s almost Halloween and time ive some fun! Children can i a lot of time deciding what ime to wear - especially if put it together by them s. Several years ago a ibor boy dressed as an alley ith an open-end garbage can his body. is year our school has a SAVE MONEY THIS WINTER ...plug those heating-dollar leaks now! Storm windows and doors are important, too. They can cut in half heat losses through existing glass windows. Repair any glass panes that are broken. If you add storm windows and doors, they should pay for themselves in heating savings in less than 10 years. Ida Risser carefully planned Halloween parade. Everything seems so struc tured these days. To take a walk through autumn splendor you should belong to a hiking club or a scout troop - or so it seems. Cindy and I were hunting paw paws on Sunday afternoon but all we found were trees and no fruit. There are many ways Jo reduce home heating costs... adequate insulation is on? of the best. It can save you as much as one-third on your heating bill. Ideally, it's having insulation at least 6" thick in the ceiling and 3Vz" in the walls. Simply adding insulation to your attic is a giant savings step . .. one that you can take yourself. For example, adding just 2 1 /z" to an uninsulated 1,000-square-foot attic floor can save approximately $9B each heating season. The one-time cost of this insulation is about $7O. Even if your attic ]s, insulated at present, bringing it up to 6" is a good investment that can quickly pay for itself. STORM WINDOWS DDfi.l | B Otßa "Electricity is our product ... conserving energy resources is our concern." A class at school has outlined a program to study older people in the community and especially to visit an old folks home. Again this is planned instead of being a spontaneous thing which goes along with family living. As a child, I had a grandmother who lived with us and we knew how older people differed from younger ones without going en masse to a retirement home. Maybe I’ve just become ac customed to life on a farm with all the unexpected happenings that it produces and so feel rebellious toward a regimented life with all its appointments and engagements. \-M Earlier this year we got a new car but somehow acquiring it lacked the excitement of getting our first new car almost lO years ago. At that time, we flew from Lancaster to Detroit, Mich, and even changed planes in Pitt- INSULATE XXX WEATHERSTRIP Make sure you’re not throwing money to the wind through air leaks around windows, vents and doors. Weatherstripping and caulking is another way to plug those heating-dollar leaks .. . add comfort and value to your home! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 27,1973 Farm Women Calendar Saturday, October 27 1:30 p.m. - Farm Women Society 4 meeting, home of Mrs. Robert Garber, Columbia RD2. sburgh. Being served a meal of lobster enroute was also a new experience. We visited my sister in Lansing and then drove straight home. We made the trip of 600 miles in a flat 10 hours. This locally purchased car has even developed little ailments like windows that won’t turn up and when one considers the price, we do expect better performance. However, we don’t plan to advertise the price like one car which I saw in our church parking lot this summer. There, in the middle of the window, was the typed specification sheet listing the total price paid. 1:30 p.m. - Farm Women Society 5, Hershey tour; meet, St, Paul’s parking lot, Manheim. Tuesday. October 30 9 a.m. - Farm Women Society 8, sewing, Lancaster General Hospital. Wednesday, October 31 7:30 p.m. - Farm Women Society 24 meeting, Arlene Sauder, hostess. Thursday, November 1 1 p.m. - Farm Women Society 17 meeting. 1:30 p.m. - Farm Women Society 20 meeting. Saturday, November 3 County Farm Women Con vention. 31