% /ft Periodicals Division m > ( V 47 W 209 Pattoe Library / a % 1 ' Ponm* f " f^rmiliFcp Vol. 19 No. 6 I FARM TRENDS I v, ,% A summary of market | “XVr by Dick Wanner I A tight supply and demand situation dominates the outlook for feed grains according to a USDA report. The supply for 1973-74 totals 240 million tons, 4 percent below 1972-73. Production, forecast at 207 million tons, is 7 million more than last year, but carryover of old grain into the marketing year was down a third to 32 million tons. Less than 11 million tons of the carryover was under loan or owned by CCC, lowest in 2 decades, and “free" carryover stocks were larger forthe first time in that period. A further decline in carryover is likely at the end of 1973- 74. Total disappearance, projected at 212 million tons, will exceed production. Domestic use may not quite match last year's 173 million tons if high feed grain costs and larger protein supplies reduce feeding rates for feed grains and offset an expected 2 percent increase in livestock numbers. Foreign demand, projected at 40 million (short) tons, continues exceptionally strong. In the past 5 years, the growth in world feed grain production has lagged world demand, leading to rising exports and prices. .Larger feed grain crops in 1974-75 would soften prices, help keep countries with limited purchasing power in world grain markets, and provide, Last year’sj?rain expprt boom sTrort i 972 food and feed crops around the world. But despite a record -■ 1973 world grain crop, world grain demand continues ex ceptionally strong in 1973-74. With world population growing at the rate of 75 million people annually, the demand for food and fiber also continues to grow,. Diets -in many countries are improving and this .means more animal protein. Feed grain disap pearance increased at an average rate of 19 million metric tons annually during 1968-72. World production, while fluctuating, during this period increased at an average annual rate of 12 million tons. In years when production fell, large carryover stocks were available to meet consumption requirements. This was the case in 1972-73, when increased imports reduced carryover stocks of exporting countries to low levels. A UVSi-million-ton or 5 percent increase is projected for domestic use during 1974-75. Grain-consuming animal units, especially cattle and poultry, may expand by as much as 2Vz percent and feeding rates are assumed to resume the long-term uptrend. Charles Kauffman, a Bureau of Employment Security em ployer relations representative, hopes to get some Lancaster Countians off the welfare rolls by placing them in jobs on dairy farms. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 29, 1973 Alfred*Re|st left; and His twin brother, Arthur, display the tobacco that won them grand and reserve champion honors, respectively, at the annual Lancaster County 4-H Corn and Tobacco Roundup on Thursday. Corn, Tobacco Prices Go To Heists, Boyd History has a way of repeating itself, and so do Lancaster County corn and tobacco shows. In the annual 4-H Corn and Tobacco Roundup held Thursday at the Farm and Home Center, Arthur and Alfred Reist again walked off with top honors in both the wrapper and filler depart ments, and Ephrata’s Kerry From Welfare Recipient to Dairyman - A Local Goal Dairying has been on the decline in Pennsylvania for a number of years. Since 1968, for example, over 5500 daiymen have left the farm, and some 65,000 cows have left the state’s dairy herds. A lack of labor is one of the many factors helping to push daiymen off the farm. The Pennsylvania Department pf Agriculture and the state Department of Labor and In dustry are working on a joint program to help alleviate the dairymen’s labor woes, and they’ve picked Lancaster County as the site for their pilot project. The program aims to bring welfare recipients and farmers together, according to Charles E. Kauffman who is coordinating the effort here. Kauffman is an Boyd added another laurel to his string of corn growing cham pionships. Alfred G. Reist had the grand champion tobacco with his first place hand of wrapped tobacco. Twin brother Arthur E. was the reserve champion with his first place hand of filler tobacco. (Continued On Page 4) employer relations representive with Lancaster’s Bureau of Employment Security, a division of the Department of Labor and Industry. Probably some of the most vocal critics anywhere of welfare programs are to be found in Lancaster County’s farm com munity. In a Lancaster Farming interview, Kauffman said he realized that fact, but he nevertheless has high hopes for the program. “Given half a chance,” Kauffman said, “the majority of people on welfare can turn into self-supporting, tax paying citizens We’re going to give dairy farmers a chance to do something about the welfare problem while they’re doing something about their own labor S 2 00 Per Year Kapleau Quits, But Still Runs Pa. Milk Board The chairman of the state’s Milk Marketing Board, Harry Kapleau, announced Thursday he 'is stepping down from the three member agency to become its executive secretary. Peter Elish, a Democrat defeated last month seeking re election as Washington County 'controller, will be named by Gov. Shapp as the new chairman, but Kapleau is expected to continue to run the board’s daily operations. The change will raise Kapleau’s annual salary from the $13,000 he receives as chairman to between $20,000 and $25,000. The exact figure will be set by the board itself, which has scheduled a reorganization meeting for Jan. 2. The agency regulates most aspects of Pennsylvania’s dairy industry, ranked fifth in the -nation with retail sales of more than $1 billion annually. PRICE SETTEE The board’s most controversial power is its authority to set minimum prices for milk at both the retail and processing levels. Elish, 59, was a Washington County organizer for Shapp in the 1970 gubernatorial compaign. He served in the state House in the 1945-46 session and has filled various county offices since then. His home is in Cannonsburg. His appointment, scheduled to occur with Senate adjournment Dec. 31, probably will be challenged by Senate Republicans, who contend Shapp is violating the state constitution with hundreds of interim ap pointees. problems.” A number of the county’s welfare recipients are enrolled in the bureau’s WIN, or Work In centive Program. These, Kauffman said, are the people who would be considered for on the-job dairy training. Kauffman explained that there are some (Continued On Page 24 ) In This Issue Markets 2-4 Sale Register 29 Farmers Almanac 6 Classified Ads 33 Editorials 10 Home on the Range 20 Lancaster Co. DHIA 12 The Year in Review 18 Manheim YF Officers 7 Farm Calender 3