Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 05, 1974, Image 6

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    6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5, 1974
mOLD (sk*
JAN. 7-13, 1974
Some snows may break your plows.
Have all your shoes repaired now . . . Buffalo Bill died Jan.
10, 1017 . . . Full Wolf Moon Jan. 8 . . . Ike agreed to run
Jan. 7, 10.72 . Average length of days for week, 9 hours,
1(5 minutes . . Richard Nixon horn Jan. 9, 1913 .. . First
vessel through Panama Canal Jan. 7, 1014 . . . Beware of
chimney fires now . . . First shot fired in Civil War Jan. 9,
18(51 . . . Arctic Snowy Owls return . . . Cattle need salt
now ... Eat to live, not live to eat.
Old Farmer’s Riddle: What has no feet but always wears shoes
out"’ (Answer below.)
Ask the Old Farmer: Who
originated the term “Yankee
i, ' Clipper” and when was it
first used to describe the
jgpvv- x fj ew England-built sailing
ships? K.V., Salem, Mass.
---*■ ~ - /t might be difficult to pin
' « this down, but the term was
probably applied to the
"*«l| schooner-rigged privateers
0 f n ie Revolution to distin
guish them from the Balti-
more clippers, which came first.
Home Hint' Clean vmvl shoes and handbags wjth liquid window cleaner
Bulb plants always should be watered from the bottom. Set the plant
in a saucer of water . Riddle o««iter; A pavement
New England: Begins mostly clear and cold, then heavy rain
with 8-10" snow m mountains; partly cloudy latter part, then
light snow and cold.
Greater New York-New lersey: Snow, 2-4", to start, then snow
changing to rain; partial clearing and very cold latter part,
then light snow on weekend.
Middle Atlantic Coastal: Ram, moderately heavy at first, con
tinuing through most of week; very cold with light snow on
Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: Moderate to heavy rain to start,
then cloudy and cold with light rain; partial clearing end of
week, then light rain.
Florida: Week begins rainy, then partial clearing; clear and
cool latter part with frost m north, then showers on weekend.
Upstate & Western N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Clear and cold in
east and light snow in west at first, then light snow through
out region continuing to end of week.
Greater Ohio Valley: Intermittent freezing rain first part of
week, remainder of week very cold with 2-4" snow.
Deep South: Quite cold at first, then mixed rain and snow;
end of week clear and becoming much ■warmer.
Chicago and Southern Great Lakes: Week begins cloudy and
seasonably cold, then light snow and colder; end of week
snows and \er> cold.
Northern Great Piains-Great Lakes: Light snow all week in
east, other sections clear and mild at first, then cold with
2-4 snow r latter part.
Central Great Plains: Light snow in north and west to start
(light ram in east), then partial clearing; light snow and
colder throughout n gion latter part.
Texas-Oklahoma; Partly sunny and mild at first, then cloudy
and colder, end of week mostly sunny and wanner.
Rock> Mountain Region: Week begins with light snow in
central and 4-fi snow in east, then mostly deal; cloudy and
colder latter part, then 1-3" snow in north and light rain
Southwest Desert: Cloudy with showers to start, then clear
ing, increasing clouds followed by rain latter part.
Pacific Northwest: Light rain and mild through midweek;
remainder of w r eek mostly sunny and cold.
California: First pait of w r eek sunny in south and rainy in
north; end of week cloudy and cool in south with rain
continuing in north.
(All Rights Reserved, Yankee, Inc Dublin, N H 03444)
9” Steel or Vinyl Fill Pipe
installed on any type Silo
- Concrete Stave Silos
- Silo Unloaders
- Belt and Auger feeders
- Liquid Manure Systems
- Barn Cleaners
RDI, Box 77 Kmzer. Pa 17535
Pa. Auction Summary
Weekly Summary
15 Livestock Markets
Week Ending December 28
CATTLE 2547. Compared with
4086 head last week, and 4380
head a year ago. Compared with
last week’s market, slaughter
steers 50 cents - 100 higher.
Slaughter cows mostly steady to
1 00-1 50 higher Bullocks uneven,
Good and Choice 25 cents - 1.00
lower, Standard LOO-2 00 higher.
Bulls 25 cents - 1.00 higher.
STEERS. Choice 44.35-45.10,
Good 39.00-44 00, Standard 38.60-
HEIFERS' Few Choice 39.00-
40.50, few .Good 38.50-40.10, few
Utility 36.60-37.25.
Pork Import
Are Amended
Pork products imported from
countries infected with both
swine vesicular disease (SVD)
and hog cholera will come under
a single set of requirements as of
December 19, according to the U.
S. Department of Agriculture
The agency’s Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service said
that the measures currently
being taken to prevent the in
troduction of SVD, are sufficient
to kill hog cholera viruses.
They will require cured or
dried pork and pork products
coming from areas infected with
both diseases to have all bones
removed in the country of origin;
be designated as restricted
import items, and shipped
under seal directly from the U.S.
port of entry to an approved
processing plant, where they
must be heated to an internal
temperature of 166 degrees.
Previously, curred and dried
pork products had to be dried at
least 90 days and be shelf stable
before they could come into the
APHIS officials noted that
federal import regulations also
cover other destructive livestock
diseases, such as foot-and-mouth,
rinderpest, and African-swine
Let them tell you all about the great new 5000 & 7000 Ford tractors with dual
power and load monitor - load moniter is the best thing to happen to tractors
since hydraulics. If you don’t get to the farm show stop in at the home of the
friendly people at 2166 Willow St Pike and we will be glad to tell you all about
these 2 great new tractors.
COWS: Utility and High
Dressing Cutter 34.85-39.60,
Cutters 32 90-37.00, Canners 30 CO
-34 00, Shells down to 26.00
BULLOCKS Choice 43.50-
46.50, Good 43 00-44.50, Standard
40 85-44 00.
BULLS' Yield Grade 1-2 1000-
1800 pounds 41.00-46.25
CALVES 1982 Compared with
3027 head last week, and 3398
head a year ago Vealers mostly
steady to 4.00 higher
VEALERS: Prime 73.00-85.00,
Choice 68.00-80.00, Good 60 00-
70 00, Standard 52.00-65.00, Utility
90-120 pounds 39.00-50.00, 70-85
32 00-42.00 Farm calves slow;
Holstein bulls 85-120 42 00-70.00
Holstein heifers 85-140 50.00-71.00.
At Booth 68-77 and 78 8. 87
The Penna. Farm Show.
The Home of The Friendly People
cc „ 'y here the Deal 's Always Better
2166 Willow St Pike Lancaster, Pa
- HOGS 3845. Compared with
5291 head last week, and 5457
head a year ago. Barrows and
Gilts 1.25-1.50 higher.
1-2 205-230 pounds 44 60-44 85 1.3
200-240 43.00-44.40, 2-3 195-225
41 60-42 85
SOWS' US 1-3 300-555 pounds
34 00-41.50. Boars 29.00-33,75
FEEDER PIGS 255. Compared
with 657 head last week, and 413
head a year ago. US 1-3 20-35
pound feeder pigs 17 00-23 00 per
head, 1-3 35-50 22.00-30 50 per
SHEEP 175. Compared with 537
head last week, and 686 head a
year ago Wooled slaughter
lambs steady to 2.00 higher
Choice 70-100 pounds 36 00-39 50,
Good 70-100 31.00-35 00, few
Utility 60-80 27 00-32 00. Few
slaughter ewes 11.00-25 00. *
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