Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 29, 1973, Image 11

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I Silage Distributor-Unloader |
1 /J
jMHoney Brook, Pa. Phone: 215-273-3131 j
We Wish All Our Customers and Friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Thank You for Your Patronage During 1973.
Hershey Equipment Co.
215 Diller Avenue
No Drive Drum
to Manhandle
Power Circle Drive
True 3-Point Suspension
No Weights to Adjust
Ph. (717) 354-5168 or (717) 872-5111
The Pennsylvania Department
of Agriculture is assigning eight
additional inpsectors to the
Division of Milk Sanitation, ef
fective Jan. 7,1974, to initiate an
agressive statewide surveillance
program on the quality of milk
distributed through schools,
stores and all types of retail
' •
Secretary of Agriculture Jim
McHale said the extra inspection
is needed at the retail level
because of the shift in mer
chandising of milk from home
delivered to store bought. “In the
past, when an occasional
problem on flavor or freshness
occurred,” McHale noted, “it
could be handled directly, bet
ween the homemaker and the
milkman. But today 90 per cent of
milk sales are made at stores.”
Major improvements in the
handling, transportation,
processing and packaging of
milk, from the cow to the con
sumer, combined with stringent
quality control programs and
strict regulatory efforts, has
greatly improved the keeping
quality of milk. There have been
no reported milk-borne diseases
in Pennsylvania in nearly 20
years, but when improperly
New Holland, Pa.
New PDA Milk Inspectors
To Evaluate Retail Outlets
Vk ifsa
Like this hanging turkey feeder from
Big Dutchman. It’s the solution to the
problems of automation in breeder
house feeding. Here’s why:
1. Automated Simplicity Proven, reliable
Big Dutchman chain and trough delivery
system brings feed to high capacity, large
diameter hanging feeders through a fool
proof drop tube.
2. It’s Not a “Bruiser” - It takes no floor
space, and it leaves the whole house open
to turkey traffic, yet it provides ample feed
ing space for every bird.
3. Versatility - Feed flow is easily adjust
able for either breeding flock or finishing
operation. Individual feeders can be shut
off if desired, without any major equipment
change. Maintenance requirements are
few and simple.
4. Efficient - All birds have access to
plenty of feed. Feed waste is greatly re
duced by the feed-saving design of the
pan and its lip. The feeder swings with
out spilling, and it’s durable. It can take
all the abuse that turkeys can hand out.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 29,1973
handled, flavor defects may and
do occur.
In 1972, the Milk Sanitation
Law was amended to provide for
uniform inspection standards
throughout die Commonwealth,
including the requirement that
milk be held at lower tem
peratures during transportation
and the establishing of standards
for the care of dairy products in
retail stores. A survey of the
quality of milk in retail establish
ments indicated the need for
additional surveillance.
Through a special ap
propriation by the legislature, the
eight new inspectors will be
trained to evaluate dairy product
facilities in retail stores and in
the proper collection and han
dling of representative samples.
It is anticipated that 5000 samples
will be tested in the first six
The Department of Agriculture
is contracting with municipal and
commercial laboratories to make
bacteriological, chemical and
compositional analyses of the
samples. Both the retailer and
the processor will be advised of
findings and deficiencies will be
subject to follow-up inspections.
A recent act of the legislature
3iq Dutchman.
empowers Secretary McHale to
enter into reciprocal inspection
programs with other states
eliminating costly out-of-state
trips and duplication of efforts.
To date, 19 states throughout the
nation are participating with
Pennsylvania to insure the
delivery of quality milk and milk
Pennsylvania’s agribusiness
men are doing more to conserve
energy than staying in bed a little
longer in the morning, according
to a survey made recently by
PennAg Industries Association,
Eugene E. Eby, Newport, the
association’s president said,
“Our study reveals that
members have been giving the
energy crisis a great deal of
thought a kind of ‘burning the
midnight oil’. A variety of plans
have already been put into
operation while others have been
placed on the back burner, should
the crisis worsen. To the degree
these energy-saving ideas
generate efficiencies, the better
for the economy, but we realize
some customer services may
suffer. We are asking our farm
customers to be cooperative and
understanding in the meantime.”
Some of the energy-conserving
ideas generated from the study:
Reduce office temperatures;
decrease frequency of personal
sales calls in favor of increased
use of telephone; replace in
candescent with florescent
lighting; utilize compact
vehicles in fleet operations and
more frequent tuning and ser
vicing of vehicles; reduction of
delivery radius; consolidation of
routes, and elimination of part
loads; elimination of short
production runs; purchase of new
equipment tpincrease efficiency;
elimination of space heaters in
production areas; 1 ■ en
couragement of employee use of
publicjtransportation. car pools
or walking to work; seek em
ployee suggestions for other
energy-conservation 1 ideas;
shorten work week and-or shut
down an additional day before or
after a holiday; schedule the
work day to coincide with
daylight; and finally, consider
the advisability of cancelling
further processing of feeds, such
as steam-rolling Or pelleting.
“We have riot heard of any firm
which has actually cancelled
production of pelleted or steam
rolled feeds, but it is a possibility.
Feeding efficiency would suffer,
however, and this suggestion
would be implemented only as a
last resort,” Eby- concluded.,
1 i i! ,
■ i
Soil Conditioner
Vitamin & Mineral for
livestock and poultry.
Need for less protein, in
crease butterfat, cut mastitis,
increase egg production.
Zook & Ranck,
RDI, Gap, Pa. 17527
Phone 717-442-4171
• ", .