' Specio Narrows, VA Tuesday, October 16 1,376 Head Sold Steers Choice and Fancy; 300 - 400 pounds 70.50 - 73.00; 405 - 500 58.00 - 64.75; 505 • 600 56.00 - 56.75. GoodfSOO - 400 pounds 70.25 - 71.50; 405 - 500 57.50 - 63.00; 505 - 600 55.00 - 56.50. Medium: 300 - 400 pounds 66.00 - 71.00; 405 - 500 54.75 - 61.75; 505 - 600 52.50. Short: 365 - 465 pounds 52.00 - 58.00. Heifers Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 51.50 - 52.25; 405 - 500 48.00 - 51.75; 505 - 600 44.75 - 46.00. Good: 300 - 400 pounds 50.75 - 52.50; 405 - 500 49.25 - 52.00; 505 - 600 43.00 - 46.75. Medium: 300 - 400 pounds 45.00 • 49.25; 405 - 500 45.50 - 49.50. Short: 350 - 450 pounds 42.50 - 45.00. Stauton, VA Tuesday, October 16 1,257 Head Sold Steers Choice and Fancy: 600 - 750 pounds 52.50 - 57.00; 750 - 900 48.75 LET THE SUNSHINE IN WITH... * %Vfc r W». f r*ft. V~ fc , '•» % f V*-'' v r ’ * «* , w ♦ J:*S <?"&, *V J WE'RE INTERESTED IN ECOLOGY! With our completely covered lots and a sun roo with an open peak, ram water does not enter the ba; area and maximum evaporation of animal liquids u obtained An “all-drained” floor system is installed and a curbed fence line keeps manure to be scraped into a liquid pit or a push-off loadir%*syste.m By preventing manure run-off the surroundmg'area r not polluted. Yes, since your urban neighbors and governmen fathers are interested in ecology, we are ready to help you bdild a system that will put you ahead on the pollution problem And, low moisture levels in Solair Systems results in less bacteria action and fewer odors CALEB M. R. D. 1 Drumore Center, Quarryville, Pa. ee PUT YOURSIIF INTO THI FUTURE! SOLAIR SYSTEMS *■* -* fy} ' DISTRIBU • VAN DALE, INC. • VAUGHAN • MADISON SILOS er - 51.75; 900 - 1000 44.00 - 45.75. Good: 500 - 700 pounds 54.00 - 57.25; 705 - 800 47.75 - 52.00; 805 - 1000 45.25 - 49.00. Medium: 500 - 700 pounds 48.00 • 56.00; 705 - 800 47.25 - 49.00. Short: 500 - 650 pounds 51.50. Common: 500-700 pounds 41.00 - 45.00. Abingdon, VA Tuesday. October 16 1,120 Head Sold Steers Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 67.25-68.75; 405 - 500 62.25 - 64.50; 505 - 600 55.60 - 59.00. Good: 300 - 400 pounds 64.50 - 70.50; 405 • 500 60.25 - 64.24; 505 - 600 54.00 - 59.00. Medium: 300-400 pounds 58.25 - 65.50; 405 - 500 53.75 - 60.25; 505 - 600 50.25 - 50.50. Heifers Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 50.00 - 53.75; 405 - 500 53.30 - 54.50; 505 - 600 47.75 - 50.25. Good: 300 - 400 pounds 48.75 - 51.75; 405 - 500 45.00 - 53.50; 505 - 600 45.00 - 45.75. Medium: 300 - 400 pounds 47.25 - 49.25 ; 405 - 500 42.75 - 47.00; 505 - 600 40.00. »•-* If * es No. I’s: 300 - 400 pounds 64.25 • 68.00; 405 - 500 60.25 - 64.50; 505 - 600 52.00 - 57.75. No, 2’s: 300 - 400 pounds 65.00 - 69.00; 405 - 500 58.00 - 62.00; 505 - 600 55.00 - 58,75, No. 3’s: 300 - 400 pounds 65.00; 405 - 500 57.00 - 64.75; 505 - 600 54,75 - 55,25. No. 4’s: 400 - 550 pounds 52.75 - 53.00. Short: 460 pounds 48.50. Heifers No. I's: 300 - 400 pounds 53.25 - 54.50; 405 - 500 51.50 - 54.25 ; 505 - 600 46.75 - 53.50. No. 2’s: 300 - 400 pounds 53.25 - 54.25; 405 - 500 50.50 - 52.00; 505 - 600 47.00 - 53.00. No. 3’s; 300 - 400 pounds 55.25; 405 - 500 45.00 - 51.50; 505 - 600 50.00. No. 4’s: 400 - 500 pounds 44.75 - 52.75. Good and Choice: 300 - 400 pounds 66.75 - 67.00; 405 - 500 57.75 - 66.00; 505 - 600 56.75. Medium; 300 - 400 pounds 62.00 - 62.50. K «V • MECHANIZED FEED LOT SYSTEMS WENGER, INC. Dublin, VA Wednesday, October 17 1,505 Head Sold Steers Tazewell, VA Wednesday, October 17 270 Head Sold Steers SOLAIR COW BAY WITH THE "SUN SENSOR" FEATURES THE FOLLOWING: 1. Storm-and fire-resistant construction 2. Rapid evaporation and dehumidification through “solar thermo” circulation. 