saturday. May 11. 1974 thiQLD MAY 13-19,1974 This is the best time of the year, so take time to do something you Uke. Fish bite best when wind west . . . Father Flanagan died May I.j, 1048 . , . Third quarter of the Moon, May 14 . . . Burma monsoon begins this week ... Average length of days for week, 14 hours, 35) minutes ... Apples in bloom now .. . New York Stock E.xchangc founded May 17,175)2 ... Chicago stockyards fire May 19,15)34 ... This wcok should be fine and hot, sure hits the spot.., Armed Forces Day, May 18 ... He that serves well need not be afraid to ask his wages. been cooked or weathered, fl«me Hint* To rtpAir wobbly drawer knobs paint the screw with finger nail polish before inserting it. When the polish dries, it will hold the screw tightly . . Riddle autwer: A carpet. OLD FARMER S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Light rain to midweek; clear and unseasonably warm latter part. Greater New York-New Jersey: Partly cloudy and cool to start, then rain; end of week clear and warm. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Rain at first and cool, then clear and hot for remainder of week. Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: Rain inland and coastal showers to start, then clearing; clear and warm latter part. Florida: Rainy and cool at first; rain throughout week but temperatures becoming hotter by end of week. Upstate & Western New York-Toronto & Montreal' Week be gins warm and nice; rain latter part, but fair by weekend. Greater Ohio Valley: Cool with showers west and ram east at first; pleasant latter part, then rain again on weekend. Deep South: Rain to start, then clearing; clear and very warm latter part except rain on weekend in north. Chicago and Southern Great Lakes: Mostly fair and very warm all week. Northern Great Plains-Great Lakes: Early week clear and very warm; rain latter part and turning cool. Central Great Plains; Light rain at first in east but clear in west, then sunny and warm to end of week in east and rain latter part in west. Texas-Oklahoma: Most of week clear and hot; rain on week end, heavy along Gulf. Rocky Mountain Region; Clear and warm to start, then colder; end of week snowy in central and rainy in east. Southwest Desert: Hot and cloudy at first, then cooler; end of week clear w ith highs near 80. Pacific Northwest: Hot and cloudy for first part of week; end of week clearing and much warmer. California: Week begins cloudy and cool, then light ram; end of week clear and warm. (AH Rights Reserved, Yankee, Inc . Dublin, N.H. 03444) It Shakes. Ift Stainless Steel. It Handles Allreds. Ift A Combination Feeder & Bank. And, It’s Low Cost 562 SHAKER FEEDER A new feeding concept-features corrosion resistant stainless steel rough with at tached guardrails. It’s a feeder and bunk m one! Unique shaking action moves feed along with exceptional safety. Low horse-power too-only 3 HP for 100’ of feeder. Handles any type of feed, even loose hay. Here’s a unit you must see to believe. See us for all the facts. CALEB M. WENGER, Inc. Old Farmer’s Riddle: What is bought by the yard and worn by the feet? (Answer below.) Ash the Old Farmer: I recently inherited a “Green Bone Cutter.” What are green bones? L.M., Nashville. Green hones are merely raw ones that have not Drumore Center R.D. 1, Quarryville, Pa Phone 548-2116 Pa. Auction Summary Weekly Summary 19 Livestock Martlets Week Ending May 3 CATTLE 6322: Compared with 72SS head last week, and 7219 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers 50 cents to $2 lower. Slaughter cows $1.50 to $2.50 lower. Slaughter bullocks 75 cents to $1.50 lower. Slaughter bulls mostly s£7s to $2.50 lower. STEERS: High Choice fe Prime 41.75-43.00, Choice 40.00-42.75, Good 37.3iM0.75, Standard 35.50-38.75, Utility 33.50-37.00. HEIFERS: Choice 39.35- 42.60, Good 37.00-39.50, Standard 34.00-38.25, Utility Index of Prices Down From March- Up For The