In the spotlight briefly at the Pennsylvania FFA convention held every year in Harrisburg during Farm Show Week was Ray Martin, from Garden Spot High School’s Grassland Chapter. Martin was honored for being chosen Star Farmer for the Eastern Region. There have been 58 annual Pennsylvania Farm Shows and the dapper octagenerlan on the right has seen 'em all. He’s Lancaster County’s most traveled motorcyclist, Dutch Bucher, former County Agent. 58th Annual Pennsylvania Gary Brubaker brought home his first Farm Show blue ribbon Thursday after winning the reserve champion honor at the junior steer show. His prize winner was a 1095-pound Simmental-Angus crossbreed. He’s shown here being interviewed after the judging. Farm Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 12,1974 — Show Grand champion honors in the junior market lamb competition Thursday at the Farm Show went to Sarah Lynn Brubaker, shown here with the Suffolk lamb that won the ribbon. Ed Hess showed his Intel! steer to grand champion honors in Hereford judging during the junior steer show Thursday at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Hess is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eivin Hess, Strasburg RDI. 13