—Lancaster Farming,' Saturday, January 's. 1974 14 Workmen were busy getting ready this week for the Pennsylvania Farm Show, which opens in Harrisburg on January 7. The main exhibit area, shown here, .was in a state of disarray on Wed nesday morning and virtually deserted. MANURE PITS 24-36 ft,.48 ft. &60 ft. Diameter 12 ft. Deep circular precast concrete with Gunite coated in terior. ZIMMERMAN INDUSTRIES, INC. R.D No. 1 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 733-6166 EtftH-RITE Soil Conditioner MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry. Need for less protein, in crease butterfat, cut mastitis, increase egg production. Zook & Ranch. Inc. RDI, Gap. Pa. 17527 Phon* 717-142-4171 twhiA Farmline urnM Motors to 10 H. P. Capacitor Start CONTINUOUS DUTY BALL BEARING , OPEN OR TOTALLY ENCLOSED Specially Designed to Produce Operating Characteristics to Fulfill Farm Requirements for Hard-Starting, Long-Life, Rugged Use Motors. IN STOCK NOW HIGH STARTING TORQUE FOR COMPRESSORS BARN CLEANERS GRINDERS CILO UNLOADERS OR ANY OTHER Of -RATION THAT STARTS UNDER LOAD. Quantity Discounts PP E "TROMEC LL Lj.IKDV AL SERVICE IJ-* ROUTE lit, EPHRATA, PA 17522 MLJ PHONE (717) 733 7911 ELECTRIC MOTOR • GENERA FOR • POWER-TOOL SPECIALIS ES My Neighbors .^jgggjjjL ■‘JUI’- >v 5 Big Worker BIG WORKIN’ PERKINS DIESELS Known as rugged, fuel economy power units Plenty of reserve power at lower speeds to lug through tough spots and speed your work BIG WORKIN’ 3-POINT HITCH Faster, easier control of mounted, semi mounted implements You get extra trac tion when you need it, and you also save time turning. New Rapid Coupler standard on MF 1105,1135 and 1155 BUY, RENT OR LEASE A NEW MF TRACTOR M. & LEOLA, PENNA. 1*540 fSSaSs YOU GET MORE WORK OUT OF 4 NEW BIG MF ROW CROP TRACTORS M. WEAVER rxo SONS, UK. /• * BIG WORKIN’ HP Manufacturer rated 140 PTO hp 1155 V-8, 120 hp 1135,100 hp 1105 and 80 hp 1085 BIG WORKIN’ 8 OR 12 SPEED SHIFT 8 speed manual shift is standard. Or choose the 12 speed multi-power shift on-the-go transmission option. BIG QUIET CAB Generous room, extra comfort and quiet even at full power Ask about this option! PHONE; 717-656-2321 *