TRY A CLASSIFIED AD CONTROL WEEDS IN ALFALFA WITH BUTYRAC-118 Apply 2 to '4 weeks after alfalfa emerges. Controls broadleaf weeds in seedling or established legumes. This remarkable selective action killing many broadleaf weeds without affecting certain broadleaf crops has been proven by research men and commercial growers throughout the country. We are distributors for a complete line of WEED KILLERS There's nothi < t old-fashion about Sta-Ri stanchion barn pipaiim milking. Modern Sta-Rite dairy equipment makes ever] milking system better, more efficient, easier on you and your cows. And you can add any of these up-to-date products to your stanchicr barn or milking parlor. 41 >'* The Sta-Rite Full-View Sta Rite s 900 Series Milk- The new Sla-Rite Vac- A Sta-Rite Full-Vac Make pipeline washing .completely Milker permits a con- house Panel is factory as Sav Milk Valve reduces vacuum pump insures automatic and Grade A clean with slant visual check of sembled and tested Switches vacuum loss to a mini positive vacuum for a Sta-Rite Full-Convenience Pipe milk flow Cuts milking instantly from milk' to mum Also gives pro- your milking system line Washer A 24-hour timer lets time reduces over- 'wash* for thorough pipe- tection against con- you pre-program all necessary wash milking tine cleaning Automatic tammation rinse and sanitize cycles with fail self-dram safe protection Sta-Rite ... a leader in dairy equipment. Whatever the size of your herd, Sta-Rite has the complete automated milking system for you £ta-Rite Stanchion Barn, Full Comfort Parlor, Full Circle, and Reflex Arm Milking Systems will help you milk better, faster and more profitably. We’re pi PHONE 717-397-4761 DID YOU KNOW? f fv* MAE WA BY, \6H. World Dairy Expo. HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:00 AM-5:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM-12 NOON 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, TRY A CLASSIFIED AD PHONE 626-2191 or 394-3047 * ** " # LANCASTER, PA. FAMILY HEALTH Vitamin 812 is the most recent vitamin to be identi fied and synthesized in a pure form Us molecule is so large and complex, it sometimes seems as if nature wanted to keep this intricate secret us long as possible It is the only known bio logically active compound which contains cobalt, a rare mineral element Good sources of vitamin Bj 2 such as liver, lean meat, fish, milk and eggs contain less than one part ot the vitamin per million, and be cause vitamin B\2 |s water soluble, it must be ingested in the diet daily to help assure good nutrition Scien tists have recently discover ed that women who are taking oral contraceptives may need more of the vita min than they normally get from their meals. To supply the recom mended amount of vitamin 812 needed by women tak ing oral contraceptives, a new vitamin-mineral product has been formulated called Feminins. This nonprescnp tion special dietary product provides adequate vitamin 812 along with othei vi tamins and minerals re quired by women using oial contraceptives Vitamin 812 •*> obtained commercially as the by-prod- Here’s a real tear-jerker: In 1810, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann prescribed for chronic diseases a substance which he called lachryma I ilia the leais of a young gul! In our feeds Mmm helps you control ★ ATROPHIC RHINITIS ★ SCOURS ★ CERVICAL ABSCESSES V* % i Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 27,1974 B COMPLEX’S COMPLEX VITAMIN *■ / ' S> AUREO S*P 250* has proved to be the one feed additive that provides a wide range of benefits to pork producers. No other an tibacterial in feed does so many things to help produce fast gains - .improve feed efficiency - and provide superior protection against the major diseases that threaten sows and growing hogs. AUREO S*P 250 helps save feed - reduces labor and medication costs - by keeping hogs gaining in the presence of atrophic rhinitis, controlling bacterial scours, reducing cervical abscesses - and helping prevent these diseases during stress. AUREO S#P 250 is beneficial at every stage of growth and production. *AUREO S«P 250 is the registered trademark for American Cyanamid Comoanys premix of AUREOMYCIN® chlortetracyclme SULMET® sulfamethazine and penicillin Withdraw seven days before slaughter Distributed in the Northeast by: IMEWFIELD. M. J. 08344 For additional information call 609/692 4400 AVAILABLE AT John W. Eshelman & Sons Gehman Feed Mill Lancaster, Pa Denver, Pa. Wenger’s Feed Mill Stevens Feed Mill Rheems, Pa Stevens, Pa I"H@i net in tin* inaiuitacture ol antibiotics, Mich as aureo mycm and streptomycin All the vitamins in the B complex weie at lirst thought to be just one, vita mm B, which was discovered $0 -7/ / by Sir F. Gowland Hopkins between 1906 and 1912. He found that a chemically pure diet of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals could not keep his labora tory animals healthy, unless he added fresh milk. He surmised that the milk contained certain “accessory food factors.” Between 1913 and 1915, two of these fac tors were isolated by other research workers and called Vitamin A and Vitamin B. Vitamin 812 was not sepa rated from the B complex until after 1936 Vitamin 812 is> the most lecently identified vitamin that can add new life to youi life ★ STRESS 7