Hog Prices New Holland Auction Monday, Sept. 24 HOGS: 1246: last Monday’s market. Barrows & Gilts: $1.75 to $2.25 lower. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. 44.25- 45.00; US No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 43.75- 44.25; US No. 2-3 230-260 lbs. 42.75- 44.25; US No. 2-4160-190 lbs. 41.00- 44.25 Sows: US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs 38.00-40.00 Boars; 38.00-39.50 Lancaster Market Monday, Sept. 24 Barrows and gilts 1.00-3.00 lower, instances 3.50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 210-235 lb. 47.00-47.50; US 1-2 200- 240 lb. 45.00-45.50, few early 45.60- 45.85; US 2-3 195-255 lb. 43.50- 44.50. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Sept. 26 Barrows and gilts 50-1.00 lower, instances 2.00 lower on US 1. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1 215-230 lb. 44.75-45.00; US 1-2 200- 240 lb. 44.10-44.35; US 2-3 220-250 lb. 43.75-44.10; couple lots 250-255 lb. 43.10. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 25 349 Hogs Barrows and Gilts $3 to $4 lower, Barrows and Gilts: U.S. 1-3 200 - 230 pounds 42.50 - 43.50; 2-3 185 - 24041.50 -42.50; 2-4165 -195 36.00 - 40.50. Sows: U.S. 1-3 and 2-3 350 - 550 pounds 37.50 - 38.50. Boars: (Few) 31.75 - 34.85. 21 Feeder Pigs Few lots U.S. 1-3 25 - 35 pound feeder pigs 16.00 -19.50 per head. Exclusive patented formula Cargill CIS Controlled Release 4° \ I 130l 30 / \ u. I v CONVENTIONAL 2 J \UREA MOLASSES ui I I '"v \ 1 I \ a2O //CARGILL \ N v 2 I / CONTROLLED X 2 1/ RELEASE CLS \ v UJ I / \ s at/ \ § i \ 5 10 I | X ' § ALL NATURAL PROTEIN" < L - _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 HOURS AFTER FEEDING MILLIGRAMS OF AMMONIA NITROGEN IN 100 MILULETERS OF RUMEN FLUID Chart illustrates the release rate of nitrogen in three of supplements Release rate from Cargill CLS Controlled Release was more like that of an all natural protein supplement than a conventional urea-based liquid supplement ELMER SHREINER, T-A GOOD’S FEED MILL R.D.I, New Providence, Pa. Phone 717-786-2500 CARL J. SMITH TERRITORY MANAGER R.D.I, Box 336 A Myerstown, Pa. 17067 Phone 717-866-5689 0 Nutrena Feeds ® SERVICE YOU CAN RELY ON *Ws*:;:*:sS::m<:k^ Vintage Auction Saturday, Sept. 22 HOGS: Compared with last Saturday’s market. Barrows & Gilts; $1 to $2 lower. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 46.60-47.00, No. 1-3 200- 245 lbs. 45.35-46.35, No. 2-3 195-260 lbs. 44.00-45.35, No. 2-4100-190 lbs. 41.00- Sows: US No. 1-3 350-460 lbs. 40.2542.00. Boars: 40.0041.25 Wednesday, Sept. 26 HOGS 535: Compared with last Wednesday’s market. Barrows & Gilts: $2 to $2.50 lower. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. 44.00- 44.60; US No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 43.00- 44.00 Sows: US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. 37.00- Boars: 35.00-36.00 St. Louis Auction HOGS: 5000. Barrows and gilts steady to 25 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1- 2 200-240 lb. 43.25-43.50; US 1-3 200-250 lb v . 43.00-43.25. Peoria Auction HOGS: 3000. Barrows and gilts opening mostly 1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1- 2 210-240 lb. 43.50-44.00; US 1-3 200-260 lb. 43.00-43.50. Indianapolis Auction HOGS: 2000. Barrows and gilts mostly 25 higher, trading moderately active. