—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, January 12, 1974 10 How manv^runthes^glr^~^ — before we Crash? “Grassroots Opinion ” HARRISVILLE, W. VA., RITCHIE GAZETTE AND CAIRO STANDARD: “One of the troubles of our educational system is that young people grow up to get the idea that education is a process that goes on for nine months of the year and twelve years of their lives with in termissions and a conclusion. This is not the way it should be. Education is like a remarkable plant that lives throughout the year and bears fruit every month as it-goes along. There should be no intermission or con clusion in the educational process. There is no real end to education. You cannot store up knowledge and use it in the same way you store up money so that you buy everything you want out of this money you have in your possession for all the rest of your life. You can get wisdom only on the in stallment plan and the installments must go on its long as you live" STINNETT. TEXAS, HUTCHINSON COUNTY HERALD “If the value of the dollar doesn’t stop dropping and the cost of merchandise doesn’t stop rising we may be forced to carry merchandise to buy money.” LORIS, S.C, SENTINEL: “We think a cautious driver is the finest thing in the world and we certainly don't recommend tearing down the high way in excess of the speed limit A speeding driver is dangerous But so is a slow one l When we say slow driver, we aren’t referring to someone who observes the speed limit or drives a few miles per hour below it We mean the driver who insists on chugging down the road at 30 or 35 miles per hour, while the traffic backs up behind him No doubt these well-intentioned folks believe they are advancing the cause of safety like it has never been ad vanced before But we urge those who think that driving 25 miles per hour below the speed limit is a good safety practice to ask any highway patrolman what he thinks of the idea We think they might be surprised by his answer ” XXX FLORENCE ALA HERALD “In modern times man has learned how to split the atom build planes that XXX XXX conquer space and distance and bring people the world over within hours and minutes of each other, yet has not been able to find a formula that enables men of different races, cultures, personalities, and religions to live together amicably.” Viewpoints We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satis fied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of na tions can make them. —Woodrow Wilson Courthouse Squares pny me h/ho rmKB &RJH CONTROL ISIfiE ONIS CURE FVR. {fi Editor’s Quote Book Sure, the world is full of trouble, hut so lons’ as we have pi ople undoing trouble, we have a ftrelly stood it arid Helen Killer 0 6 I V\ tjCS.P!S> >1 „ Looking Ahead Or. George S. Benson President NATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM 1 Searcy, Arkansas GOV KKNMKNT OCT OF ( ONTKOI, The nearly half-trillion dollars which the American taxpayers are paying for government in the current fiscal year (Federal, State and Local) grew up out of public apathy and citizen default The growth from $4 billion in Koosevelt’s first year -- is only indirectly chargeable to the six Presidents the Congresses and State and Local politicians Primarily it is chargeable to the default of citizens on their responsibilities of citizenship Nearly every American has said through the years when confronted with his political responsibilities "Oh, let (leorge do if The U't (leorge do it ’ at titude lias permitted the rapid creation of small pressure groups You might say, their name is George" all of them For they are calling the shots for everybody else while grinding their own group axes They do not care how loudly we citizens squeal so long as we lake no action to halt their raids on the Federal treasury and to some extent on Stale and local government treasuries Where has this put us as individuals and as families 9 \ our I’art If individual taxes were absolutely equal for every citizen in the United States each (including babies) would have to pay $1 MO in taxes to meet just the current Federal budget requirement A family of four would have to pay sr>$ r > too. and a family of six $8 040 That’s the tax per person and per family when averaged out Of course some pay less, and some pay more In addition, the $505 Federal government debt breaks down to an average of $2,500 per person A family of four, on the average, would have to assume $lO,OOO as its part of the national debt, and a family of six, $l5 000 And don’t let anybody tell you ‘‘Oh. forget the National debt, we owe it to ourselves ” That’s ridiculous 1 The debt is held by individual citizens and institutions, by banks in the Federal Reserve • system, and in paper notes in some of the big funds ac cumulated in Federal Govern ment departments Individual citizens own about $5O billion in U S Savings Bonds Holders of these bonds must be paid and the only source of payment is the taxpayers The remainder of the indebtedness must also be paid in like manner Tapping Social Sec unty h und A whopping amount of borrowed money which the Government has arrogated to itself, without the permission of the citizens, has been taken from the Social Secunty Fund By 1973, taxpayers were paving sib billion MN) million a vear into the Social Security Fund The Fund as you all know was set up to pay retirement benefits Every working American pays taxes into the Fund most of it deducted from piychecks The book balance of the Social Security Fund now stands at sibb billion But there’s a catch a shucking catch' Without your permission the Federal government has dipped into this Fund and borrowed s)b billion $296 million - leaving only promises to pay it back The Government of course, cannot under present fiscal policies pay it back without piling more taxes on the people There is only about $)«0 million in cash in the Fund And mean time the taxpayers are being charged interest on the money taken in Federal borrowing Irom the Fund In the 197)74 Federal budget is an item for $1 9 billion to pay the interest on the money borrowed from our Social Security Fund and spent on various programs which we mav or may not approve A Dangerous Government Role If a citizen thinks this is ridiculous, let him recognize the fact that it is his money that has been borrowed, his money being paid in interest, his representatives in the Congress and White House who are borrowing the money for deficit spending and for expanding the size and cost of government On top of these figures I ve gi\envou is another one which should shock every citizen out of his apathv The American taxpayers are forced to pay in this fiscal year more than s2(i billion just in interest on the federal debt' It is not my wish to be an alarmist But with the bederal (.oy eminent s fmanc lal stability as shaky as it is today a depression or runaway in a., i % P, 8 !•!• NOW IS THE TIME... Max Smith County Agr. Agent Telephone 394-6851 To Control Parasites Parasite control should be a regular part of your management program for livestock. With most dairy and beef cattle now in winter housing, external parasites must be kept in check. Hopefully, when the animals were brought in for the winter, internal parasites were taken care of with one of the new easy-to-use worm medicines. Check your animals closely for external parasites such as lice and bam itch. These problems will first appear on the un dersides of the animals, eventually working to the top. Sprays are prefered for control since it is difficult to get complete coverage with powders and dusts. Con trolling external parasites is more important than just making your animal com fortable. Production ef ficiency is also a factor. To Check Feed Mineral Levels The importance of minerals in livestock feeds flation or any such crisis could paralyze the economy and wipe out the Social Security payments which now partially maintain it) million elderly citizens It could wipe out all financial values That is why as I have said for nearly 40 years, the Government can provide no genuine economic security for the people as Thomas Jef ferson and our other founding fathers lepealcdlv warned Next week more on big Government dangers BELIEVING IS SEEING Lesson for January 13,1974 Background Scripture- John 112-20 9 Devotional Reading: John 9 24-33 “Seeing is believing!” ,ssu !t ‘ lf 5™ w « re K bl,nd ’ yoa So goes the old saying It means WOuld h ™P° gu^t; but no V h ? simply that we will believe only In y ° Ur * what we see Show us what you mains (9-40, 41 *- say is true and then we will be- The blind man sees . . There is an interesting contrast y, i s a dubious, cym- between the blind man and the cal approach to pharisees Ordinarily, it would be life Unfortunate- p TeS umed that they have two Jy, some people great advantages over him (1) a J" e 80 doubtful tj,ey have physical sight, and (21 at>out life that they are regarded as men of faith they are unwill- an( j understanding Yet, ironic mgeventobeheye a ii y> ls the “blind man” who r«l at n y see ., ln believes without seeing who ac John 9we see this tually sees both physlC alK and .- v r P I „ perB ° n spiritually, while the Phansees, m 1 at J he despite their evesight aie spirit , man born blin d uallv blind the a fir e s n t tl tL POSeS r g , r’ S s ° >t mav be that we, because some neonlp r p™o! m bls b^e ' of our lack of belief, our picdis say “It is he ” Rnf 't'h 8 him ’ P° sltlon to doubt, are unable to willmir to ° tb . ers l un ' ‘see” what should be obvious in monv of thpir nw * Ven * be es i*' life Lack of belief lobs us of but he iVhke hZ”7o oi Say “ N °’ seein S Dl 0 Carl Simonton, a . 9 9 cancer specialist m Fort Woith, They did not believe Texas, has found that the differ- Nevertheless, the man born ence bet ween recovery and de blind says, “I am the man'” Sure chnc ln a cancer patient - 18 ofte " ly now they must believe what tho ablllty of the patient t 0 S ° e their eyes tell them 7 himself recovering No, now their doubts arise at a U may well be , that J bcl,e^ in f different point they questioned 15 somctimos n g ht! >’ dependent whether he had actually been n pon , scein e. but " e ™ us rem t c "’ bom blind in the first place'And be . r . thal °- ftcn i l “ als ° trUG when the man’s parents affirm Sieving ,s seeing. that he had definitely been bom {■osed on outlines copyrighted by the blind, instead of accenting af lact 2 ,v15,0n , of Chnst,on Education, Nahonjl th* at last Council of the Churches of Christ in the U S A C -CViaence, they Stubbornly Ke“as*d by Cbmmumty Pre-» Service i should not be overlooked. Many problems we en counter in dairy herds can be traced to mineral im balance. Even with the in creased prices and potential shortages of some of our feed minerals, they are still one of the best buys you make. Free choice mineral feeding is desirable for all livestock, but with the dairy cow we should include most of the mineral needs in the ration. Obviously, to correctly balance the minerals in a ration, needs must be known. This means forage testing for minerals as well as other nutrients. Minerals may make up a small portion of total ration, but not a portion to be overlooked. To Give Cows Exercise The current fad of “jogging” as a form of human exercise indicates the importance of exercise to living creatures. We have recognized for a long time the importance of exercise for the dairy cow. Ap parently, many dairymen at this time of year disregard the important practice. Aside from many benefits of exercise, getting the cows out once or twice a day gives you a good opportunity to observe them for signs of heat. Don’t overlook this opportunity. This is one of those many management practices that doesn’t cost you anything, but a little time, and pays big production efficiency dividends. 12207! cling to their disbelief ‘ . we know.that this man (Jesus) is a sinner” (9:24). No longer able to refute the seeing “blind man,” they focused their doubt now upon his healer No wonder that, on another occasion, Jesus re marked that there were some people who would not believe even if they saw a man rise from the dead' This is true blindness, not a blindness of the physical eyes, but a spiritual blindness Some of the Pharisees standing near Jesus ask “Are we also blind’" Jesus’ reply pinpoints the