18—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29, 1973 Community Night Observed by Fulton Grange 66 observed Community Night at the Grange Hall in Oakryn September 24 by holding a covered dish supper. A bountiful repast was enjoyed by the Grangers and guests. Following the meal Miss Diane Risk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Risk, Quarryville RD2, showed colored slides and told about her five week visit in Brazil last July and August on the Lions Club student exchange program. She explained the cultural, geographical, social and economic background of the country and the home life of the people there. She also displayed some souvenirs she brought home with her. The Lecturer, Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Jr, passed around the centennial guessing box. The contents, 100 tea bags, was guessed by Mrs. Paul Risk and she received the box. The Master, Richard Holloway, GOOD CALF GROWTH PAYS OFF WHEN HEIFERS START MILKING Good solid calf growth can be put on fast at low cost. And it can pay off in early freshening and good produc tion right from'the first lactation. Many dairy men have proved to themselves that the Purina Calf Growing Program can help develop heifers that freshen between 22 and 24 months and repay their growing costs in the early months of lactation. Here's the Purina Calf Growing Program: First 3 days—Colostrum 4 days thru 4 or 5 weeks—Purina Nursing Chow®—a milk-base milk replacer fortified with vitamins and minerals. 4 days thru 2 months—Purina Calf Startena®—a pal atable calf ration with a research-proved energy protein balance for good calf growth. 3 thru 6 months—Purina Calf Growena®—a 16% ration that provides a high palatable level of protein that fast growth demands. Calf Growena is fortified with vitamins and minerals. At end of 2 months—Good quality hay free-choice. Prove to yourself that it can pay to grow calves on the Purina program. Stop in and talk to us—at the sign of the familiar red and white Checkerboard. John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph: 442-4632 Paradise West Willow Farmers Mf , _ . ..... . . Assn., Inc. Wen 9 er s feed Ml# lnC - Ph: 464-3431 Ph: 367-1195 West Willow Rheems Ira B. Landis Ph; 665 3248 Box 276, Manheim RD3 conducted the business session. The Grange went on record in favor of building the proposed new Pennsylvania Farm Show Building in Harrisburg. The Youth committee chair man, Clifford Holloway 111, announced that the Grange float in the Southern Lancaster County Community Fair parade Sep tember 21 won first place in the best appearing farm group category. It depicted the 100th anniversary of Fulton Grange which will occur January 4,1974. The youth committee will sponsor a hayride October 6, leaving the farm of Clifford Holloway Jr., near Wakefield, at 8 p.m. and refreshments will be served upon their return. The Women’s Activities committee of Fulton Grange will have a food stand at the Owen Groff sale October 6 and the Pomona Women’s Activities committee will have a food stand James High & Sons Ph: 354-0301 Gordonville John B. Kurtz Ph: 354-9251 R D. 3,Ephrata Fulton Grange at the Robert Armstrong sale October 20. Girl Scout Troop 905 and Brownie Troop 1130 will be meeting at the Grange Hall Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Lancaster County Pomona Grange will meet at the White Horse Fire Hall October 20 at 8 p.m. as guests of Salisbury Grange. The Pennsylvania State Grange will meet in Reading October 22 - 25. A centennial banquet is scheduled for October 23, fifth and sixth degrees will be conferred October 24 and a centennial pageant will be presented October 25. Many Lancaster County Grangers will be attending the session. An installing team from Fulton Grange will install the officers of four Harford County, Maryland, Granges October 3 at 8 p.m. at the Dublin Grange Hall. The newly elected Grange officers will be installed at the next meeting of Fulton Grange October 8. Mrs. Charles McSparran XXX Researchers at the University of Chicago and at the Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) have developed a new disposable artificial kidney (dialyzer) that can perform at a rate 30 percent faster than other artificial kid neys now in use. Products available from your local FEED and FARM SUPPLY DEALER serviced by INDIVIDUAL CALF STALLS This is the successful stall for raising calves in environmental controlled barns. Veal Dairy Beef Herd Replacements. Stall size -r inside 22 x 48; outside 22 Advantages of the Fiey elevated calf stalls - Reduced labor, Eliminating bedding, Controlled feeding, Lowering cost per calf, Reduce Calf losses, Cut stall upkeep to a minimum, Healthier calves In short, better management, Increased profits. FREY BROS. R.D. 2 QUARRYVILLE, PA. * Book Cows Cited Milk and butterfat production levels established by Registered Holstein cows in the herd of Roy H. and Ruth H. Book, Roaring Maples, Ronks RDI, have been reported by Holstein-Friesian No Zigzag Association of America. The zigzag paths of light- Cows recognized for their ning such as often appear in PVfPnHnnal f™d nrnducine abil- drawings are the result of the exceptional tooa producing aou artist’s imagination, Lightning ity are: actually curves, twists. Roaring Maples Ivanhoe Conn- branches like tree limbs and ie, age 9 years 2 months, 17,060 meanders aimlessly, but does pounds of milk, 733 pounds not turn in acute angles or butterfat, 4.3 percent fat, 1,474 zigzag. Takethe Guesswork Out of Worming Cattle Don't Guess What Worms —TRAMISOL controls all 9 major stomach, intestinal, and lungworms. Don’t Guess How Much-Dosage is based take time on body weight only—eliminates guessing about how many and what kind of worms OISERVE ÜBEI DfKCriOHS are present WHY NOT ORDER YOURS TODAY Tramisor gets them all AH the warmer you'll ever need. , AVAILABLE FROM YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIER PHONE 717-786-2146 pounds SNF (solids not fat) 8.6 percent SNF, in 339 days; Roaring-Maples Jerry Jill, 5-7, 19,790 pounds milk, 700 pounds butterfat, 3.5 percent fat, 1,631 pounds SNF, 3.2 percent SNF, in 303 days. ■fßlilfwl If vjrmsolf, HCJ Cattle Wormer OBLETS: 15 GM. . T 1 SOLUBLE 1 DRENCH POWDER I