FARM TREWS [Continued from Peso because of increased beef cattle prices expected during early 1974. Milk output could move above year-earlier levels during the latter part of 1974. Farmers are likely to produce larger feed crops this year, so dairy feed CENTURY SPRAYERS "SCOTTY" SPRAYERS TRACTOR OR TRAILER MOUNTED 55 TO 200 GALLONS —6 OR 8 ROWS (40- INCH) Accurate Spraying at Lowest Price, This sprayer includes all of the essentials to do a good, accurate spraying job but,-to keep the price as low as possible, some of the con ' venience features have been eliminated. 20-inch nozzle spacing. Available with either 6 or 8 roller nylon pump. Binkley & Hurst Bros. F--" r FARWLMACHINERY and EXCAVATING I '"’■-I < /\ Lititz RD4, Pa. If you have a problem of teat and udder erosion in your herd chances are you are milking with unstable vacuum. And, as more and more animal health authorities have been agreeing that many teat and udder injuries —which have-contributed to the spread of mastitis have been caused by unstable milking vacuum . . . you should have your milking machine's performance checked We'll be happy to do this for you with our DETCO Graph Machine. It’s a remarkable, new invention that records vacuum readmgs at the milker units attached to the teats, recording the milking vacuum and pulsating vacuum simultaneously. And tells you in easy-to understand graph form, as shown in the photo above, if you are milking with unstable vacuum at the teat end. Increasing the size of your vacuum pump and the size of your air and milk Imesare good But if you still don't have stable vacuum at the teat ends—investigate our ZERO CONCORD Twin-Vacuum Pipeline Milking System. It's a combination of a revolutionary pipeline milking machine and the ZERO Completely- Automated Vacuum Bulk Milk Cooler. It was designed especi ally to milk with stable vacuum at the teal ends to prevent teat and -udder injuries caused by milking with unstable vacuum And has many other advantages Cam* la. Writ# #r ffcoa* far Us U Chick Yovr Milking MacWaal MUIR MIRY EQUIPMENT 1352 Union St Phone 717-393-6055 This is Joe Your Milker Fixer Call 626-4705 Rothsville Station Road NCW MOSII. 70'* Ze/vo- Ccnand TWIN VACUUM PIPELINE MILKING SYSTEM -with cow momitok Lancaster, Pa. 17603 supplies should be larger and pt ices more reasonable in late 1974. Improved'fnilk-feed price'relationships will likely cause milk output per cow this year to resume its long uptrend. In contrast, milk cow numbers will probably decline further. Farm production of milk in 1973 totaled 115.6 billion pounds, some 3Vi percent below 1972. High feed prices reduced milk output per cow, the first drop in almost 30 years, and together with strong slaughter cow prices, caused the rate of decline in milk cow numbers to accelerate. Production was down all year, although the rate of decline slackened somewhat by year-end*. Farm milk prices have risen rapidly since last August, and in February stood at $8.95 per 100 pounds, up some 36 percent from a year earlier. Manufacturing milk prices at $B.lB per 100 pounds were about 101 percent of the parity equivalent and some 49 percent above February 1973. Milk prices will continue well above year-earlier levels during this first half of 1974. Farm price margins over 1973 levels may narrow later in 1974 if milk production does recover. Increased milk prices will push cash receipts from dairying up-again this year -- perhaps to around s9‘/2 billion. Receipts rose some 13 percent in 1973 to about $B.l billion 'as higher prices more than offset lower milk marketings by farmers. However, production costs, particularly feed costs, rose even faster. In 1973, per capita civilian consumption averaged 557 pounds milk equivalent, holding about stable for the second successive year. This was in contrast to steady declines for a number of prior years. The drop in per capita consumption may again resume this 1 LEARN THE NEWEST OF [SEWING TECHNIQUES 1 WITH CLASSES FROM THE I SEWING EXPERTS < I CLASSES START THE WEEK OF I , APRIL Bth IN KNIT KNOW HOW ' ' ★ LINGERIE < I ★ MEN'S WEAR I , ★ SWIM WEAR 1 ★ BASIC SEWING I ★ TEENS ONLY CLASS i ★ WHERE YOU ACTUALLY SEW IN CLASS CALL OR STOP IN FOR MORE INFORMATION I fumble 701 N. Duke St, Lancaster, Pa. J Phone 397-3031 I Open lues. & Fd. Til S Ftee Parking 1 PAUL'S Have you ever bought anything simply because it was cheap. I was thinking about this the other day. And you know, I could name 'you everything I ever bought for price alone that gave me trouble. But 1 could not tell you how much I saved on any one of those items. There is an old saying. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after. The sweetness of price is forgotten. How true. At Lancaster Ford we believe there is a difference between a price buyer and a price conscious buyer. The dif ference being that the price buyer is looking for the best way to invest his money. We welcome the price conscious buyer at Lancaster Ford because we know we can give him the best quality for the least investment. Why not give us a try at the the friendly people. S I i Tractors i Equipment LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. Quality Parts and Service 2166 Willow Street Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Phone 464-2746 Lancaster Farming. Saturda year, with the likelihood of declining commercial usage and fewer dairy products being available for donation, Output of manufactured dairy products in 1973 declined some 5 percent, with butter and nonfat dry milk showing the largest declines. American cheese production rallied at the end of the year, bringing 1973 output around 1 percent above the previous year, the smallest gain since 1969. In early 1974, butter and nonfat dry mill} output continued well below a year earlier, but American cheese production was up about a fourth. Deadline Extended On Quality Control Proposal The deadline for receiving public comments on a proposal concerning meat and poultry plant quality control programs has been extended to May 10. The deadline for submitting such comments had been March 22. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection- Service (APHIS) said the comment period was extended because 4-H Livestock Judging Moved To Louisville The 1974 National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest will be moved from the In ternational Livestock Ex position in Chicago to the North American livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky., Nov. 21-22, according to Dr. , E. Dean Vaughan, Assistant Administrator for 4-H - Youth Programs of -the Extension Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Teams- from 32 "states participated in this 4-H event last year. The contest has been held in Chicago since it began 50 years ago. As plans were being made to establish the North American Livestock Exposition, state 4-H judging coaches and livestock specialists suggested the move to this new exposition. A survey of state 4-H Leaders in consultation with coaches and livestock specialists led to the decision to move the event to Louisville because of its central location for par ticipating states. PAUL BOYER, Manager "Where The Deal Is Always Better" Mar. 4U. x-,4 of public interest and requests for additional time for considering and com menting on the proposal. APHIS officials explained that the proposal would provide for the approval and use of quality control systems voluntarily installed by meat and poultry processing plants. These systems would in turn be monitored by federal meat and poultry inspectors to augment their own ob servations and sampling of processed products in checking for wholesomeness and accurate labeling. Comments on the proposal should be sent in duplicate to the USDA Hearing Clerk, Washington, D. C. 20250. Anyone interested in presenting his views orally should immediately contact the Systems Development and Sanitation Staff, APHIS, USDA, Washington, D. C. 20250. Records of oral comments, as well as written views, will be available for public review in the Hearing Clerk’s office during normal business hours. A notice concerning the extension in the comment period is scheduled to be published in the March 22 Federal Register. Start your garden this way ~ and watch it grow! TILLERS You might be amazed at the prices we have for quality tillers , ALLEN H. MATZ, INC. 505 E. MAIN NEW HOLLAND, PA. 354-2244 19