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They just wanted to top off their tanks.” Asked about his im pressions of President Nixon, Eshelman replied, “He’s basically an honest person, and he’s very con cerned about the future of America. He’s aged tremendously in the past year, I think. Watergate has been hard on the nation, but it’s been hard on him, too.” Will Watergate affect the elections this November? “There is, admittedly, a lack of credibility in the federal government, because of Watergate and other mat ters. This might affect some Congressional districts, but I don’t think the voters are going to blame Republican incumbents for Watergate. I can’t see where Watergate is going to have that much of an effect on the election. People don’t behave stupidly in the voting booth. They cast their ballots on the basis of individuals and issues.” Impeachment, of course, was one of the questions raised during the con ference. “I think the judiciaiy committee is going to recommend impeachment to the House in April or May. But, I would have to say that right now, today, I don’t believe there are enough votes in the House to im peach the President.” Would Eshelman vote for impeachment? ‘‘lf there were evidence of criminal action on the part of the President, I would have to vote for impeachment. It would be my duty, and I wouldn’t like to do it, but I would. And when I say evidence, I mean hard, solid evidence, not the emotional accusations we’ve been hearing. I know that the President’s popularity has been going down at the polls, but I feel that in Penn sylvania’s 16th Congressional District, my district, the people still favor Nixon by at least a small majority.” “I don’t mean by that," he added, ‘‘that my vote for or against impeachment would be based on popular opinion. There are two ways to vote in Congress. One way is as an agency of the people, where I vote the way people in my district want me to vote. And there are trustee votes, where I vote according to what I think is right. I consider the matter of im peachment a trustee vote.” Moving on to more local matters, the Congressman said he feels local govern ments as a whole have been using federal revenue sharing funds wisely. “Revenue sharing was set up to give local governments a chance to set their own priorities,” he said. “There’ll always be disagreement about the way the funds are spent, but that’s democracy in action. Some boroughs or townships might see the need for new police cruisers, others might feel strongly about im plementing some kind of innovative social programs. The important thing about revenue sharing is that it gives local governments a chance to decide how the tax money is spent.” Can anything be done to save farmland and other open space in Lancaster County and throughout the Northeast? “Some planners see solid development from Boston to Washington by the year 2000. They don’t see any farms left by then. I think we can avoid that. I certainly hope we can. One thing we’ll need is some kind of tax concession for farmers. RED ROSE FARM SERVICE, INC. MR. FARMER Spring Seeding Time is Just Around the Corner FOLLOW THESE THREE IMPORTAHT A SUCCESSFUL CROP YEAR. SOIL TESTING Be sure that your Fertilizer and Lime requirements are at the proper level. I I SEEDS Our stores are stocked with the finest in quality Alfalfas-Clovers-Grasses-Seed-Oats-Northrup’ King and Pioneer Seed Corn varieties. "Have you heard about WL-305 ALFALFA?" CHEMICALS Protect your crops from weed and insect damage. We stock a complete selection of weed and insect control chemicals. Stop At One of Our Conveniently located farm Stores Today. MAIN OFFICE: 27 N. Church St. Quarryville 786-73*1 Wll have to'dosomethlng to encourage them to stay in business.!’ Eshelman also touched on another farm and food price issue, the Russian wheat deal of last year. Many experts felt that the sale of grain to Russia seriously intensified the pressure on food prices in this country, and eventually spawned the rumor that bread prices could go to a dollar a loaf. “First of all,” Eshelman said, “wheat isn’t what sent bread prices up. Middleman profits are responsible. Wheat accounts for only a small portion of the price of a loaf of bread. “We made some mistakes in our sale to Russia, but we’ll never make them again,” he concluded. Free Soil Testing Service Available Bulk Fertilizer, and Lime Spreading Service Available Three Steps to Success AGRICO Fertilizers - Bag or Bulk Quality Seed and Grains Proper Chemical Controls GRAIN ELEVATOR New Providence 786-3427 Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS Clothing Care Tip- - "Machine wash-line ary ls the way many of today’s garment labels read. But many homemakers may miss or ignore this m . formation and assume that a low dryer temperature won’t hurt the garment. There are usually definite reasons why a label reads as it does Shrinkage is possible, but so are permanent wrinkles and limpness. Wrinkles may be set into fabrics which weren’t meant to be machine dried. And some fabrics can lose their crispness forever if dried by machihe. Try A Classified Ad If Pays! BUCK, PA. 284-4464