3 Engineered for expansion. 4. Designed for either beef or dairy cattle 5 Straight line scrape areas 6 “Quick dry” floor areas. 7. North side ventilation—summer only 8. Three sided wall structure—open South 9 “Jalousie type” Southern roof provides direct sun rays on 80 pe>' cent of floor OPTIONAL 10 “Sun Sensor” control automatically opens and closes optional jalousie roof for maximum winter comfort 11 Complete herd grouping accommodations 12. Automated feed control. Good and Choice; 300 - 400 pounds- 50.25;. 405 • 500 51.25 - 53.25; 505 - 600 49.75. Fredericksburg, VA Wednesday, October 17 1,854 Head Sold Choice and Fancy; 300 - 400 pounds 67.00; 405 - 500 65.00 - 68.00; 505 • 600 59.25 - 68.00. Good: 300 - 400 pcuids 63.25 - 64.00; 405 - 500 63.25 - 66.50; 505 - 600 55.00 - 64.50. Medium: 300 - 400 pounds 47.50 - 48.00; 405 - 500 50.50 - 58.00; 505 - 600 52.50 - 53.00. Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 47.50 - 52.00; 405 - 500 51.00 - 55.25 ; 505 - 600 47.50 - 55.25. Good: 300 - 400 pounds 45.25 - 47.50 ; 405 - 500 48.75 - 57.00; 505 - 600 42.00 - 47.00. Medium: 300 - 400 pounds 39.00 - 40.75; 405 - 500 35.00 - 45.00; 505 - 600 32.00 - 33.00. Richmond, VA Wednesday, October 17 Choice and Fancy; 350 - 400 pounds 62.00 - 62.75; 405 - 500 58.50 • PAMLINE Phone 548-2116 Lancaster Fan Heifers Steers Heifers 964 Head Sold Steers Saturday, October 27 »1973 64.00; 505 • 600 56.50 - 57.00; 605 - 850 46.50 - 51.50. - Good: 300 - 400 pounds 59.00 • 64.25 ; 405 - 500 57.50 - 62.50; 505 - 600 54.00 - 58.75 ; 60S- 830 46.00 - 53.00. Medium; 300 - 400 pounds 57.00 - 64.50; 405 - 500 51.50 • 56.50 ; 505 - 600 50.50 - 55.00 ; 605 - 750 43.50 - 51.00. Short: 300 - 635 pounds 48.00 - 57.50. Heifers Choice and Fancy; 300 - 400 pounds 47.50 - 58.00 ; 405 - 500 50.00 - 59.50; 505 - 600 47.00 - 49.00 ; 605 - 700 53.00 - 61.00. Good: 300 - 400 pounds 46.50 - 50.75; 405 - 500 46.00 - 51.25; 505 - 600 40.00 - 45.00; 605 43.50. Medium .-300 - 400 pounds 46.00 - 50.00; 405 - 500 41.00 - 47.00. Short; 372 pounds 44.00. Marshall, VA Thursday, October 18 1,553 Head Sold Steers Choice and Fancy: 500 - 700 pounds 51.75 - 56.25; 705 - 800 50.75 - 55.75; 805 - 1000 45.00 - 51.25. Good: 500 - 700 pounds 55.25 - 57.25 ; 705 - 800 50.75 - 58.00; 805 - 1000 44.00 - 52.50. Medium: 500 - 700 pounds 45.00 - 56.25; 705 - 800 48.00 - 54.50; 805 - 1000 44.50 - 48.00. Common: 705 - 800 43.00 - 50.50; 805 - 1000 38.25 - 39.50. Heifers Choice and Fancy: 500 - 600 pounds 45.00; 605 - 700 44.75 - 49.50. Good: 500 - 600 pounds 42.50 - 45.75 ; 605 - 700 45.00 - 46.25. Medium: 500 - 600 pounds 38.00 - 40.00; 605 - 700 36.00 - 38.75. Common: 500 - 600 pounds 35.00. Galax, VA Thursday, October 18 430 Head Sold Steers Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 68.00 - 69.50; 405 - 500 60.50 - 68.50; 505 - 600 53.50 - 60.00. Good; 300 - 400 pounds 68.00 - 70.50; 405 - 500 60.00 - 70.50; 505 - 600 51.00 - 58.00. Medium: 300 - 400 pounds 67.00 - 70.50; 405 - 500 58.00 - 65.00. Heifers Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 49.50 - 53.50; 405 - 500 52.00 - 53.50; 505 - 600 46.00 - 50.50. (Continued On Page 12) A MILKMOVER SYSTEM gets you out of the bam sooner-with more money in your pocket! it saves your lugging heavy pails of milk from bam to cooler. • HAS MORE MILK CAPACITY • PERMITS FASTER MILKING • ELIMINATES EXTRA HELP • PROTECTS MILK QUALITY • IS 100% SELF-CLEANING • HAS ELECTRIC CONTROLS • FITS INTO ALL BARNS • EASILY INSTALLED Available thru your local dairy equipment dealer or call the factory collect to arrange for a free demon stration on your farm Manufactured by d/ouq M INDUSTRIES, INC WQHIMSON » o aox aaa. klktoix. mo >ihi Phone 301-398-3451 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers