12—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. January 12.1974 58th Annual Pennsylvania Farm Show The Dr. Robert Herr family scored impressive wins in sheep judging during the Pennsylvania Farm Show this week. The Herr’s are shown here with their first place entry in Dorset get-of-sire com petition. Shown left to right are Christian, Barbara, Mrs. Herr, Elizabeth and Dr. Herr, back to camera. One way to get the judge to notice your animal in a hog show is to tie a balloon to its tail. This showman got a smile from the judge, but no ribbons. Some traditions - like snow, sleet, rain, ice, slush and cold during Farm Show Week - never die. In spite of the weather, though, the 58th annual Pennsylvania Farm Show was well-attended. Linda Kauffman, left, Elizabethtown ROl, had the grand champion cow in junior Holstein competition at the Farm Show. She’s shown here receiving her prize from Phoebe Ruth, Fleetwood, Pennsylvania’s Distinguished Holstein Girl. In the background. Jed Beshore, New Cumberland, is receiving the reserve champion trophy.