May has been designated as American Legion - American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Month, when the Poppy Program will once again benefit Pennsylvania veterans, their dependents and widows. The poppy has been a memorial to the war dead for the past 54 years American Legion poppies in the state are manufactured by hospitalized veterans of all wars in VA and service hospitals throughout the Com monwealth, and provide them not only with a therapeutic activity during their hospitalization but also with pocket money Nearly one million National Goodwill Week A handicapped body does not automatically signify a handicapped mind or lack of will to work Yet for many years, most people with physical disabilities were labeled misfits and pushed from the public eye Fortunately, such a tragic waste of human potential is being corrected, with Goodwill Industries in the forefront of those helping the disadvantaged to achieve productive, self-supporting'citizenship. National Goodwill Week will be Three’s company... four’s a crowd? • I / X 3 BLOOMER, WISC., ADVANCE. “The business manager of a large factory collected 25 cents from each of the 2,000 employees to purchase a gift for the big boss who was getting married With this $5OO he pur chased 2,000 packages of Raleigh cigarettes - removed the coupons and traded them for a silver serving set for a gift for the boss. Then he gave every employee a package of Raleigh cigarettes for the two-bits he donated, thus no one was out a red cent When the big boss learned of this satisfactory deal, he wanted to compliment the business manager but was told he was on a fishing trip - trying out the fishing gear he had received for the trading stamps he Wear a Poppy- Help a Vet! HENRS... WILL SHE LOVO ME /A/ JUNE AS POES /A/ “Grassroots Opinion” poppies are assembled in Penn sylvania hospitals each year, for which the disabled veterans receive one penny per poppy or a total of nearly $lO,OOO a year. The patients also receive a "bonus" each year from the Poppy Program when, at Christmas time, the Legion State Commander distributes thousands of dollars worth of televisions, radios, stereos and other recreational equipment to hospitals. The Poppy Program is a worthwhile one, deserving of support from all persons m the Commonwealth commemorated May 5-11 this year and focuses national attention upon the large, highly-successful network of Goodwill job training workshops and rehabilitation programs across the country Our donations of repairable clothing, appliances and furniture mean that the handicapped can learn not only valuable job skills while rejuvenating such articles, but also earn money from their sale National Goodwill Week is an ex cellent time to show that we care MAY? got when he purchased the cigarettes" JOHNSONBURG, PA, PRESS. “The lowly copper penny, the last United States com with any intrinsic value, is apparently about to go Because of inflation and the demand tfor copper, the value of the metal is now worth more than the penny. During World War 11, pennies were made of zinc-coated steel, but these were all called in and destroyed So it is planned that next year poor old Abe Lincoln, E Plunbus Unum and all, will appear in aluminum and there he will remain until aluminum, too, becomes more valuable than the penny Then the Great White Father in Washington will probably resort to wampum ” tgIEE) XXX THE OPEN MIND Leuon for May 5,1974 Background Scripture: Acts 17. Devotional Reading: Acts 17:22-34. Someone has said that when some people insist that they are “standing on their principles,” what they are really doing is sitting on the lid of a closed mind.” One of the primary reasons for the divisions among men of religious faith and the parochial spirit is our unwillingness to listen to each other with open minds. Often I have found that people in an argument may be much closer in their thinking than they realize. The reason they do not un derstand this is that are too busy arguing to really listen to one another. Examining the scriptures Many of the places that the Apostle Paul visited on his missionary tours greeted him with closed minds and a hostile reception. One ex ception was Beroea. Here, the writer of Acts tells us, they “received the word with all eagerness, examining the scriptures daily to see if these things were so”(17;ll). There was an “eager ness,” an openness about the people in Beroea. They were willing to listen to Paul and his group. AH too often, people reject what others have to say without ever considering what it is that is being said. They begin with the assumption that they will disagree and nothing will deter them from fulfilling that expection. As Herbert Spencer once noted: There is a principle which is a bar against all in formation, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is comtempt prior to in vestigation. Often I find Christians using the scriptures, not “to see if these things are so,” but to prove that someone is wrong. Thus, they take to the scriptures a mind that is already prejudiced. “You are very religious” Not only did the Beroeans greet Paid with open minds, but we also find that Paul himself could be open minded when he spoke with men of different religious persuasions. In Athens, for example, he did not begin