Special Feeder Calf Sales Galax, VA Friday, September 14 263 Head Sold Heifers Good and Choice 500 - 700 pounds 49.60 - 51.00; 700 - 800 48.00 - 49.00. Medium: 500 - 700 pounds 45.90 - 48.90; 700 - 800 41.00 - 43.00. Common: 500 -700 pounds 35.00 - 43.00. sustain top production with the BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up...cost* do wn... is the profit key In poultry operations. And more and more records on commercial flocks of Babcock B-300’s...“The Busi nessman’s Bird”...showsus tained production of top quality eggs...often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains. Come 1n... lookatthe records and the B-300 .. ."The Businessman’s Bird”. BABCOCK FARMS, INC Telephone (717)626-8257 Telephone (717) 626-8561 The John Deere 300 Husker features a unique air system which helps provide greater husking capacity and fast, clean harvest. Two air blasts a 3,000- cubic-foot-per-minute airstream through the first elevator and a 3,000-cfm blast above the husking bed—remove some husks, loosen others, and blow trash away from the husking bed. With trash blown away and husks already loosened, the husking rolls can perform at peak efficiency, removing the few husks which remain attached to the ears. This is the reason a John Deere 300 Husker can pick and husk up to three narrow rows at high speed. See your dealer for more details. LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. Tho Buck Ewing, VA Tuesday, September 18 607 Head Sold Choice: Under 500 pounds 63.00 ; 500 - 600 57.00 - 59.00; 600 - 70055.00-57.00; 700-800 53.50; 800 - 900 50.50 - 50.75; 900 - 1000 49.50; over 1000 46.00, Good: Under 500 pounds 60.00 - 66.00; 500 - 600 55.50 - 59.00; 600 - 70052.00- 53.75; 700-800 50.00; 800 - 900 48.25; 900 - 1000 47.25 - 48.50. Medium: Under 500 pounds 58.75 - 63.75; 500 - 600 54.00 - 59.75; 600 - 700 50.00 - 54.00; 700 - 800 48.00 - 50.00; 800 - 900 45.75. Common: Under 500 pounds 57.00; 500 - 600 52.75 - 58.25; 600 - 700 46.75 - 53.25; 700 - 800 44.25 - 46.25 ; 800 - 900 42.00 - 43.25. Abingdon, VA Tuesday, September 18 999 Head Sold Steers Choice: 500 • 700 pounds 56.50- 57.50; 700 - 800 53.40 - 55.10; 800 - 1000 46.80 - 52.10. Good: 500 - 700 pounds 55.00 - 58.25; 700 - 800 50.25 - 53.00; 800 - 1000 45.00 - 50.25. Medium: 500 - 700 pounds 51.50 - 55.70 ; 700 - 800 48.00 - 49.50; 800 - 1000 43.00 - 45.00. Common: 500 - 700 pounds 45.00 - 53.75; 700 - 800 44.90 ; 800 - 1000 40.00 - 44.20. Harrisonburg, VA Tuesday. September 18 688 Head Sold Steers Choice and Fancy: 575 - 700 pounds 59.25 - 62.25 ; 705 - 800 55.00 - 58.75; 805 -950 46.50 - 53.50; 1000 - 1050 44.25 - 45.50. Good: 550 - 700 pounds 56.00 - 63.50; 750 - 850 49.00 - 56.00; 855 - 1050 46.00 - 48.00. Medium: 500 - 700 pounds 50.00 - 59.00. Short; 575 - 800 pounds 48.50 - 54.00. The only Republican presi dential and vice-presidential team to have been elected twice consisted of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nix on. Cup moss, a lichen, is a sta ple food of the natives of the Middle East and may have been the manna mentioned in the Bible. Unique air system provides greater husking capacity with a John Deere 300 Husker ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. 