16 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 2, 1974 Plain & Fancy Contributes To AEB Promotion Fund Plain and Fancy Egg Ranch, Elizabethtown, has contributed $5OOO to the current nationwide fund drive by the American Egg Board (AEB). The AEB is trying to raise a million dollars to promote eggs to American consumers, and reverse the decline in per capita egg consumption. Plain and Fancy’s con tribution represents a cent a bird on chickens owned by the firm, and another cent on birds in flocks under con tract. Last Friday, John Snader, treasurer of Plain and Fancy, gave the firm’s check to Charles A. O’Reilly, secretary of the Northeast Egg Marketing Association of Durham, New Hampshire. That organization has been serving jointly with Neppco in co-ordinating the AEB drive in New England and the Mid-Atlantic states. Paul Hess, president of Plain and Fancy said, “We have wanted to see a con certed national program to really answer many of the unfair attacks made against eggs. We see American Egg Board as the proper vehicle to get the job done. It is not putting it too strongly to say Wash Your Own Cage House and Save sss WITH OUR High Pressure Rental Washing Rig. CAN BE USED FOR HOG PENS, FARM MACHINERY, CALF PENS. MANY OTHER USES. After much washing and disinfecting experience, we un derstand the proper high pressure, high volume equipment needed to do an effective job We now have sprayers available to rent which gives you an opportunity to save money This rig is on a trailer and can be towed with a pick-up truck We will deliver and nick up sprayer in the event you are not equipped to tow it 2020 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, Pa. 17601 (717)397-0035 If you did what everybody does at Christmas time, here’s a little help from us toun-do it. Everybody does it. That is, everybody overspends a little at Christmas. Then some ot us find that contending with the overspending be comes difficult. If you know what we mean—from re cent experience—here’s help; A post holidays, bill-payer loan from Farmers National. Visit the bank soon, and talk with a loan officer. (There’s one at both our lo cations.] He’ll ask a few questions. After which he’ll do his best to lend you what you need at our low, installment lates. Meaning that you’ll be paying off those Yuletide obligations faslei, with greater ease and less worry. Shouldn’t yon, and eveiybody, do it ? PLAIN FANCY RANCH INC Charles A. O-Reilly, left, secretary of the Northeast Egg Marketing Association, is shown accepting a $5OOO check from John Snader, treasurer of Elizabethtown’s Plain and Fancy Egg Ranch. The money will Farmers National Bank of Quarry vi He Momljf r ItfJfnl Deposit Insiinmi ( oiponition that any egg producer who both indicated they were does not back AEB with his hopeful that AEB’s efforts in dollars may be helping to 1974 could substantially count himself out over the reverse the per capita long haul.” consumption drop that has Claude Hess, secretary of dogged the steps of the egg Plain and Fancy and Paul industry year after year. Hess, Jr. vice-president. - NEW and USED PICK-UP TRUCKS and VANS STOP AND SEE OUR NEW FULL TIME SALESMAN MEL HEISEY PETTICOFFER DODGE 1579 So. Market St.-RT 230 East Elizabethtown, Pa. Ph. 367-1808 Banking the way you’d do it. QUARRYVILLE WAKEFIELD West Fourth St Rts 272 & 222 be used for egg promotion by the American Egg Board. Plain and Fancy officers looking on are, left to right, Paul Hess, Jr., vice-president, Paul Hess, Sr., president, and Claude Hess, secretary. Mrwr Will SPRAY PAMT YOUR BARNS S SHEDS with Bruiting Country Squire PAINT & AIRLESS EQUIPMENT AT MOST REASONABLE RATES. Phone (AC) 215-445-6186 PHARES HURST RDI Narvon, Pa. 17555 • BRED • TESTED • GROWN for THE EAST FULL SEASON HYBRIDS FOR LANCASTER CO. 89X SINGLE CROSS - 125 DAYS Has highest potential yield of any full season hybrid we have tested. 200 bu. yields are not unusual. Ideal ear type on a good stalk. Excellent blight resistance. Fits Southeast Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware for maturity as 89X is a full season hybrid. Very upright leaves. Second best yield of 84 hybrids tested by Maryland Extension in Carroll County in 1973 - 158.7 bu. dry shelled com per acre!! 85X SINGLE CROSS - 120 DAYS Doebler’s most popular full season Single Cross. Excellent standup and top-notch appearance. Ears are low and girthy. Ideal for Southeastern Pennsylvania and Maryland grain production. Official yields have reached 221.8 bu. dry shelled com per acre. A very consistent performer. 83X SINGLE CROSS -118 DAYS New in 72, this Single Cross Hybrid has gained a large following. Look for a good sized plant, a vigorous grower and yields that compare with the very best. 83X is a fine stander and shows resistance to eastern blights. A good picker-sheller com. Outstanding performer In both Penna. and Maryland in the 1973 Extension Tests. 8703 3 WAY - 118 DAYS A Penn State released 3-Way Cross with exceptional yield and standup. Averaged 184.3 bu. dry shelled com per acre in the 1970 Agronomy Tests in five Southeastern Pa. locations. Percent erect plants 94.6 percent!! An excellent choice for grain or silage. Very blight resistant. 800-3 3 WAY -115 DAYS New in ’73,800 3-way is outstanding in yield, standup and tolerance to thick planting and drought. Yields of 200 bu. dry shelled com have been reached in test plots. Look for a close attached ear of substantial length and girth. Excellent for silage. 800-3 was No. lof 84 hybrids tested -14 bu. better in yield that any other hybrid brand in the 1973 Maryland Extension test in Carroll County!! LANCASTER COUNTY DEALERS Daniel Brubaker Ephrata Daniel Esh Paradise Nelson Habecker Lancaster Harry E. Hershey, Jr, Mt. Joy Richard Leininger Elizabethtown Robert McSparran, Jr. Peach Bottom Pennfield Corporation Lancaster Jester M. Weaver New HoUand P. Robert Wenger Quarryville Roy Zimmerman Ephrata SOLD BY 250 DEALERS IN PENNA. NEW YORK, MARYLAND and DELAWARE Doebler’s Pennsylvania Hybrids, Inc. R.D.I JERSEY SHORE, PENNA. 17740 It’S EARLY ORDER Time for Doebler's Pennsylvania Hybrids
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