his preaching by telling the Athenians that theirs was a “wrong” or “false” religion. Rather, he began by acknowledging that they too were seeking God: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious” (17:22). This was not only a skillful strategy on Paul’s part, but a recognition that these men were sincere in their religious quest. His technique was to try to show them that the God they were seeking to know was the same God he found revealed so fully in the person of Jesus Christ. Acts 17 can be very in structive for us today, for, if' as followers of Jesus Christ :**»:* I NOW IS | THE TIME. Max Smith County Agr. Agent Telephone 394*6851 To Be Careful With Left-Over Seed* Many garden and farm seeds will be left over from the spring planting. Some of these can be used later in the season for second plantings. However, some will not be needed until next spring. Several things should be kept in mind. First, most seeds may be held until next year if kept in a dry place away from rodents and away from weed killers. Secondly, these grain seeds are not suitable for human or livestock consumption and should not be used as feed or food. Most seeds are treated with one or more chemicals to control insects and diseases and may be toxic. Proper care of these seeds is important at this time. To Recognize Stage Of Maturity The harvest season is approaching rapidly and most forage crops are developing ahead of schedule; already the winter rye crop has been made into silage on some farms. The grass-legume crops are growing rapidly. The ex tremely hot weather of the past week pushed the crops rapidly. Space does not permit all details but producers are urged to learn the best time to cut then forage to get maximum feed nutrients. Early cut hay, either for silage or for hay, is leafier, higher in protein, vitamins, and minerals, and lower in fiber than later or more mature hay crops. Alfalfa and clover are best at full bud to early bloom stage, and grasses should be cut just as the heads are emerging from the boot of Farm Calendar Saturday, May 4 7:30 p.m. - Centennial Celebration of Fulton Grange No. 66, Grange Hall, Oakryn. Show Day for the 49th annual Dairy Exposition, Penn State. Monday, May 6 8:00 p.m. - Lancaster County Poultry Assoc. Board meeting, Farm and Home Center. Wednesday, May 8 7:30- 11:00 p.m. - Forest Fire Training Session for Lancaster County Firemen, Lancaster County Fire School, Pequea Rd., South of Lampeter Thursday, May 9 8:00 p.m. - Special public forum on farm land assessment, Rm. 12, Municipal Bldg., Lebanon. FFA Leadership Training Conference. Friday, May 10 7:00 p.m. - Pa. Egg Marketing Assoc. we want to be received with open minds, so we must also approach others with that same willingness to listen and consider. • • the plant. Don’t let forage crops mature and be the loser. To Practice Good Sanitation Insects such as flies and mosquitos will soon be bothering most of us. The place to start this control program is to give all buildings and surroundings a good house-cleaning and eliminate all possible fly and mosquito breeding places. Stagnant water in holes or empty containers are mosquito maternity quar ters. Dirty bams and bar nyards are places for flies to reproduce. The use of insect killers along with clean premises and strict sanitation should keep the insects under control for the summer. Residual sprays for farm buildings are available but suggest that different ones be used from year to year to prevent a buildup of fly resistance. To Respect Your Neighbor. This is always a good suggestion but not followed at all times. I’m referring to the use of spray materials in the community and especially weed killers. With the favorable growing conditions weeds will become a problem im mediately. Herbicides have been widely accepted to kill trees and plants. All spray operators are urged to be very careful with the chemical weed killers. Damage may be done from the wind blowing spray particles (drift) or from the fumes of the weed killer in extremely hot weather. Read the label and following the instructions completely. meeting, Colonial Motor Lodge, Denver, Pa. Saturday, May 11 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. - Maryland Sheep and Wool Crafts Festival, Carroll County Agricultural Center. Consumers' Corner Maintaining A-New House Knowing how to take care of and maintain a new house is about as important as knowing how to take care of and maintain a new baby In some areas of the country, new homeowners can enroll in classes on Home Maintenance and Care at local colleges 01 high schools r One homemaker who took such a course in Home Care and Mam tenancc says she learned how to take care of her new doors and ceramic tile She also discovered a moisture and mildew problem inside her house and found out how to curb it before it cot out of hand The same woman found shr needed to put plastic underneath her house and haul in some soil next to one corner of the house for better drainage If that wasn’t enough, the same homeowner found that the msu lation underneath her house had been put in backwards and need ed to be turned over That’s one woman who has be come a very enlightened ladj concerning care and maintenance of a new home, thanks to a course in Home Care and Maintenance