—-Lancaster Farming,,Saturday, December 29.1973 22 I Farm Women | I Societies | Society 18 Society of Farm Women number 18 met December 15 at the home of Mrs. David E. Buck waiter, Lititz RD3, president. Devotions centered on the Christmas theme were led by Mrs. Earl Diem. Roll call was answered by 27 members and five guests telling what their favorite Christmas carol was. During the business session the upcoming state convention of the Farm Women Societies was announced and Mrs. John Herr and Mrs. Tobias Leaman will represent Society 18 on Monday, January 7; Mrs. John. Henry Hess, Mrs. Henry S. Nissley, and Mrs. Harry E. Shepardson on January 8. The new incoming President, Mrs. Jay E. Landis will attend both days. Other officers assuming office include Mrs. Harold Kimmel, vice-president; Mrs. Wayne Brubaker, secretary; Mrs. John Herr, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Earl Diem, treasurer. Committee chairladies include Program, Mrs. Lewis Mengle; Social, Mrs. Charles D. Warfel II; Ways and Means, Mrs. Henry S. Nissley; Sunshine and Gifts, Mrs. Igerna M. Smith; Nominating and Membership, Mrs. Ralph Martin; Auditing, Mrs. Christ S. Greider; and Reporters, Mrs. Robert Good. A beautiful set of candlesticks was presented to Mrs. Buck waiter in appreciation for her leadership the past two years. AFS Student at Warwick High School, Miss Margaret Goh, from Malaysia, spoke on her home country, its people and customs. The next meeting will b* January 19 at the home of Mrs. J. Wilbert Carper, RDI, Manheim when Mr. Harry Redcay will speak on Wild Flowers. Society 29 Society of Farm Women 29 met Dec. 20 at tiie home of Mrs. Daniel Forry. Since the roads were icy, the group decided not to go to the Epler Nursing Home in Mountville, but remained at Mrs. Forty's home for their Christmas Party. At roll call, each member showed her baby picture. Following the business meeting delicious varieties of cookies and sandwiches, punch and coffee were served by the hostess, Mrs. Daniel Forry, and the co-hostess Mrs. Stanley Newcomer. Each member brought a home made gift for the person whose name she had pulled. There were many beautiful items and many delicious looking ones. The meeting was adjourned early. Farm Women Calendar Saturday. December 29 1:30 p.m. - Farm Women Society 5 Christmas Party Farm Women Society 4 meeting, Home of Mrs. Mary Greider. Covered dish luncheon, Christmas Party. Thursday, January 3 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Farm Women Society 14, sew at Lancaster General Hospital. Saturday, January 5 1:30 p.m, - Fann Women Society 1 meeting, home of Mrs. Lloyd Sheaffer, 326 S. Broad St., Lititz. .A. MYER'S METERED QSkO GAS SERVICE, INC. PIG BROODERS CHICK BROODERS GAS SPACE HEATERS & FURNACES WE HANDLE A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Maytag - Caloric-Amana and Other Well Known Brands PO BOX 71 MANHEIM PA 17545 Telephone (717) 665-3588 , W\ L Ceme in See the big big savings that the Great Ski Whizard sees for you' Right now we re dosing out the zingmest Ski Whiz ever Sk» Whiz 73 at our lowest prices of the year You d never dream you could save so much on this smoother riding easier handling sled with us sportier than ever good looks and 2i terrific improvements' You vc qot to see it to believe it 1 Ml N Of MARTINGALE ON GRIST Mill RO Financing Availab Short** sktt for quick** turn* a More ski surface f*r b*tt*r flotation a More powerful tnfmis t* give you new zing • New MF torque converter guts th* zing whore it counts —on th* track • Choice of 15W 'or It track width • lew** center el gravity lor better stability • EXCLUSIVE MF ski od|Ustmont for easier going on hard*pack powder in LAWN CARE OF PENNA. 445-4*50 SEW WHAT? nil WtlX'l MTTWIfI ■ V AUDREY LANE Knitted Jacket T ha hendknil leak continual la ha papular this lamion. Via ottrodira jackal ffcown may ka knlHad In small, madium and larsa sizai. fat lam No. 324 fival lha inilrucftons. Snay Jta, Jr. Sunny Jim, Jr. dull is simple ond inexpensive to main. H» is obout 14 inches tall Pattern No. 906 contain* instructions for making doll and clothes Send 50c for each dress pattern , 30c for each needlework pattern tadd 15,C for each dress pattern, 10c for each needlework pattern for mailing and handlingl to AUDREY LANE tU HE A U, Morris Plains, New Jerseyo79so Turn Down The Beat If the liquid in which meat is being cooked is boiling, turn down the heat. For maximum tenderness, the temperature of the cooking liquid should be just below boiling when braising or simmering beef, pork, lamb or veal. IZARD CE Model toos / t H.P between and so much, much MORE 1 HUS Mossey Ferguson ruggedness do* pondabilily and endurance Como in and SAVE 1 Every Ski Whi/ on our door «$ pncod for quick quick close out Convenient terms Hurry first come first served MON TUES THURS FRI 7 AM-fPM WED SAT 7AM.-SFM This time of year I begin to think of getting some of my old quilts out of the chests and using them on the beds-“just for show.” One has alternating broad stripes of dark green and dark red which I call my Christmas quilt. Others have a deep pink and moss green design. The complicated pattern of tiny squares and the dainty stitches are much admired by me but never do I expect to sit down and try to duplicate this work of one hundred years ago. My sit down time is usually spent reading the newspapers or glancing through magazines. It seems as though there are so many little jobs to do and having children home from school only adds to the load. If we don’t plan some special work, we often find that we’ve simply accomplished the regular work of cooking and cleaning up and then “talked” the rest of the day away. But it was fun. Snow is for children! Our two youngest go sledding, they throw snowballs and try to make snowmen. They drag the tobaggan down from the attic and up the lane they go to an upper meadow with a steep hill. It .00 DOWN No Trade XXX XXX CATERING SERVICE RECEPTIONS—BANQUETS ANNIVERSARY PARTIES PICNICS—BARBECUES—SALES MEETINGS OQO QOI ft 1F NO ANSWER CALI OV4 m VO 1 57 393 7641 1106 MILLEUSVIUE F* , LANCASTER Ida Risser seems it’s never too cold to play outside, only too cold to work outside. I like to look at the drifted snow, the animal tracks in the snow, and the grey ice-covered water of the Conestoga but I could be content to stay in my warm house and off those icy roads. Cars have a way of knowing if I’m the driver. They slip and slide and have been known to completely turn around. In which case I usually go home again or backtrack and find another road to my destination. However, since I’ve spent over 30 years driving hither and yon in all kinds of winter weather, I guess a few mishaps are to be expected. Give me summer driving every time. 6ARBEBOIL CO. [TEXACO] Fuel Chief HEATINB PH. t Oil HEATING EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 "WE CATER ANYWHERE, INDOORS OR OUTDOORS" 2 LOCATIONS FOR lANQUETS 100 to 600 at the Farm & Home tenter 1388 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster Phone 392-4911