/TAHCASTER \ ' silo co., me. > 2008 HORSESHOE RD. AND 2436 CREEK HILL RD. LANCASTER, PA. 17601 1(1(1 Ill'll OUR SILOS HAVE “VIBRATED” CONCRETE STAVES FOR QUALITY. "you! besTdollar buy~-~ A CONCRETE STAVE SILO For A Complete Feed Lot System, We Feature STARLINE LABOR SAVERS SILO UNLOADERS: Model #7O & #lOl CONVEYORS; 6". 8" or 11" Width BUNK FEEDERS: #B5 ■ Shuttle Feeder #217 - Auger Feeder Also Custom Boilt Units ALSO: “AUTOMATIC" ROLLER MILLS For Any Type Gram LIVESTOCK WATERERS (Gas or Electric) WAtlr BO wIT-STALLS laRN EQUIPMENT • FANS ROUND "HAY RACKS “WESTERN” GATES (6 ft x 14 ft) Sales - Service Installation FOR COMPLETE PLANS Call —392-9062 LARRY HIESTAND SALES REPRESENTATIVE OK PB6E IMI OW TrtiKW£& T( ttNOVV INi 6UVIM NOME, VUKITE AMECICAW LAMP AbSOOATIO, 50* 566 , WASHIMWOM, TRY A CLASSIFIED AD PHONE 626-2191 or 394-3047 4E OWNERSHIP £AW PRINC 'OU EXPENSIVE AWP TROUBLESOME CLAIM AWP LOSS. A Tltue SCABCH AWP OWNER'S TITuE IWSUEAN£E obtaiuep OEFD2E COMPLETIOW OF yotlP PVZCH A>E VVILU pgorEir roue PEAL ESTATE investment. Society 18 Farm Women Society 18 met recently at the home of Mrs. Willis Esbenshade 1631 Esbenshade Road Lancaster Pa. The president Mrs. Jay Landis presided. Mrs. Wilber Carper led the devotions. Twenty-six members answered roll call, telling what flowers were in their bridal bouquet. Ditty bags for Red Cross were made by members of the group; others spent a day sewing at the Lancaster General Hospital. The group voted to give a donation to the County project, which is for the Jaycee Camp for Retarded Children. Members of the Society will attend the Spring Rally May Bth at the York Fair Grounds. Speaker was Miss Loretta Eberly< She spent the past twenty years in Haiti as a Medical Missionary. Miss Eberley gave a interesting talk on Haiti. Also showed hand work and crafts done by the people of Haiti. Consumers' Corner House Plants Here are some tips for keeping plants alive longer: First, there is no such thing as a house plant - that is, one that is supposed to be grown inside a home, building or office. When plants are grown indoors several restrictions are imposed on them. Lack of sufficient light and low humidity are probably the most severe restrictions, but temperatures can also be a prob lem. Second, many foliage plants pre fer a relatively strong, filtered or diffused light Places near win dows or light fixtures are usually suitable but avoid direct sunlight or very dark areas of the home. Flowering plants such as mums and pomsettias will stand more light than foliage plants and should be placed in bright areas Watering is one of the chief Lancaster Farming. Saturda: Mail Box Markit For Sale - Used 700 gallon Wilson milk tank $lOO. Phone 548-2893 Wanted - 12 Rhode Island Red started pullets and 1 rooster. Phone 717-626-7680 For Sale - 5 Grade Holstein heifers, near freshening. Glenn M. Miller, Route 1 Stevens, Pa. 17578 Wanted - About 500 tomato baskets. Daniel H. Martin, Stevens RD2, Pa. 17578 (at Red Run). For Sale - 2 Holstein heifers due in fall. Also a John Deere hay conditioner. Phone 215- 777-0052. For Sale - 25 Hereford and Charolais cows and heifers. One polled Hereford bull. Phone 717-523-0775 For Sale - Oliver 66 Row Crop tractor with 2-row mounted cultivator. Phone 717-425-3480 For Sale - Prolific Shrop shire rams, ewes and lambs. Call 717-949-3653 after 5 P.M. or Saturday. Wanted - Four bottom 14 inch trip bottom 3 point hitch plow. Phone 215-287-8043 causes of failure with plants in the home, especially for contain ers without drainage holes. Gen erally speaking, most plants kept indoors require a thorough soak ing once a week. But, water only when necessary. Don’t let plants stand in water. Avoid drafty locations amf don't place plants near heaters or air conditioners. Most plants grow well in temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees. Proper fertilization is another important part of growing healthy plants. Follow all the directions on the container so that you don’t over-fertilize your plants Too much might 101 l them April 27.1974- Moil Box Morkft- For Sale - International 2- row fast hitch No. 2SI com planter, fiberglass fertilizer hoppers. Phone 215-681-4245 One-half farm house for rent with utilities and garden furnished, possession May Ist. Phone 717-426-1654 For Sale - Sawed Locust posts No. 1 $3.00; No. 2 $2.25; used hog feeders 12 hole cast iron bottom 60 bu. Phone 215- 445-6885 the pnrz ■ BARN CLEANER RUGGED, DE fENDABLE! j under all operating conditions »■ ■ < See your PATZ Dealer today CALL 717-272-0871 MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances R.D.No.l(lona) Lebanon, Pa. Located on Route 897 between Schaefterstown and Lebanon, over 30 years in business at same place. 25