4 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 27. 1973 Weekly New York Egg Market From Tuesday. Oct. 23rd to Friday, Oct. 26th Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. WHITE Fey. Ex. Large Large Mediums Pullets Peewees BROWN Fey. Large Mediums Pullets Peewees Off Grade Large Checks Long Tone About Steady Copyright 1973 Urner Barry Publications New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, October 23 Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: MASS+ Mostly NEWHAMP. Mostly R. I. Mostly VERMONT Mostly MAINE Mostly -(-Includes Central & Western Sections Only. Oklahoma City Thursday, October 25 Estimated Receipts 10,300 Same Day Last Week 10,478 Same Day Last Year 9,300 Trading active, feeder cattle and calves 50 cents to 1.00 higher with feeder steers over 600 pound 1.00- demand fairly broad for all weights and grades however most interests centering on thin fleshed offerings; majority receipts Good and Choice 350-750 pound steers and 350-650 pound heifers; fairly large attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice, few Prime 300-375 pound 63.50- 69.00; 400-500 60.00-66.25; 500-600 55.00- 600-700 52.25-55.00; 700-800 49.50-52.80, two loads and part load 716.744 53.40-54.00; 800- 939 49.80-51.25; Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 56.50-61.75; 500-700 50.00- 700-850 44.50-48.00; Good 300-500 49.75-57.50; 500-856 44.75-51.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Small lot Good 571 pound 44.25; Good 700-945 39.40-42.00. For The Week: Feeder cattle under 600 pound recovered part of the early losses on the close with late sales 50 cents to 1.00 lower compared to late last •S : xW>»y;?^:WffiWSWss^'S' Lancaster Farming P O Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17543 Office- 22 E. Mam St, Lititz, Pa 17543 Record-Express Office Bldg Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Richard E Wanner, Editor Subscription price: $2 per year in Lancaster County; $3 elsewhere Established November 4, 1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa 17543 Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn , Pa Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association ,*,v.v,v.v/.v»v.> Poultry Market Reports 69 65 62% 68 65 65 65 Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted 59 58 58 58 42 41 40 40 EX LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 71- 69-74 68-72 46-53 72- 70-72 69-71 70-77 68-75 66-73 72-73 70-71 68-69 74-75 72-73 71-72 72-87 70-85 69-78 TOO FEW 72-74 70-72 69-71 Peoria Came Thursday, October 25 Receipts This Week 4800 Last Week 4800 Last Year 4900 Slaughter steers through midweek strong to fully 50 higher instances 1.00 higher. Heifers steady to 25, instances 50 higher. Cows 1.00 lower Bulls steady. Trading activity on slaughter steers uneven with broadest outlets on under 1150 pounds yield Grade 2-3 just making the Choice grade. These type steers were a small percentage of the run with most load lots average Choice or better yield grade 3-4, few 5 weighing over 1150 pounds. Cows a smaller than usual segment of the run after Monday. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1170-1350 pounds mostly yield grade 4 few 5 40.00-40.75; some loads yield gr 4-5 1270-1400 lbs 35 00-40 00, few 1400-1600 32.50- 35.00. Choice 975-1175 2-4 unevenly 40.50-42.75 mostly 41.00- 42.50; few small lots 950-1050 3 43.25-43.50. Choice 1175-1250 4 40 00-41.00. HEIFERS: High Choice and Prime 900-1025 pounds yield grade 3-4 40.00-40.75, load 1075 pounds 4-5 38.00. Choice 800-1050 2-4 39.50-41.00, mostly 40.00-40.75. Mixed Good and Choice 750-1000 lbs 38.50- 39.50. Good 700-900 35.00- COWS- Utility late 31.00-34.00. Few Commercial 29.00-33.00. Cutter 28.00-32.00. Few Canner 25.00- BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1100- 1500 pounds 38.00-42.00 few yield grade 1 1900-1970 45.0(H5.25. week; feeder steers over 600 pound recovered all the loss and late sales steady to strong, some sales 50 cents higher on thin fleshed offerings; slaughter cows under extreme pressure throughout the week and closed 1.50-2 50 lower, slaughter bulls generally steady. Salable receipts near 25,200 head com pared to 24,969 last week and 15, 579 the comparable week last year Cows 10 percent cattle receipts; feeders 90 percent of the total Eastern Pa. and N. J. Wednesday, Oct. 24 Live Poultry Prices continued to trend lower on light type hens. Demand fair for fully adequate offerings. Slaughter plants busy with heavy broilers continuing to fill running time. Offerings of heavy type hens adequate for steady call. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 14-18%, mostly 18 in Pa., mostly 17-18 in N. J. Heavy type hens TFEWR Fri. Dehnorva Wednesday, Oct. 24 Broiler-Fryer Market Ready to cook movement continues good as plants attempt to fill prior commitments to entensive feature activity. Slaughter schedules heavy though often curtailed due to labor shortages. Less than trucklot prices held unchanged on both plant and US Grade A. Live supplies burdensome at much heavier than desired weights at most plants. Un dertone fully steady. Pool trucklot prices for 47-54 49-50 53-54 51-53 Thursday arrival US Grade A 38- 44, mostly 39; Plant Grade 37-42, mostly 38. Egg Market Wednesday. Oct. 24 Philadelphia Eggs Prices lower on all sizes. Cartoning ucuiand light to fair where promotions involved. Offerings ample on all sizes. Undertone nervous and un settled. Prices to retailers: Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, delivered: store door A Extra Large 67-68%; A Large 66-67%; A Medium 60- 61%. Wednesday, Oct. 24 Baltimore Eggs Market unsettled. Demand fair but spotty. Supplies ample. Cartoned eggs: prices to retailers, state grades (min. one case sale) White Grade A Large 72-78, mostly 72-74; Grade A Medium 69M.-76, mostly 69%-71. Fogelsville October 23,1973 (Prices paid dock weights cents per lb.) Hens, light type 12-19; Hens, heavy type 16-34, mostly 19-26; Pullets 38-45; Roasters 12M--45, mostly 40-45; Ducks 40-49 te; Drakes 23-70, mpstly 60-70; Geese 49-53; Rabbits 45-86, mostly 60-70; Guineas 1.00; Pigeons (per pr.) 1.14-2.50. Total coops sold 452. Poultry received Monday 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday 7 a.m. to 12 Noon. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Directions Take Rt. 22 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville Exit. North on stoplight in Fogelsville, Turn left, proceed 1 mile. Celebrate Celebrate October’s Porkfest with a Bavarian masterpiece a platter of sliced boneless smoked pork shoulder with sauerkraut, potatoes and onions. Editor’s Quote Book "An idle man is a kind of monster in the creation. All nature is busy about him; every animal he sees re proaches him. 1 ’ Joseph Addison
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