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1- 3 including 1-2 200-240 lb. 43.50- 44.00; US 2-3 240-270 lb. 42.50- 43.50. Try A Classified Ad It Pays! New York Dressed Meats Wednesday, September 26 Daily Distributive-Less than Carlot Meat Trade - Compared with Tuesday: Carcass beef prices crowding low quotation; veal and calf steady; lamb generally weak; listed pork cuts mostly $2.00 lower except hams steady. Majority wholesale coolers will be closed in observance of Jewish holidays Thursday and Friday of current week. Meat sellers pushing to accomplish full clearance of rail stocks and happy regarding the short week as dollar return was again on the minus side. Receipts will be small in all divisions for balance of week. Steer Beef Prime 600 - 900 pounds 72.00 - 75.00; Choice 600 - 700 69.50 - 71.00; 700 - 800 68.50 - 70.00; 800 - 900 62.00 - 67.00; Good 500 - 800 69.00 - 71.00. Heifer Beef Choice 500 - 700 pounds 68.00 - 70.00 Calf (Skin Off) 150 - 350 Pounds Choice 110.00 - 112.00; Good 105.00 - 109.00, Standard 98.00 - 102 00. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 90 - 150 122.00 - 125.00; Good 60 - 90 118.00 - 122.00; Standard 60 - 120 100.00 - 110.00. Lamb Choice and Prime: 30 - 55 pounds 67.00 - 70.00 ; 55 - 65 65.00 - 68.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145 - 190 77.00 - 78.00; Arm Chucks 90 - 105 60.00 - 65.00; Ribs (7-Rib) 34 - 40 85.00 - 88.00; Loins (Trmd) 50 - 70 108.00 - 112 00; Rounds (Steer) 70 - 95 76.00 - 79.00; Full Plates 47.00 - 48.00; Hinds (Heifer) 120 - 170 75.00 - 78.00. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (Regular) 8 - 14 pounds 78.00 - 81.00; 14 - 17 76.00 - 80.00; Picnics (Regular) 4 - 8 52.00 - 55.00; Boston Butts 4 - 8 71.00 - 73.00; Spareribs 3 pounds down 72.00 - 75.00; Hams (Skinned) 14 - 17 76.00 - 78.00; 17 - 20 74.00 - 76.00. Days, Rainfall Growing Degree A report from Penn State of weekly crop and weather roundups with a report on weather conditions for the week ending September 24. In Lancaster, the average temperature for the week was 62 degrees, -2 degrees below the normal average for the time of year, weekly high was 81 degrees, low 43 degrees. Growing degree days from April 1 for crops that start at 50- degrees totaled 2973 degrees, or 108 more than normal in an average year. Rainfall for the week totaled .88 inches; rainfall from April 1 totaled 23.03 inches, or -1.11 in ches less than normal. Minerals On Mars Studies of Mars indicate that the planet’s dust consists of min erals that include some 60 per cent silicon dioxide, a concen tration close to the average for earth’s crust SELL * i ~ your BUTCHER J HOGS C^r ] J DIRECT /y Now accepting Hogs on Grade and Yield basis. Ezra W. Martin Co. Garden Spot Quality Meats Call AL SHAFFER At Lancaster Pa 717 397 5113 Evenings (215) 779-3847 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29,1973—; Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, September 27th) October November December January ’74 February 45.92 44.10 March April May June July August October Trend Cattle are Stronger, Hogs are Stronger; Potatoes are Stronger; Eggs are Stronger. a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Securities, Inc Oklahoma City ThursdayTSeptember 27 Estimated Receipts 2,000 Same Day Last Week 11,054 Same Day Last Year 12,610 Fairly active, feeder cattle and calves strong to 1.00 higher, some heifers as much as 3.00 higher; moderate attendance buyers: majority receipts Good and Choice 300-750 pound steers and 300-550 pound heifers. Salable receipts sharply curtailed due to three to four inches of rain in the marketing area. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-400 pound 62.50-70.25, Small lot 317 pound at 78.00; 400-500 60.25- small lot 443 pound at 67.00; 500-600 55.00-60.00; 600-655 48.75-51.80; 700-759 48.75-49.75; few 800-862 44.75-46.90; mixed Good and Choice 300-500 55.00- 61.50; 500-791 45.00-53.25; Good 300-500 51.25-59.00; 500-750 42.00- 48.75. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-400 pound 52.50-57.40; few small lots 170-287 57.50-68.50; 400- 500 50.00-53.90; few 500-532 45.90- 51.20; mixed Good and Choice 300-500 43.00-51.00, small lot 506 pound at 41.25; few Good 375-450 40.25- Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 25 230 Head Cattle Compared with last weeks market, slaughter steers $3 to $5 lower. Slaughter cows $4 to $5 lower. STEERS: Good and Choice 39.50 - 43.60; Standard (few) 38 50 - 39.00. HEIFERS: Good (few) 40 25 - 43.85; Standard (few) 39.00 - 40.00. COWS: Utility and High Dressing Cutter 32.50 - 35.00; Cutters 31.75 - 34.00; Canners 29.50 - 32.00; Shells down to 25.00. BULLOCKS: Good (few) 41.60 - 44.25; (few) yield grade 1-21200 - 1640 pound slaughter bulls 41.10 - 43.75. 210 Head Veal Calves Choice 64.50 - 68.50, Good (few) 60.00 - 62.00; Utility 90 - 120 U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS SHEEP 451.000 1,146,000 160,000 477.000 1,177,000 159,000 501.000 1,280,000 170 000 Week to Date Same Period last week Same Period last year Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Flogs Maine Potatoes 40.55 40.95 43.22 42.62 46.50 42.90 7.49 49.00 47.05 44.15 43.85 46.30 43.35 44.80 41.60 Peoria Cattle Receipts This Week 4100, Last Week 5200, and Last Year 3900. Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers mostly 3.00- lower. Slaughter heifers 4.00- lower. Cows 3.00-5.00 lower. Bulls 4.00-5.00 lower. Receipts mostly Choice 1000-1200 pound slaughter steers, and Choice 800-950 pound slaughter heifers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 1150-1270 pounds 3-4, 37.00-40.00. Choice 900-1150 2-4, closed 38.50-40.50/ load 1050 pounds 2-3, 40.75 with few to 41.00; near three loads Monday 43.00, early. Choice 1150- 1270 3-4, 37.00-38.50; load 1190 pounds 38.75. Three loads average to high Choice 1265-1335 4-5, 33.00-33.50. Mixed Good and Choice 900-1200 37.00-38.50. Good 36.00- Monday, load Stan dard and Good Holsteins 38.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Load Choice and Prime 975 pounds 3-5,38.00. Choice 800-950 2- 4, 37.50-39.25. Half load high Choice 970 pounds 39.50; Monday, several loads reached 40.00. Part load Choice and Prime 1050 pounds 5, 32.00. Mixed Good and Choice 750-1000 36.50-37.50. Good 35.00- COWS: Utility and Commencal 30.00-32.00. Cutter 28.00-30.00. Canner 25.00-28.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2, 1100- 1700 pounds 35.00-41 50. pounds 53.00 - 56.00 ; 70 - 85 43.00 - 49.50. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 70 - 90 pounds 52.00 - 60.00; 90 - 140 60.00 - 84.00; Holstein heifers 70 - 90 55.00 - 60.00; 90 -140 75.00 - 89.00. Choice (few) 80 - 110 pound spring slaughter lambs 31 00 - 32.00; Good 40 - 80 27.00 - 33.00 Isn’t it interesting the way carts have taken the place of caddies on the golf course 7 Let’s face it, the carts have three big advan tages they don’t cost, they don’t criticize, and they don’t count Chicago Fresh Eggs 58.40 5.47 58.75 59.25 53.65 52.25 7.13 50.95 8.50 Thursday, September 27 30 Head Sheep Replaced By A Cart? 3
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