16—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Mar. 23. 1974 One of Ray Long’s beef cows grazes contentedly near the four pole barns that can house some 1200 | Continued from Pace 1| steers gain about three pounds a day on this diet and some of them do better. They usually go out of here 75 or 80 days after they come in. I buy every pound of feed I use, and that can get expensive. But I figure I make up the difference with faster gains, lower labor costs and by not having my capital tied up as long. “We fed cob chop and silage at first, but I’d never go back. I think we cut our labor in half with this feeding program.” Again, bong saves trucking expense by handling all ■transportation himself. He buys both shelled com and sup plement in bulk quantities and trucks them to the farm. The steers eat about 20 pounds of com a day. When they first enter the feedlot, Long uses a converter feed to get the animals onto a no roughage diet. They’re switched com pletely over in 12 days, and he says he’s never had any health problems. “I wouldn’t try to run a cow-calf operation like this, but the steers just aren’t here long enough to develop any problems,” Long said. In previous summers, Long has pastured some steers, but he said he’ll be switching his pastureland to a cow-calf operation this year. He plans to run upwards of 150 cows on his pasture which, he feels, can take care of one animal for every two acres. Some hay and grain will also be fed to the cows over the summer and in the fall Long plans to sell the calves for feeders. jrZjht In our feeds iillllUlMil helps you control ★ ATROPHIC RHINITIS ★ SCOURS ★ CERVICAL ABSCESSES ★ STRESS AUREO SaP 250* has proved to be the one feed additive that .provides a wide range of benefits to pork producers. No other an bbactenal in feed does so many things to help produce fast gains - improve feed efficiency - and provide superior protection against the major diseases that threaten sows and growing hogs. AUREO SaP 250 helps save feed - reduces labor and medication costs - by keeping hogs gaming in the presence of atrophic rhinitis, controlling bacterial scours, reducing cervical abscesses - and helping prevent these diseases during stress AUREO SaP 250 is beneficial at every stage of growth and production •AUREO S«P 250 is the registered trademark for American Cyanamid Company s premix of AUREOMYCIN® chlortefracyclme SULMET® sulfamethazine and penicillin Withdraw seven days before slaughter John W. Eshetman & Sons Gehnan Feed Mill Lancaster, Pa. Denver, Pa Wenger’s Feed Mill Stevens feed Milt Rheems, Pa. Stevens, Pa AVAILABLE AT steers at a time. Long fertilizes his pasture every other year and limes it every third year. Manure from the steer pens goes onto the pasture, too. The four steerbams are bedded down with straw whenever necessary. Long says he has to use straw even though it might be selling for more than hay. “They go crazy for roughage,” he says, “and they even eat a little bit of the straw that we give them. But if we’d bed down with hay, they’d eat till they’d bloat up and die.” In addition to the beef steers, Long occassionally feeds some heifers and some Holstein steers. He has a broker in Virginia who keeps him supplied with feeders. The calves from his Virginia operation are sold as lightweight feeders. How does Lon g feel about the near-term future of the cattle business? “Feeders with the guts to stick it out will be all right. But they can’t miss one day of watching the market. They’ve got to keep up. I don’t intend to quit.” ( Wo Fla yihc OP 'is Ftpes I In the 17th and 18th centuries, bagpipes were outlawed in Scotland, as seditious instruments of wai 1 It was no music to King George’s ears' TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! PHONE 626-2191 OR 394-3047 A MILKMOVER SYSTEM gets you out ol the ham sooner-with more money in your pocket' it saves your lugging heavy pails of milk from bam to cooler HAS MORE MILK CAPACITY PERMITS FASTER MILKING ELIMINATES EXTRA HELP PROTECTS MILK QUALITY IS TOO*. SELF CLEANING HAS ELECTRIC CONTROLS FITS INTO ALL BARNS EASILY INSTALLED Available thru your local dairy equipment dealer or call the fac tory collect to arrange for a free demonstration on your farm. Manufactured by d/oug m indus'ines iNC Aa/OHIMSON P.0.80X 283, ELKTON,MD. 21921 Phone 301-398-3451 V l v T V = a r W'f . 'HI <&SP< i *% i MoN ' fjFrrjr)!,'! Ml No-plug insurance from John Deere 1350-1450 Semi-Integral Plows otter 5.9-square-foot trash tunnels Plenty of room for soil and cover to move through without plugging Streamlined standards ' provide insurance space above and behind moldboards See us for the full story Use John Deere Financing. LANDIS BROS. INC. h.mcaster 393-3906 A. B. C. GROFF, INC. Now Holland Just as there are travel of the late 1880’s show book fans, there are avid culinary heritage and skill cookbook readers. The arm- and how inventive women chair traveller enjoys great were with the new foods adventures to far away- appearing in the country places without stirring from stores. Among the first of her chair. And the arm- these was the PREMIUM chair cook conjures up great Saltine Cracker. It wasn’t culinary masterpieces and long before its merits as mentafly tastes foods of by- the makings for a pie or gone times without stir- dessert crust were apparent, ring a spoon. For cook- as in these Lemon Cracker books are a form of history, Squares. Plain or, topped especially those old recipe with whipped cream, asfiic collections compiled by local tured, they’re delicious to groups. Midwest cookbooks serve with tea or coffee. 1 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup cold water 2 eggs, beaten 3/4 cup butter or margarine ' 1/2 cup lemon juice • In top of double boiler combine sugar, cornstarch and salt; stir in water. Cook over low heat, stirring gen tly, until thickened. Place over boiling water. Cover and cqok 10 to 12 minutes, stir ring occasionally. Slowly stir into eggs; return to double boiler. Cook, stirring con stantly, 4 to 5 minutes long er. Remove from heat. Stir in 1/4 cup butter or marga rine, lemon juice and vanilla extract. (Mixture will be thinner). Strain into a bowl. Let cool while making crust. Combine cracker crumbs. ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton, RD2, Pa 19540 (near Adamstown) Phone (215) 484-4391 354-4191 LEMON CRACKER SQUARES 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 30 PREMIUM Saltine Crackers, finely rolled (about 1 cup crumbs) 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 cup flaked coconut 3/4 cup light brown sugar,* firmly packed flour, coconut and brown sugar. Cut in remaining 1/2 cup butter or margarine un til evenly mixed. Sprinkle 2/3 mixture, over bottom of buttered 9x9x2-inch bak ing pan. Pour filling over; sprinkle with remaining crumbs; press lightly. Bake in a preheated moderate oven (350°F.) 20 to 25 minutes until browned. Cool at room temperature. Serve cut in squares, topped with whipped cream, for dessert (as pictured); or cut in bars. Makes 9 (3-inch) squares or 18 (3 x 1 1/2-inch) bars. M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester 696-2990 SHOTZBERGER'S Elm 665-2141 Q