Year The April 15 Index of Prices Received by Penn sylvania Fanners was down 2 percent from mid-March. Lower prices for feed grains, wheat, hay, slaughter cows, steers and heifers, sheep and some poultry more than offset slightly higher prices for potatoes, apples, calves, lambs, milk cows, broilers, COMPLETE FARM PAINTING SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN METHODS For FREE Estimates Write DANE S. ESN (C. RALPH MILLER) 80X351.RD1, RONKS, PA. 17572 33.00-36.00. COWS: Utility Sc High Dressing Cutter 30.0084.00, Cutters 29.00-32.75, Canners 27.00-31.00, Shells down to 24.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 40.60 42.75, Good 37.35-40.60, Standard 36.00-38.60, Utility 33.5087.00. BULLS: 1-2 1000-2000 pounds 36.00-42.25, few to 44.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Good 300800 pounds feeder steers 40.2580.00. Medium 34.75- 43.00; Good 300-600 feeder heifers 35.25-43.50, Medium Sc Good 34.00-42.50. CALVES 2554: Compared with 3009 head last week, and 2967 head a year ago. and eggs. The index was 22 percent above a year ago. Nationally, the Index of Prices Received by Fanners decreased 6 percent. Con tributing most to the decrease since mid-March were lower prices for wheat, hogs, cattle, corn, soybeans and eggs. Higher prices for cotton and potatoes were only partially offsetting. The index was 17 percent above a year earlier. ' New Idea’s Uni-System UNI-SYSTEM... it just makes more sense! Build your Uni-System on a single Power Unit—that’s the key to Urn’s economy Just one investment in engine, tires, transmission, etc for two or more self-propelled ma chines Interchange machines on the Power Unit in about an hour You can have a Um-Combme, Um- Sheller, Uni-Picker, Uni-Forage Har vester, Uni-Rotary Snow Plow —even a Uni-Tool Carrier to plant up to 8 rows at a time, applying liquid fer- Just plain makes more sense! N G H ManE &S ° N LONGENECKER FARM SUPPLY CHAS. J. McCOMSEY & SONS R ' ,eems Hickory Hill Pa LANDIS BROS, INC Lancaster LANC EQUIP CENTER, INC Kmzer Pa (formerly Kmzer Equip Co) Vealert mostly $2 to $4 lower. VEALERS: Prime 69.00 74.00, Choice 62.00-70.00, Good 56.0086.00, Standard 48.00- Utility 90-120 pounds 40.00-52.00, 70-85 34.00- Farm calves, Holstein bulls 90-120 42.0086.00, few to 79.00; Holstein heifers 90-150 45.0080.00; beef cross bulls & heifers 48.0072.00, HOGS 7364: Compared with 7912 head last week, and 6708 head a year ago. Barrows Sc Gilts weak to 50 cents lower. BARROWS Sc GILTS: US 1-2 200230 pounds 31.5082.85, 18 200240 29.7581.60,28 200 260 28.2580.60, 2-4 240270 FARMERS DO YOU NEED FERTILIZER? SURE CROP PLANT FOOD CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH 7-14-7 SOLUTION FOR ON SEED OR FOLIAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION Call 717—469-2864 or write P.O. Box 129, Hershey. Pa. 17033 Representatives Needed. ROYH BUCK, INC. Ephrata, R D 2 A. L HERR & BRO Quarryville 25.00-29.00, 2-4 160-100 22.00- 28.50. -SOWS: US 1-3 300-550 pounds 22.00-25.25, few 2-3 300-600 20.00-22.00. Boars 19.50-24.50. FEEDER PIGS 802: Compared with 998 head last week, and 517 head a year ago. US 1-3 20-35 pounds feeder pigs 10.00-23.50 per head, 1-3 35-5018.50-29.50,1-3 50-100 20.0031.00 per head. SHEEP 671. Compared with 523 head last week, and 879 head a year ago. Spring slaughter lambs strong to |3 higher. Choice 45-100 spring slaughter lambs 42.50-54.00, Good & Choice 45-80 38.00-44.00. Slaughter ewes 5.00-20.00. tilizer as you go There’s a Uni for practically every season 3 Power Units to carry and power interchangeable Uni harvesting, processing and work units No 703 has 292 cu in Chevy 6 gasoline engine with 80 available PTO h p , No 704 has 401 cu in CMC V-6 gasoline engine, with 110 available PTO h p , No 705 has 478 cu in CMC V-6 diesel, with 120 available PTO h p STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville Pa A B.C. GROFF. INC. New Holland