X' ;JS Farm Women Societies Society 27 ° Farm • Women Society 27 .members, and husbands enjoyed an evening of bowling recently. Refreshments were served to the group* dt the’ hbnae" of Mf. and Mrs. James'Brubaker. Mrs. Roy Sauder and Mrs. Bob Kauffman served as co-hostesses. The next meeting will be held December 4 at 7:00 at the home of smm: Lancaster Automobile Club /?**?» SCHOOL PATROLS q g tSSfci -SSL Ly good roads ■^r # \ I'.HilJil' 11T1 finlll PERSONAL EMERGENCY juuq uamv OTHERS „ ACCIDENT INSURANCE ROAD SERVICE | mu MAWY umtWb | COAST TO COAST SAIL BOND SERVICE ' LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB Jl 34 M. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. """tf Pleas* send * CHRISTMAS GIFT membership MAPS TRAVEL SERVICE To LICENSE SERVICE Thll IMllClttM It bt UIHI t*r NEW MEMBERS ONLY MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE p^| LEGAL Send flft packet* direct 0 l*nd (• ffi* □ ADVISORY SERVICE facer's N*m* , MONTHLY MAGAZINE Bvis s 7.J0 N* tnlrsne* f«« ftr ■ Hr- Inlrsnc* *l5l kdinu j»n r«il•>»**. T Ida Risser Garages make appointments to check cars a week or two in advance. Doctors make ap pointments a year in advance. Even family get togethers need to be planned months in advance. Wouldn’t it be nice to act on an impluse and buy the pretty dress you see instead of planning whether the color will match your wardrobe? Too, if we could just drop in on a Mend or relative instead of phoning ahead to be sure they are prepared for us. Even dashing out a few days before Christmas is more to my liking than having presents in the closet waiting for that special day. XXX Somehow, I’ve acquired the habit of saving things - maybe I inherited the trait. Why, I’ll keep scraps of material, string, tiny screws, ribbon, paper and plastic bags, acorns, discarded belts, newspaper clippings, buttons and so forth. Now, this is not just a recent conservation practice. Rather, it’s a way of life - something I’ve always done. But then comes the pay-off. When Philip's watchband came off, I had a correct size pin to put it on again. When the arm came off Allen’s new glasses, I had a screw tiny enough to repair it. When Cindy’s handle fell off her bookbag, I found an old one in the attic and fixed it. If a dress, made years ago is ripped, I have material to match it. Whenever a member of the family needs something, they call on me to produce it or a good substitute. So, when I can hand over a box of the correct size to mail a big or tiny object, it goes to show that the hoarding instinct has many a triumphant moment. Keep Home Safe for Children Rule out the “reachables” for young children. According to the Extension safety committee at The Pennsylvania State University, the “reachables” are the available, reachable, handy things that can lead to home accidents. These include medicines left on a table, cleaners and polishes stored under the sink, and pot handles jutting over the edge of the stove. Check your home and workshop and make the reachables “unreachable” before an ac cident happens. - ' U/#, The name Baton Rouge is French. It means “red stick” or “red pole.” The first French explorers found the Indians using such a pole as a bound ary marker. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Corn fed beef. Also Frankfurters and Bolognas made. Deer Butchering. AMOS BAWELL, Leola RDI, Pa. 656-6985 27