393-3906 Mohnton, RD2, Pa. 19540 (near Adamstown) Phone (215) 484-4391. 284-4141 Steers + + + Twice Elected Manna? Ephrata Fair Schedule Tuesday, September 25 5:30 p.m. - Adult Tractor Driving Contest 8 p.m. - Pig Chase Wednesday, September 26 10 a.m. - Poultry Judging 2 p.m. - Cloister FFA Tractor Driving Contest 4:30 p.m. - Sheep Show Judging 7 p.m. - Parade Thursday, September 27 4:30 p.m. - Swine Show Judging 7:30 p.m. - FFA and 4-H Baby Beef Judging Friday, September 28 7 p.m. - Cow Milking Contest 7:30 p.m. - Junior Dairy Cattle Show Judging Saturday. September 29 9:30 a.m. - Hog Sale 10 a.m. - Area FFA Tractor Driving Contest 2 p.m. - Baby Parade 8 p.m. - Miss Lancaster County Scholarship Pageant Lampeter Fair Schedule Wednesday, September 26 1 p.m. - Swine Show 1 p.m. -- Judging of Exhibits 5:30 p.m. - Pet Show 7 p.m. - Baby Beef Show 8:30 p.m. - Little Pig Race 8:45 p.m. - Lawn and Garden Tractor Games Thursday, September 27 - Judging Dairy Cattle 1 p.m Exhibits 6:30 p.m. - Baby Parade (Rain Date, 10 a.ra. Friday) 7:30 pm. - Talent Contest 8:30 p.m. - Queen Contest 9:15 p.m. - Livestock Parade Friday, September 28 2 p.m. - All Western Horse Show 6:30 p.m. - Calf Roping Contest 7 p.m. - All Western Horse Show 8 p.m. - FFA Fat Hog Con signment Sale yJOHN DEERE J SHOTZBERGER'S Kim A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS Don’t assume wc know about your farm organization’s meeting To get your meeting on our Farm Calendar, it’s safer to assume we don’t know Remind us by calling 394-3047 or 626-2191 or by writing to Doncaster Farming. 22 E Main St , Lititz, Pa 17543 You’ll be helping us to serve you better P S If vou’re not sure you told us already, we don’t mind hearing from vou again Ist Prize Dutch Craft IS'A ft recreational Travel Trailer, with shower, refrigerator, oven, built-in cabinets and furniture, and more 1 Tough over the road vehicle Ideal for family or club 2nd Prize 12 hp Wheel Horse Tractor, with mower attachment 3rd Prize 19" GE Color TV 4th Prize 10" GE Color TV sth Prize 5" GE black & white TV with digital clock 6th-10 Prizes Kodak X-45 Movie Camera WALTER BINKLEY & SON MARTIN'S FEED MILL L,tltz Ephrata, Pa. BROWN & REA, INC. ELVERSON SUPPLY CO. HENRY E. GARBER Elizabethtown, Pa E. MUSSER HEISEY & SON R D 2, Mt Joy, Pa HEISTAND BROS. Elizabethtown DAVID 6. HURST (565-2141 154-4191 696-2990 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 22,1973—* Help Us Serve You WinalSJ/ift DutchCrafft Travel Trailer! AI2HP Wheel Horse Tractor! fcr 98 other prizes.) V -A *r~~ Atglen Elverson Bowmansville H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. 11th—15th Prizes Bushnell 7 power 35 mm all-purpose binoculars 21st-50th Prizes West Bend 25-cup Party Perculator 51st-100th Prizes One gallon Coleman Camping Jug Win the Red Rose Superdog Bonanza Entry blanks, prize lists and rules on Red Rose Dog Food bags No purchase necessary Void where prohibited Ail prizes will be awarded Red Rose DOG FOOD G, R. MITCHELL, INC. Refton. Pa MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE Mountville MUSSER FARMS, INC. Columbia RED ROSE FARM SERVICE, INC. N Church St , Quarryvilie CHAS. E. SAUDER A SONS Terre Hill Wilmer ■a
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