6—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, 1 December 29, 1973 DEC. 31,1973 - JAN. 6,1974 Welcome in the glad new year. Best time to buy next year’s Christmas cards . . . Calvin Coolidge died Jan. 5, 1933 . . . First quarter of the Moon Jan. 1. . . Raccoons are sparking now ... Average length of days for the week, 9 hours, 8 minutes (days begin lengthening now) . . . Amelia Bloomer first started wearing them this week in 1849 . . . First day of week last day to make New Year’s resolutions ... No U.S. debt Jan. 1842 ... Water gone over the dam won’t run the mill wheel. Old Fanner’s Riddle; What has two thumbs and no fingers? (Answer below.) We’ll send a copy to any one who wants it. Just send 75