Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 02, 1974, Image 8

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    B—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Mar. 2. 1974
From Local Ag Teachers:
The article this week was
prepared by G. Lamar
Bollinger, student teacher of
vocational agriculture,
Ephrata High School.
How important are the
supervised experience
in Passing
programs in vocational education program. Home
agriculture? Are the extra project visits and oc
miles and hours spent for cupational supervisory visits
home visits really are extremely important in
necessary? Experience conducting quality ex
programs are a vital part of perience programs. Both
the total agriculture student and teacher have
much to gain from the ex
perience programs.
By getting to know more
about each student from
home visits, the teacher can
better understand each
student’s individual needs
and problems as well as his
potential abilities. The
student’s own purposes,
aptitudes, interests, and
ideas are taken into con
sideration when planning a
meaningful learning ex
perience. The instructor can
work closely with the
student’s parents in recom
mending new experiences
and in developing student
initiative. Quality in ex
perience programs is
dependant on the instructor
and student deciding on a
good experience program
and on developing a good
understanding relationship
with the parents or super
Experience programs
provide student in
volvement. Students use the
skills and abilities discussed
in class in their farming
programs. There are many
opportunities in the
agriculture industry.
G. Lamar Bollinger
Agriculture education is
changing in order to provide
a diversity of experience
programs in agribusiness
education, to meet the needs
of the students as well as the
agriTulTuraUesomces 5 the *
community are used to f orgo tten Six out of ten teenage
provide specialized training girls and four out of ten teenage
in a diversity of agricultural boys have poor diets because of
businesses in the com- their eating habits Among the
mnnitv Thp supervised reasons for these improper diets
mumty. The supervised are , ski p pin g breakfast, eating
occupational experience nutritionally poor snacks, believ
program includes ex- ing that eating makes one fat and
ploratory experiences, work considering outside activities
experience in.agribusiness, more important than eating
Two Planting S
From Allis
300 Series
With Accuracy That’ll Open Your Eyes
At Allis-Chalmers we don't design planters we design "planting systems"
There's a reason No two farming operations are exactly alike, so no two farmers
need exactly the same planter design With our planters you choose a basic system
either the 600 Series pull-type or the 300 Series tractor-mounted and design
your own planter from more than 200 options
Both systems offer a choice of sizes from 2 rows to 12 rows, and row widths from
18 inches to 40 inches There are attachments to handle any fertilizer, herbicide
and insecticide program you choose, whether liquid or granular And there are
options that let you choose and change from conventional, wheel-track and No-Til
planting programs
Because we've designed planting systems instead of just planters, you can buy a
system you won't outgrow Changing row widths, chemical programs, or even
tillage practices won't make these systems obsolete Change a couple of options .
and your system is ready for your new operation.
When it comes to planting units, you'll know you started with the right system
when you put an Allis Chalmers planter to work in your soils It'll open your eyes l
We've used precision cut hopper bottoms Seed plates and hopper bottoms are spe
cially treated for added smoothness and accuracy in the seed-metering operations
Nissley Farm Service
Washington Boro Pa
Roy H. Buch, Inc.
Rphrata RD 2
A BHM Farm Equipment, Inc.
Annville RD 1. Pa
MmmA. We're gonna open your eyes!
cooperative work-atudy,
production project*, Im
provement project*, and
supplementary practice*.
The program Is broad
enough to Include an op
portunity for every student,
boy or girl, farm or non
farm, to develop a, com
prehensive, individualized
occupational experience
program in the broad field of
agriculture, including
production, marketing,
processing, supply, and
services. Agriculture is a
dynamic industry with many
challenges for the future.
Agriculture education will
continue to strive to meet the
needs of the industry, the
student, and the community.
** * •
,* HkN #MI( ,
Q. U th» gain on tht sale
of your personal residence
subjact to federal income
A. The tax on any gam trum
wiling your old home , s
deferred if, within one year
before or one year after the sale
you buy and occupy a new
residence costing as much or
more than the adjusted sales
price of your old home.
If 65 or older you may elect to
treat any profit as tax free il tlio
adjusted sales price is $20,000
or less. A proportionate part of
the gam is tax tree if the
adjusted sales price is more than
$20,000. This election to
exclude the gam can be made
only once in a lifetime.
Try A Classified Ad
If Pays!
600 Series
L. H. Brubaker
Lancaster. Pa
Grumelli Farm Service
Quarrvville. Pa